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Messages - Marlene

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The Hesse-Darmstadts (Hesse and by Rhine) / Re: Books on the Hesse Royals
« on: January 11, 2018, 02:17:50 PM »
my review

"Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine in Italy - 1893"
Author: Petra H. Kleinpenning
ISBN number of print edition: 9789402157499 (60 pages, paperback)
ISBN number of e-book edition: 9789402159035 (EPUB format)
Publisher: Brave New Books

"In the spring of 1893, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and by Rhine and his younger sister Princess Alix, the future wife of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, went on a holiday to the Italian cities of Florence and Venice. They admired works of art in museums and churches, rode through the parks of Florence and the surrounding hills, and enjoyed gondola rides on the canals and in the lagoon of Venice. They also spent time with relatives, including Queen Victoria, Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg, and Count and Countess Gustav of Erbach-Schönberg. The many beautiful things they saw and the relaxed family gatherings they held made memories which they cherished for many years. This publication provides a simple day-to-day summary of their trip based on information from archival documents, contemporary newspapers, letters, memoirs and diaries."

Does anybody know,has Marie Valerie inherited anything from her father after his death?He recognized her as his daughter before he died,so I assume he left something in his will to her...or did everything went to his sisters after his death?

No.  I was the first person to write about Valerie Marie in my book, Queen Victoria's Descendants, where you will find the most details about her life.  Albert never met Valerie Marie

This is Henriette not Carmo

Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Tsarina Olga!?!?
« on: July 15, 2014, 08:47:56 PM »
Olga and her sisters were very immature.  She and Carol could not even make conversation during their dinner in Constantza.  He was worldly. She was sheltered. 

Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Tsarina Olga!?!?
« on: July 15, 2014, 04:55:12 PM »

Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Tsarina Olga!?!?
« on: July 15, 2014, 02:00:42 PM »
Many times, reports were based on what was being said in St Petersburg or reported in local press. 
Maria, I agree with you on all points!

I just love when a so-called "journalist" makes half-hearted attempt to dodge responsibility by using a phrase like "The Czar is said to have". Who said exactly? Far as I can tell this writer created the suggestion out of thin air or is just being lazy and repeating dubious sources that they're passing off as fact. "Is said to have" is a journalists manufactured 'get out of jail free' card. Muddying up the language just enough that they can always defend themselves with a feeble, "well I never said who, or suggested it was fact", while readers are led astray.

Honestly I'd love to read the full length article. My guess is that we've only just begun to uncover the inconsistencies and blatant lies put forth here.

History, while completely unpredictable in 1908, proved that Nicholas did indeed prefer his brother Michael as the most suitable option for replacement. Skipping over his own son, who was very much alive in March of 1917. I don't get the sense that Olga or any female member of the Romanov line was ever under consideration. Personally I wish she was, Pauline Laws notwithstanding. Not only was she gifted, charming and capable (at least in what would likely be a reduced role), but placing the crown upon the head of Olga would have at the very least kept it out of the hands of the Vladimirovich.

Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Tsarina Olga!?!?
« on: July 15, 2014, 01:59:25 PM »
Thanks.   I don't publish old articles.  I use them as the basis for what happened on a certain day, quoting from them, yes, also adding information, sometimes correcting information.  Just remember, women did have the right to succeed in Russia and in Austria, after all the men.  In the case of Russia, it is certainly made clear in the Fundamental Laws. Canadian historian Carolyn Harris wrote an excellent scholarly article
"The Succession Prospects of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna (1895-1918) published in the June 2012
Canadian Slavonic Papers.   It is online but not for free.   You can pay by paypal for it from the publisher or if you have ILL you can order it and get it free from your library.

 I was reading through Marlene Eilers Koenig's blog Royal Musings (fantastic blog!!!!) and she published an old article from the New York Journal in 1896 that stated rumors of Franz Joseph telegramming Emperor Wilhelm about changing the line of succession to the Austro-Hungarian throne and name his daughter Archduchess Marie Valerie as his heir instead of Franz Ferdinand and that an announcement was "soon".  

Now of course as we all know it didn't happen and was probably just crazy gossip but I was wondering if any newspaper ever wrote such a thing with Olga? Was there ever publication of rumor that Nicholas considered changing the line of succession that could make Olga Tsarina?

Thank you both!

I need to ad that as a person from the Czech republic I am unable to buy or borrow the books here. So any reccomended literature should be possible to find on Amazon. Or if anyone would have a copy to spare, I´d be happy to purchase from you. Or if case you would decide to trust me and postal services, perhaps I could just borrow?


Any idea is "Queen Victoria's Grandchildren" by Lance Salway would be any good? What about "Queen Victoria's Granddaughters 1860-1918" by Christina Croft?

I would not recommend Salway's book at all.  He used a lot of material, even lifted a photo from my book for his book.   Doesn't your university use Interlibrary loan?

The movie is being filmed in Belgrade, many of the cast and crew have been staying at the Hyatt ... had drinks with several crew members, and was in the hot tub at the same time as 2 of stuntmen.   A week ago Sat now, we were getting ready to get on the bus for the ride to Topola as a part of the cortege, a police escort with the movie camera shooting was in front of us and our police escort got behind them ... I might be in the movie :)

Mitzi is a nickname.  She is referred to as HRH Princess Eva Maria.    It was in the UK and other places where olga was known as HRH Princess Paul, just as her mother was Princess Nicholas, following the German tradition of styled by the husband's name. 
I mean in the usual royal sense. Remember Princess Olga od Greece was referred to as Princess Paul of Yugoslavia in several books.  That is the European way that did not apply in Serbia/Yugoslavia. So her title in Serbia would have been Princess Eva Marija Mitzi then.

Balkan Royal Families / Re: King Mihai of Romania and his family
« on: May 16, 2013, 04:36:32 PM »

Simeon of Bulgaria has returned to his country;  and although not former monarchs - Maria Vladimirovna lives in Russia and Alexander of Serbia lives there now.  And Leka of Albania (now deceased) and his son, Leka, are there now;  also, Zog was recently reburied in his homeland.


Although Maria and George visit Russia (and George works for a Russian company,) Maria's main residence is in Spain and George lives in Brussels.


I doubt she will be at the funeral.  She was King Peter's mistress during the final years of his life, and provided false details to Denver authorities after his death.

However, I will be there, having received an invitation from Crown Prince Alexander.

Is his wife still alive ?

His wife,or should I say his widow Princess Eva-Marija is still alive...She is living in US and is not in good terms with the rest of the family:

Even if his remains are ashes they will be placed in a coffin? Cause i read he was cremated.

Andrej was first buried in the cemetery of a Serbian Orthodox monastery in Illinois.  His eldest son, Prince Christopher, was cremated, and his ashes were scattered over the island of Islay in Scotland.

The writer of that article (Jeremy) is incorrect about copyright ...

anything created before 1923 is in the public domain ... from 1923-1960, it may be under copyright, if the copyright holder renewed ... if not ... it's in the public domain.

Also, if a photo is out of copyright, it is IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, which means it can be used freely ...Sarushka misread what I wrote.  But if you want to use a photo that someone else owns such as an agency or a newspaper, you will have to purchase the right to use it ...  because they own it ...    the bestest site for copyright information.   The Sonny Bono or Mickey Mouse Protection Act - largely froze the time period for moving into the public domain, freezing the year until 1923 and keeping this until 2019 -- but the law only protects material that was in copyright at the time of law ... and plenty of books, photographs, etc.,  were already out of copyright between 1923 and 1960.  Gleb Botkin probably did not renew his copyright  ...


Unless Jim took the photo, his estate does not own the copyright. Period.   if the original image was taken before 1923, the image is out of copyright.  Anything between 1923 and 1960 might be in copyright but the burden is on the one who wants to use the image to find out if the copyright is extant. 

The Lovell estate may own the actual photograph or a copy of the photograph, but they do not own the copyright .. the copyright belongs to the creator.  Photo agencies own a lot of expired copyrighted photos, but they may be the only sources for a particular image ... so writers, newspapers, etc., purchase the RIGHT to use a photo that belongs to the Getty Collection.  They do not own the copyright to the image ... they own the print and allowing others to use the image ..

others too may have the image.

I have people ask me if they can use a certain image from my postcard collection.  I do not own the copyright but I have the image and I can sell the right to use that image from my collection.   The credit line would be  Marlene A. Eilers Koenig Collection.

But if I sell a photo I took such as the one  I sold to Washington post from Imre's wedding - the credit line would say @ Marlene A Eilers Koenig or copyright marlene A Eilers Koenig - and that copyright is extant for my entire life plus about at least 70 years after my death ...

Many of the photos came from Gleb Botkins albums ...or from Nicholas's albums ... there are no copyrights on any of these photos.  An estate or an agency, etc., could still charge you for using their photograph .. but it is not for copyright

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