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Messages - Queen_Missy

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The Hohenzollern / Letters from Ella to Wilhelm
« on: August 01, 2017, 07:12:13 AM »
Here are all the letters I found from Ella to Wilhelm in chronological order, a few more than I posted before:

November 22 1870
Dear Willy,
Victoria and Irene and I are all very well and Grosmama and Grospapa too. Is Mama better? And Baby? How is your Mama and baby Sophie? Our best wishes for her birthday. We heard of Papa’s getting the Iron Cross and were very glad. I hope you and Harry are well. I have the shell you gave me. Good-bye,
Your loving cousin Ella

January 24, 1873
Dear Willy,
I hope you get this for the 27th. Many happy returns. I send you a little drawing I did which I thought you would like. Mama and Papa and sisters send their love and best wishes for your birthday.
Your loving cousin Ella

February 1876
Dearest Willy,
Thank you for your dear letter and the book and flower. I hope your leg is better. The little bird is very pretty. I hope we will see you and Harry soon again. We are all very well. Mama and Papa and Sisters all send their love and many kisses XXX
Your very loving cousin, Ella

December 15 1877
Dearest Willy,
We are here in Potsdam and we miss you and Harry very much. Yesterday we got the new volume about Grandpapa, Mama and your Mama have taken turns reading aloud from it. I remember you telling your memory of him and how I wish we could have known him. We shall be very glad to have you coming again after not seeing you the last months. The little ones are rushing about and playing and making such noise I cannot write more. Little May runs about waving her arms like she wants to fly. All send their love and many kisses XXX
I miss You.
Your very loving cousin Ella

March 15 1878
Dearest Willy,
Thank you for the book I just received. I was sorry you had stopped just at that spot and wished for you to go on. I shall read it myself now and enjoy it very much. But did Harry get to hear it? It was Grandmama’s present for him, I shall send it back if he has not tho I do not like to have to do so.
I send you what I was painting – tho’ it is not half so good and pretty as I should have liked. My foot is much better and I was up a little today. Mama says Grosmama is much better.
In three weeks it will be 3 years since – you remember in April 75?
Your very loving cousin, Ella

April 7 1878
Darling Willy,
I found what you left in the book and it is so sweet – I must write to you tho I do not have much to say and we only said good-bye two hours ago. Yes in 73 is when – I don’t know if I should write it here –I shall just say that I would be able to say the same as you did in your note, as much as a child could, since I was only 8 then. I think of the Hothouse – of M 9th & of the 5th & the 5th 3 years ago – when you first said something and the first
XXX Your Loving Ella

April 20 1878
Darling Willy,
You come this time on Mama’s birthday I think?  So you will be here 4 days this time and 2 times this month. Mama has not been well again, I hope she will be better soon. We shall not have the things like last year as Mama is not well. I got your poem - it is very sweet. I send you a flower from the back of the H- - h - - -e – you know where.
I miss you. A loving k- - -, your Ella

The Hohenzollern / Re: Kaiser Wilhelm II, Part 2
« on: July 30, 2017, 03:32:42 PM »
February 1876
Dearest Willy,
Thank you for your dear letter and the book and flower. I hope your leg is better. The little bird is very pretty. I hope we will see you and Harry soon again. We are all very well. Mama and Papa and Sisters all send their love and many kisses XXX
Your very loving cousin, Ella

March 15 1878
Dearest Willy,
Thank you for the book I just received. I was sorry you had stopped just at that spot and wished for you to go on. I shall read it myself now and enjoy it very much. But did Harry get to hear it? It was Grandmama’s present for him, I shall send it back if he has not tho I do not like to have to do so.

I send you what I was painting – tho’ it is not half so good and pretty as I should have liked. My foot is much better and I was up a little today. Mama says Grosmama is much better.

In three weeks it will be 3 years since – you remember in April 75?
Your very loving cousin, Ella

April 7 1878
Darling Willy,
I found what you left in the book and it is so sweet – I must write to you tho I do not have much to say and we only said good-bye two hours ago. Yes in 73 is when – I don’t know if I should write it here –I shall just say that I would be able to say the same as you did in your note, as much as a child could, since I was only 8 then. I think of Hothouse – of M 9th & of the 5th & the 5th 3 years ago – when you first said something and the first
XXX Your Loving Ella

February 1876
Dearest Willy,
Thank you for your dear letter and the book and flower. I hope your leg is better. The little bird is very pretty. I hope we will see you and Harry soon again. We are all very well. Mama and Papa and Sisters all send their love and many kisses XXX
Your very loving cousin, Ella

March 15 1878
Dearest Willy,
Thank you for the book I just received. I was sorry you had stopped just at that spot and wished for you to go on. I shall read it myself now and enjoy it very much. But did Harry get to hear it? It was Grandmama’s present for him, I shall send it back if he has not tho I do not like to have to do so.

I send you what I was painting – tho’ it is not half so good and pretty as I should have liked. My foot is much better and I was up a little today. Mama says Grosmama is much better.

In three weeks it will be 3 years since – you remember in April 75?
Your very loving cousin, Ella

April 7 1878
Darling Willy,
I found what you left in the book and it is so sweet – I must write to you tho I do not have much to say and we only said good-bye two hours ago. Yes in 73 is when – I don’t know if I should write it here –I shall just say that I would be able to say the same as you did in your note, as much as a child could, since I was only 8 then. I think of Hothouse – of M 9th & of the 5th & the 5th 3 years ago – when you first said something and the first
XXX Your Loving Ella

Does anyone know who Dmitri's godparents were? and his sister Maria's too for that matter - besides Serge and Dagmar.

Does anyone have pictures of the children of Marie de Grancy who was a lady in waiting to Alice? I am especially looking for pictures of her youngest son.

The Windsors / Re: Duke and Duchess of Gloucester & Family
« on: January 18, 2017, 04:47:29 PM »
Has anyone else noticed the resemblance between Duchess of Gloucester - Alice Montague - and Anastasia Nikolaevna?
 <div class="tumblr-post" data-href="<a href=""></a></div>

And the resemblance of her husband Henry to Kaiser Wilhelm II - look at pictures of them compared to each other. I cannot see him without thinking "Wilhelm!". Where would he get those genetics? - Their related on Queen Victoria's side of the family but Wilhelm gets that look from Fritz right? and also his name - Henry William Frederick Albert - and he's said to be named after Wilhelm and Henry of Prussia.

This is Henry of Gloucester:
And Wilhelm's son Joachim:
The eyes - and other things look so much alike.

Has anyone else noticed the resemblance between Anastasia and Duchess of Gloucester - Alice Montague?
 <div class="tumblr-post" data-href="<a href=""></a></div>

Alexandra Feodorovna / Re: Correspondence, Diaries, Journals and Her Bible
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:40:07 PM »
I have found Alix's letter to Queen Victoria written after her father's death in German and in Russian: in Alexandra - die letzte Zarin - and in Elisabeth Heresh's book - does anyone have the English original?

From Heresh's book
Letter from Alix to Queen Victoria, 18.3.1892, RAZ 174/23.

"«…я едва могу писать, чувствую себя совершенно разбитой. Эта невосполнимая потеря кажется мне почти невыносимой, неизвестно, как жить дальше тому, у кого отняли солнечный свет. И все же надо набраться мужества и попытаться быть, как Он, и делать то, чего желал бы Он. О, как ужасно[38] мы за ним скучаем, с каждым днем все сильнее. (…) Для меня никогда не было большего ангела, такого хорошего, такого любезного, доброго, любимого. Он был всем для меня, и чем больше мы оба бывали вместе, тем ближе я ему становилась, и все же мы не смогли его уберечь. (…) Но мы должны смириться с этой утратой, ибо я уверена, что наш небесный отец не взял бы его от нас, если бы не хотел избавить от дальнейших страданий на земле (…)

Бедный милый Эрни так неожиданно оказался в таком положении[39], какая большая ответственность легла на его молодые плечи. Он такой мужественный и дельный, милый парень. Ему я теперь должна пожертвовать всю себя и попытаться помочь, насколько это в моих силах, и я уверена, что Ты, любимая бабушка, всегда готова даровать ему совет и любовь, когда в том будет необходимость…»"

Books I'd like to see (not necessarily Romanov but Royal)
A biography of Ludwig IV of Hesse - Alix & Ella's father & son-in-law of Queen Victoria
Letters of Vicky & Fritz - both for themselves & as Wilhelm's parents

The Hohenzollern / Re: NEW LETTERS about Wilhelm II and Ella
« on: October 05, 2016, 10:24:07 PM »
That picture is taken in 1908. The boy is Dickie of Battenberg - Victoria and Louis of Battenberg's youngest son.

Doesn't Ella look... different in that picture? I thought it could be Alix too at first - but I thought that because she looks pregnant.

The Hohenzollern / Re: NEW LETTERS about Wilhelm II and Ella
« on: October 04, 2016, 10:07:48 AM »
When I first saw that film I thought the lady who he was leading to a seat and then leaning down to talk to was Alix - but then I watched Her more closely - she's talking very animatedly and when he comes back over and leans toward her it looks like she probably called him over. I asked already what was being said and it's not really about that particular film - just reading from Nicholas II's diary. I thought it probably wasn't Alix after a while and just how he's doting over her - that's what it looks like to me - made me think it was probably Ella.

Have you ever seen this picture of Ella?

The Hohenzollern / Re: NEW LETTERS about Wilhelm II and Ella
« on: October 03, 2016, 12:45:37 PM »
(Answering Joellegirl when I say "you" etc.)

Yes, when the family was sick, Ella was sent away to stay with her German grandmother “Princess C of H”.

You say you think there was more to the Willy/Ella relationship. I do too. I’ve been researching it a good deal lately. I too think it was not one-sided. I also saw a letter from when Ella was 10 – it seemed Vicky was not always completely against it – it was from when Willy first said he was in love with Ella and Vicky was writing to the Queen and she said “I think she likes him – as a girl of her age might – and I suppose I should be a just judge of that.” Vicky was 10 when Fritz was at the Great Exhibition etc.

Yes, there is much we don’t know of. But the information exists, but is not allowed to be released yet. So many closed archives still.
I have read a lot about Wilhelm and am certainly more sympathetic than I used to be…

You said “this could be one of the reasons behind all the negativity towards Willy from Ella herself” etc.

I had asked elsewhere on the forums: “About Ella and Wilhelm II - has anyone seen any letters she wrote about him?? Everyone seems to say that she did not return his feelings at all - but have we seen anything FROM her?”

Is there really much negativity from her? I know about Alix and others. But from things I’ve read and really tried to see the meaning behind – and the things I’ve seen in this collection that are not released yet – it seems she may have really loved him all her life. I’m not saying she approved of things he did.

I think it was when Willy proposed to her.

Another letter I found interesting was this: from John Rohl’s “Young Wilhelm”, page 874
‘At the end of 1879 the Crown Prince declared that he was “very shocked” to discover that Charlotte knew everything about the “previous events in Darmstadt.” In a conversation with her about Ella and Alice it had become clear to him, he wrote to the Crown Princess, that “Charlotte know about all those earlier details which gave us both so many wretched hours, that she had even read letters which she said were in Lenchen's possession. I don't yet know exactly how she came by all she knows, but it seems that, apart from what you told her, she was also given further details in England! I made her promise faithfully to keep this knowledge to herself, and never to let a word of it pass her lips.’

Knowing Charley’s reputation who knows what she knew…

And one other thing. In the documentary Hosts of White Duchesses - on Frozentears
23:30-50 - is that Ella and Wilhelm?

The Hohenzollern / Re: NEW LETTERS about Wilhelm II and Ella
« on: October 02, 2016, 01:40:50 AM »
If you read the second letter, it sounds very like other letters Queen Victoria wrote about births - "had a very easy time"... "Only lasted about 4 hours" etc. - but the owner of the letters (who's name I am not allowed to disclose at this time) said this letter was about Ella. When I read it it sounds like it could be - "Princess C of H" would be Ludwig IV's mother - E would be Ella - "Poor A" "distressed that she could not be with E during this time" would be Alice - it is at the end of 1878 when the rest of the family was sick - Ella hadn't been told of May "her little sister"'s death. "it is 2" - Twins??

 :o Could it be that... Wilhelm got Ella pregnant when she was 13?!

The Hohenzollern / NEW LETTERS about Wilhelm II and Ella
« on: September 30, 2016, 03:45:53 PM »
Here are some privately held letters - which I have been given permission to share these extracts of here - from Queen Victoria to Vicky (Crown Princess of Prussia/later Empress Frederick). They are kept together as if about the same subject.

September 1878
Willy’s visit has gone well – that subject was not mentioned at all until the last day (day before he left), when he asked to see me privately and confessed everything that happened and seemed overcome and burst into tears. He said he did not know how he would face Alice and Louis at the maneuvers next month. I only bring this up again because I wished you to know how he felt about it all and that he felt what he had done was wrong and that he understood that he himself had quite spoiled his chances (which may – later - have been reconsidered otherwise) since you said he acted so strange and cold and stony about it all to both of you when you attempted to speak to him about it.

December 2 1878
I heard from Princess C of H that all has gone quite well and that E had quite an easy time and feels quite strong. She said everything lasted only about 4 hours and that it is 2. But E has not been told of her poor little sister’s death. I just received poor A’s telegram – distressed that she could not be with E during this time. You will no doubt have heard from them both before you receive this.

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