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Topics - BingandNelsonFan

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Hi! I'm studying some various family notes, but this is something that I can't quite make out and hope that someone knows about this event. I'd like to learn about this event, if possible.

All I know is that it happened in 1920. There were White Russian forces at Archangel, fighting with the British forces fighting in North Russia with General Miller. In 1920, the British forces betrayed the White Russians and pulled out, taking the reserves and all protection to the small amount of White Russians. A mentally-ill Bolshevik commander, Mikhail Tsiderbaum-Kedrov (only recently released from a mad house) ordered several hundred young officers and cadets of the remaining young White Russian officers to be put on a barge in the White Sea. The barge was then blown up. All the young men died.

This is a bit about this story as quoted from Alexei Scherbatov's book:
Бориса в 1918 году
пригласили в качестве переводчика для
работы с англичанами в Северную
армию генерала Миллера. Английская
интервенция в районе Архангельска
закончилась еще до разгрома этой
армии красными. Англичане, мало
заинтересованные в помощи России,
фактически предали белых соратников:
бежали в 1920 году, успев вывезти
огромные запасы леса. Борис остался с
сослуживцами и попал в число нескольких сот молодых офицеров и юнкеров,
которых чекист Михаил Цидербаум-Кедров, психически больной человек, недавно выпущенный из сумасшедшего дома, распорядился посадить на баржу
и взорвал ее в Белом море. Все, конечно, погибли.

Can anyone help me fill out this story, verify names, etc.?
Thank you so much!

Hi! I'm hoping that some of you who have studied so much about the Imperial Family and their home life may be able to help with this or point me in a good direction.

I've got a friend whose relative was Emma Pugh (later Emma Bates, after her marriage). Emma was a young nursemaid to grandchildren of General Sergei and Eleanor Plaoutine / Plautin. From her remaining photos/papers, it appears that she cared for the children of Sergei and Vera Denissieff / Denisiev. She must have gone over to Russia around the 1890s, though the exact time is unknown. She returned to England for a couple years, married and had a daughter of her own. She was then called back in the early years of the 20th century (about 1904, I think) to help with the youngest of the Denissieff children.

One of Emma's nieces wrote that Emma's best friend worked for the Imperial Family and that the two were able to attend shows in the Imperial Box. Emma did save a picture of the Tsar and Tsarina with some of their young children.

Has anyone ever run across the name of Emma Pugh (Bates), or have any suggestions as to possibilities for the identity of her friend who worked for the Imperial Family?

Thanks very much!

Hi! I am trying to do family research on the family of Prince Sergei Borisovich Stcherbatov and Elizaveta Plautin, particularly their son, Boris Sergeyevich Stcherbatov (1897-1920).

I live in the USA and don't speak Russian (though I'm pretty good at using online translators, now!). I came across a PDF which quotes the book shown at this site:

This was a cousin of Boris, and he mentions him. I'm wondering if anyone knows whether this book is available in English?


Hi! I live in the USA and am really working on putting together the family history of the Plaoutine/Plautin family (being relatives of Gen. Sergei Nikolayevich Plautin and Eleanor Pringle). I just found out that an article was published last year about their grandson, Mikhail Nikolayevich Plautin. It was published in a Russian magazine, and I'm really hoping that someone may be able to help me obtain a copy of the article . . . photos of it, anything. I do know someone who speaks Russian, so I can even get it translated.
All of the info about the article is shown as Source #3 to this webpage:

That translates in Google to: Shergalin E.E. In memory of Mikhail Nikolayevich Plautin (1895-1920) - a collector of bird eggs. Russian ornithological journal. 2016. Volume 25. Express release № 1267

Any help would be so much appreciated. Thanks!

Hi! I've posted a few other threads about research that I've been doing on the Plaoutine family St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe-Selo. I was doing some searching online yesterday and ran across some kind of article talking about the discovery of some Plaoutine family swords discovered as hidden "treasure" in a house on Moscow Street in Pushkin. The page is written in Russian (which I don't speak or read at all . . . sadly), so I ran it through Google translate. It was pretty rough, but I gather that about seven swords were discovered and were identified as belonging to the Plaoutine family. Some (or all) of the swords were exhibited in a display about the Hussars. From the translation, I think that this happened in 2009. Below is the link to the web article talking about this. Is there any chance that someone who can read Russian would be willing to have a look and translate the gist of the info into English? I don't need all of the family info and awards translated, as I've got all that. Google translate handles the awards and ranks well enough for me to work that out. I would love to know the info about the house, where it was, when it was demolished, how many swords were found and when/where they were exhibited, etc.

Thanks in advance! This is really an exciting sounding piece of family info, because I have no record of this house belonging to them . . . and hidden swords are always fun!

Research Russian Roots / Help Translating a Russian School Report
« on: April 26, 2016, 08:10:52 AM »
Hi! I have a family school report (or something like that) from 1917 at the Kiev Gymnasium. There is a bit more than a page which includes some type of grades in different subjects or the like. This is the first real document that I've ever seen for my step-grandfather's family, so it's really exciting. Unfortunately, I can't read a word of Russian. Would someone be willing to have a look at it and translate it for me, please? If so, I will send scans through a PM, because I'm not able to get them in this post.

Thanks so much for any help . . . in advance! :)

Hello! I have a 17" fashion doll that I would like to dress as Major General Nikolai Sergeyevitch Plaoutine (or "Plautin" or "de Plaoutine"). He was born on 02 Feb 1868 and killed on 31 Oct 1918.

I know that he served in the Hussars Life Guards, was appointed Chief of the Mounted Regiments from 1904-1907 and was Officer in Command of a Brigade of the Kuban Cossacks from November 1914. I also have a note that says he was, in 1910, in command of the Premersky Dragoons (on the staff of Grand Duke Nicholas) and received the St. George's Sword of Honour for Bravery.

I have a picture of him in his Cossack uniform, and another picture that is marked as his Cossack during the Russian-Japanese War (c. 1905). Here are the pictures posted here. The first photo (just Nicholas on his horse) is unmarked, so I have no idea when this was taken or what regiment he was with at the time. If anyone can help with any details on either photo, I'd appreciate it.

I am hoping that someone can help me with the colors of the whole uniform and any sort of insignia or medals (including where they would be on the uniform, as this photo is from the side). Thanks in advance for any help! I appreciate it!

For some reason, the forum won't let this photo show at full size, so to see it at full size, please click this link:, Nicholas Sergeevich large.jpg

To see this image at full size, please click this link:, Nicholas' Russian Cossaks about 1905 during Russian-Japanese War large.jpg

Research Russian Roots / Dr. Anton Lukic Zuk of Russia and Zagreb
« on: August 24, 2015, 03:40:19 PM »
I am trying to learn about the family of Dr. Anton Lukic Zuk, M.D., the specialist on bacteriology and hygiene. He was born in Russia on June 25, 1898. I do not know his father's name, though I believe that it was "Lukic". He was born at Kiev on January 20, 1853. He was professor of science and director of the first gymnasium at Kiev. According to one source, that gymnasium was later named in his honor as the "L.A. Zuk Gymnasium". All that I know about his wife is that her name was listed as Anastasija Vasiljeikova.

Dr. Anton Zuk married in Zagreb in 1929. His wife was Antika Cubelic. She was the daughter of Zvonimir Cubelic and Terezija Hochsinger. Zvonimir Cubelic was the state finance counselor in Zagreb. I believe that they only had two children.

Dr. Anton Zuk left Zagreb in 1956 and came to the United States. He lived in Cleveland, Ohio, and worked at Fairview Hospital until his death on July 26, 1967. His ashes were taken back to Zagreb and buried in a family plot in Mirogoj.

This is what I know about the family of Dr. Anton Zuk. Any help and additional info would be most appreciated. I would be very interested to know where in Russia he was born. Any information on his parents would be of great interest, too! These are relatives of mine, but I don't have a lot to go on.

I do know that Dr. Anton Zuk's uncle was Vladimir Nikolaievich Zuk, M.D., and served as professor of pediatrics at St. Petersburg, Kiev and Odessa.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Their World and Culture / 1903 Fancy Dress Ball at the Winter Palace
« on: April 04, 2015, 06:58:58 AM »
Hi! I am not at all sure where to post this, so I apologize if I've selected the wrong board.

Having been going through several large "coffee table" books about Imperial Russia, I have run across about five photos from the 1903 Ball at the Winter Palace. One of the books that I had stated that over 400 people were invited. Another mentions that there were photo albums dedicated to the Ball itself. Does anyone know if the guest list survived? Also, is there a way to see the photos taken there, other than the same four or five that seem to be commonly repeated? I would LOVE to see more of the costumes, and it would be quite intriguing to know who was actually there. Was it only Royalty? Or were there friends, too?


Hi! I have run across this book (and a few references to it) on GoogleBooks. It is called "From a Russian Diary, 1917-1920". The author is just listed as "an Englishwoman". Events seem to be all from the Moscow area with Smolensk. Does anybody know if it was ever discovered who was writing this book? Here's the link to the book:,+1917-1920%22&source=bl&ots=UbbBv-ODZP&sig=NsH5FTtjNabxQr0dvPSX3N9tm5k&hl=en&sa=X&ei=H2sAVa3FLYGeyATk3oCQAw&ved=0CDYQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=%22From%20a%20Russian%20Diary%2C%201917-1920%22&f=false

Also, anyone know which "Prince Scherbatoff" is referred to here on page 173:
Last night we heard of three big burglaries which had taken place the previous night. In two cases a haul of 500,000 roubles was made, in the third 1,500,000. The last was in the big house of Prince Scherbatoff, on the boulevard, which is being used by the Bolsheviks as one of their centres. The Red Guard consisted of over thirty soldiers; the robbers numbered fifteen. They said to the Red Guard: “ We need the money so as to get all of you hanged
later on!”


Hi! This photo is marked "Tsarskoe Selo 1893". Can anyone identify the building? The children are a niece and nephew of Gen. Plaoutine (shown with their Nanny). Thanks!

Hi! I've been researching the family of Maj.-Gen. Serge Plaoutine for some time (see thread in Russian Noble Families board), but now I am hoping that someone could help me with his position.

I know that he was born in 1837, the son of Gen. Nikolai Fedorovich Plaoutine (also A.D.C., I believe). By the time Serge married in 1867 he was listed as a Colonel in the Russian Army and A.D.C. to the Tsar. What did that mean? Was that a full-time position or an honorary one. Imperial Russia was so full of honors and titles, but I cannot find in any book even a reference to any A.D.C. Would he have attended court functions?

Family memories say that Serge Plaoutine was one of the richest land owners in the country at the time of the Revolution, though he died poor in France in 1926. They say that he lived at 25 Millionnaya Street until retirement in 1894. When he retired he had a house at 24 Quai de la Cour. From what I can tell, that was also a very prestigious street (and only a few doors down from Cartier's first shop in Russia!). He rented a flat in Nice beginning about 1907 or so, and retired there in 1914.

Was he an A.D.C. until 1894? Apparently, too, his wife (Eleanor) and two daughters, Vera (married Serge Denissieff) and Elisaveta "Lily" (married Prince Sergei Scherbatoff) were some sort of Ladies of the Court?

Any help is so appreciated!

Olga Nicholaievna / Fanny Carter --- Nurse to Grand Duchess Olga?
« on: February 10, 2015, 09:57:32 AM »
Hi! I have been researching the Plaoutine family (Serge Plaoutine was A.D.C. to the Tsar), and they seem to have been quite close to the Tsar. In fact, the family has a picture of Fanny and Jane Carter, sisters from England. On the back of the picture is a story saying that Fanny went to work for Serge and Eleanor Plaoutine as a Nursery Maid and then a Nurse. She was asked for by the Empress to be Grand Duchess Olga's nurse, so Eleanor Plaoutine sent her to the Royal family. After being nurse to Olga (and maybe sisters?), Fanny returned to the Plaoutines as housekeeper. It says that later she and her sister returned to England. Jane, the sister, worked as a nursery maid in Grand Duchess Xenia's house hold.

Does anyone know anything about these sisters? This is all the info that I've got, but I'd love to know anything more.

Hello! I had started a thread about the Plaoutine family in this board almost two years ago, and many of you have been very helpful (even as recently as last week!) in helping me sort the family tree out and find missing dates and names. I have just recently found a small book that was published in the early 1990s. It was written by the daughter of Serge Denissieff and Vera Plaoutine. I am using the spelling as written by the families in English, though the names are seen in the Russian records as "Plautin" and "Denisiev".

The book included some photographs of the family, which I am going to post here in hopes that others will not only enjoy them, but that they may be able to supply any other info about the individuals pictured or their ranks, stations or just anything that might be shown! :) It may take a couple of days for me to get them all up here, and due to the size of the scans, I am going to put each one (or groups for a few of them) in a reply here of their own. I will start with two fun ones!

This first picture (c. 1920) shows Serge and Eleanor Plaoutine (nee Pringle) sitting on the balcony of their flat in Nice, France. Serge is the son of Gen. Nikolai Fedorovich Plaoutine (d. 1866). He served as A.D.C. to the Tsar. Eleanor was the second daughter of Col. John Henry Pringle and Georgiana Ramsbottom.

This second picture shows the Chateau St. Laurent (c. 1920) --- the Plaoutines rented the second story. If you're American, then it is actually the "third" story, as we call the basement the "ground floor".

To see some present-day photos of the Chateau St. Laurent, just check out this link:
More photos coming soon!

I am trying to find any info on Colonel de Kotteritz of the Russian Imperial Guard. A year or two ago some people were kind enough on this forum to try to help me with this, but Col. de Koetteritz turned out to be very elusive. I have since found a couple more facts that may help, so I'm hoping that someone else may be able to turn up additional info or comments.

From what I can find, it appears that he was born "Bernhard von Koetteritz" on 21 Feb 1807.
He was baptized on 09 Mar 1807 at Brandenburg (Havel), Brandenburg, Preußen, Germany.
His parents are listed as "Von Koetteritz" and Juliane Montferin.

He had an older sister, Julie Caroline, who was born on 22 Dec 1804 and baptized at the same place as above on 22 Jan 1805.

The peerage lists Colonel de Koetteritz as the son of General de Koetteritz of Leipzig, Brandenburg, Germany.

Many thanks to anyone who can shed any light on this one!

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