« on: September 01, 2005, 05:49:17 AM »
I have read, that Marie Alexandrovna promoted the engagement and marriage of her eldest daugther, Marie, to Ferdinand of Roumania. Her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh prefered too see her betrothed to her cousin George, son of the Prince of Wales. But the mother said that " NO DAUGHTER OF HERS WOULD MARRY AN ENGLISH PRINCE IF SHE COULD HELP IT.
She was herself married with an english prince, her children were half english, even if she had always been homesick for Russia, did she really prefere her daugther to be Queen of Roumania, than Queen of England??
I belive that George hoped to marry Marie, and that he spoke to her parents, obviously he was refused.
This prohibition about english princes, was only relating to George because in Russia marriages between first cousins were forbidden, or concerned all the Princes??
¿Was she so unhappy in England?
Perhaps this story is not true, but only a legend?