Alexandra Feodorovna / Alexandra's embroidery techniques
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:50:34 PM »
In every photo that I have seen of Alexandra (or her daughters) embroidering, I notice that it does not look like she used an embroidery hoop. Was this the way everyone embroidered back then? It seems like it would be difficult to maintain the proper tension of the stitches without using a hoop. Then I thought maybe she just used a small hoop which you would not necessarily see in the photos......does anyone know about the embroidery techniques of her day and whether or not she used a hoop when she embroidered. Also, I know that she was an avid knitter......I wonder if she ever crocheted? I am curious about these things because I, too, am a person who loves to do needlework. Thanks for any info anyone may have.