Ilias of John, this announcement mentions 22 September as date of death? Is that correct? the Sydney Morning Herald, 25 September 2008
Death Notice
ROMANOFF, Prince Michael Andreevich
September 22, 2008, late of Double Bay [Sydney]. Darling husband of Giulia.
Loved stepfather to Daniel, sister-in-law Sue and her family.
Dear brother of Andrew and Olga. Aged 88 years.
Relatives, friends and members of the Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem
are invited to attend the funeral service of Prince Michael to be held at the
Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul, Strathfield [Sydney] on Tuesday September 30 2008.
Following on, the cortege will leave for a Thanksgiving Service to be held at St James Church, Sydney at 1.30pm.
(Members of the Order: mantles and collarets to be worn).
On conclusion the cortege will proceed for the Interment at Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park at Botany.