To me, the Man in the Photo is not Nagorny, but instead Alexeis other " Saylornanny" Derevenko !!!!
There are not many Photos of Nagorny, but many with Derevenko, so you can compare.
Nagorny was, as far as I know, taller and slimmer...
many Greetings
Interesting guinevere ! I'll have to look into this. You could be right. They are often confused. Yet this photo was in an article Gilliard wrote and he seemed quite involved in providing the illustrations. Certainly Derevenko would not be inculded in a thread of Royal Retinue Heroes !
I got a copy of The Private world of the Last Tsar today and thanks to you, Nicola, I know the cover photo is printed backwards! Nicholas's medal is on the wrong side! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
An extremely old thread, but just to revisit & revise:
The top photo IS Nagorny. The full photo shows a man much leaner than Derevenko was in 1916, when the photo was taken. Other photos taken at the same time show Nagorny was there, and not wearing his hat. The ears, chin, lips, eyes, nose, etc. all match Nagorny's in his cabinet photo...
The middle photo is Derevenko.
The bottom photo is NOT Nagorny, but possibly the sailor named Zimonin. He matches NO other photos confirmed to be Nagorny.