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Messages - macristo

Pages: [1]
The Alexander Palace / Re: Bombing of the palaces
« on: July 29, 2013, 06:13:29 PM »
By the way, I should mention that there is an interesting blog where some Teutophiles are discussing the travesty that was the destruction of the Berlin royal palace by the East Germans.  They are wringing their hands over what the nasty Russians did to Berlin just as we wring our hands over what the nasty Germans did to St. Petersburg and its suburban palaces.  Of course, they ban all discussion about the war itself, apparently because mentions of who attacked whom first tended to go south rather quickly on that board.

In any case, in their view, what happened to Pavlovsk and the Catherine Palace is no worse than what their beloved Stadtschloß suffered.  I've seen innumerable photos and paintings of the Berlin buidling.  And I can assure you . . . it was to Pavlovsk what Hulk Hogan is to Margot Fonteyn.  

I'm interested in the blog you mention. Please, could you give us the coordinates to find it in the web? Thanks in advance.

The Alexander Palace / Re: Bombing of the palaces
« on: July 28, 2013, 05:27:35 PM »
Sadly, what the Nazis did was their intended goal, they were known for destroying historical buildings.

If they had invaded the U.S., could see them doing the same thing to Mount Vernon, Montecello (sp?), and other historical homes.

Well, allies bombed and destroyed completely Dresden, when the war was almost over, and a city with absolutely nothing connected with weapons. Nobody is a saint at war....

The Alexander Palace / Re: Alexander Palace Restoration
« on: July 12, 2013, 06:59:52 PM »
Thank you very much for your quick answer!!!!

The Alexander Palace / Re: Alexander Palace Restoration
« on: July 11, 2013, 06:08:29 PM »
Excuse me for asking a silly question: what are exactly the autochromes?
Thanks a lot.

Alexandra Feodorovna / Re: Alexandra - Slandered and Hated
« on: January 08, 2011, 06:58:56 PM »

First of all, I want to apologize because English is not my native language. Secondly, it seems that this subject is abandoned. But, as I discovered it a few days ago, I would like to write my comments. I am really shocked by the title of the link, how can a person who does not know another one "hate" her. You can like her or not. Concerning the specific case of Alexandra, I think she had virtues and defaults, as everyone of us.
"She was depressive and shy": may be if she would have known Prozac, as many of us, she would have been a better Tsarina, wife, mother, etc, etc.  But she didn't.
"She was obsessed with the health of his son": I wonder what would any of you had done if you had a boy who is lying in bed, bleeding, whose cries of pain were listened through the whole palace, a boy who could die at any moment, a boy who says to you "Mammy, I want to die because the pain is too hard".
“She was THE reason of the Russian Revolution”: my God!!!!! What a plain idea!!!! Take a book, read a little, as we say in Spanish “books don’t bite”!!!
We cannot understand the attitudes of people of other times, other countries, other cultures, other origins, they are different to us.
As in the case of Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI, I think that it is very easy to say what they should have done, when you know the end of the story. Living the moment is not that easy. They were not better or worse than other kings of their time, they just were in the wrong place, in the wrong moment. And they knew how to die, with dignity and honor. We should have more pity and respect when speaking about people who paid such a big price for their mistakes.
And last, but not least, I find the attitude of King George of England towards his “dear cousin Nicky” one of extraordinary cowardice and lack of honor. “He betrayed his cousin with a kiss”.

Forum Announcements / Re: Anyone here from "Sudamerica"?
« on: September 10, 2010, 07:27:51 PM »
Hola Katy, buena idea! Yo soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Verónica, yo también soy de Buenos Aires. Quise enviarte un mail personal pero no pude. Me fijé que te interesan los mismos temas que a mí. Qué tal encontrarnos algún día (con otros/otras argentinos/as) si es que hay más por aquí y charlar un poco?

Forum Announcements / Re: Anyone here from "Sudamerica"?
« on: September 10, 2010, 07:19:42 PM »
Yo soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Un saludo a todos los Sudamericanos!!!

Forum Announcements / Re: Welcome new Users (& advice for everyone too!)
« on: September 10, 2010, 07:17:10 PM »
I am quite new in this forum, and when looking at old messages, many times the pictures have disappeared. Or I find comments about things that do no exist any more. Is there a possibility to recuperate all this "lost" material?
Many thanks.

Can someone please tell me how to get in touch with either a Forum Admin or Bob Atchison please?  I've written several messages but have been unable to send them because each time a note comes up in red saying I didn't put the correct letters in that were in the picture...  There was no picture with any letters anywhere, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Thank you :)

I have exactly the same problem, I have tried to send mails to many people and the note in red always appears.
Another problem, most of the topics are quite old and apparently finished and the pictures and videos mentioned do not appear any more.
There are almost no new topics, so I am wondering if it is a site which is going to disappear.
Thank you very much.

The Alexander Palace / Re: AP Rooms from OTMA Diaries
« on: June 23, 2010, 07:57:39 PM »
Please, me too, I would love having a copy!!!

Thanks in advance

The Alexander Palace / Re: Alexander Palace interiors
« on: October 25, 2009, 06:37:03 PM »
Nena, many thanks for your answer. I will follow your advice. Thanks a lot!!!!

The Alexander Palace / Re: Alexander Palace interiors
« on: October 24, 2009, 08:05:07 PM »
I discovered this forum recently, it is absolutely fascinating. But unfortunately, when reading messages posted longtime ago, I cannot see the pictures, just a small X. Is it normal? Is there any possibility of seeing them? Thanks a lot and congratulations for the work you have done during all these years. Excuse my English, I am Argentinian and I speak Spanish.

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