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Topics - Ortino

Pages: [1]
Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna / Possessions of Elizabeth Fedorovna
« on: January 19, 2018, 10:06:52 PM »
Hi everyone,

I couldn't find a thread relating to this topic and would appreciate any insight/thoughts. Does anyone know what happened to Ella and Sergei's possessions (paintings, furniture, objet d'art, etc.) after Ella became a nun? I recall reading that she sold them to fund her new convent, but if this is true, does anyone know where or when these sales took place? Do sales catalogues or related materials exist? Also, did anything go to Maria Pavlovna and Dmitri Pavlovich or other members of the family?

Hi everyone,

I apologize in advance if there is an existing thread on this woman. While reading the biography of a prominent member of a Chicago museum, I stumbled across an interesting claim--this individual claims that he is related to a Michelina Gräfen Narkiewicz-Kacuiciewicz, "imperial nurse to Czarevich Alexis Nickolaevich at the Alexander Palace in Tsarskoe Selo." Has anyone heard of such a person? I have never come across her before and can't find anything relating to her. I thought I would consult with the experts at this point. :)

Their World and Culture / Tableware at Balls/Court Functions
« on: April 03, 2013, 11:32:41 AM »
Hi everyone,

  I'm sorry if a thread similar to this one already exists, but I didn't see any....I was wondering if anyone knew what kind of tableware was used at balls/court functions during the reign of Nicholas II. Did they use the services produced by the Imperial Porcelain Factory or was there a more generic form? What about silver? Was there a specific design/type used at these events? I'm particularly interested in what would have been used at the Tercentenary events, but if anyone has any information about these things in general I would be most grateful. Thanks!


I didn't see a thread about this short film and thought it was too wonderful not to mention. The original story of The Little Matchgirl does not relate to the Romanovs at all and takes place in Denmark, but the Disney "Fantasia" type version sets it in tsarist Russia and uses Borodin's String Quartet #2 In D Major: 3rd Movement: Notturno (Andante) for music. The animation is spectacular and in my opinion really captures the atmosphere in St. Petersburg prior to the revolution. The ending is terribly sad, so be prepared to be depressed.

It is very short--around 7 minutes--and is available to watch on Youtube:


It looks like Greg King has a new book coming out! It's not about royalty per se, but the closest thing we Americans have got--the Astors!

[edited to add title info to subject line]

Imperial Russian Antiques / Award Brooch
« on: September 16, 2006, 06:51:59 PM »
I was browsing on Ebay and stumbled across a person selling a Nicholas II award brooch that belonged to Boris III of Bulgaria. I'm very curious to know if it's a fake or indeed real. Does anyone know how to determine if the markings of the jewelry company are authentic or if there is any other way to visibly tell that it's real? I'd appreciate any help.

Books about the Romanovs and Imperial Russia / Saving the Tsars' Palaces
« on: August 11, 2006, 02:19:49 PM »
I found this new book on Gilbert's site, titled Saving the Tsars' Palaces by Christopher Morgan and Irina Orlova. It looks very interesting, but is it worth buying? Here's the excerpt from Gilbert's site:

Millions of people annually visit the great country palaces built by the tsars in a circle round St. Petersburg. Created by artists from all over Europe, with untold serf labour at their disposal, the palaces were intended to impress and they do. Today, in the corner of most rooms, a single black and white photograph shows the same room in 1944, amid the smouldering wreckage found by Russian soldiers returning after the three-year siege of Leningrad. Forced to abandon the palaces, the Nazis vented their anger on the treasures they occupied.

 The story behind these photographs is in many ways more impressive even than the rooms themselves. It is the story of a relatively small band of talented Russians who were determined not to allow their country’s heritage to be swept away by all the horrors of the twentieth century. The palaces today are truly the work of Russians but restorers have to be self-effacing. There have been books about what they did but not about them. In Saving The Tsars’ Palaces, Christopher Morgan and Irina Orlova vividly recount the remarkable story of those who battled to save the palaces, not just during and after the war, but during the Revolution and the harsh times that followed 

Books about the Romanovs and Imperial Russia / Rubies in the Snow
« on: August 02, 2006, 07:20:08 PM »
There's a new book being published in October titled "Rubies in the Snow: Diary of Russia's Last Grand Duchess, 1911-1918" by Kate Hubbard. It's pretty safe to assume that it's about Anastasia and appears to be a lot like Caroline Meyer's Last Grand Duchess. Feel free to pre-order people.

I did a search for this and nothing came up so I am inquiring about it.  :) Does anyone have any idea what this is? Looks like a catalogue to me since it says "Memphis International Cultural" in parantheses.

The Alexander Palace / Re: Kaulbach portraits in the Maple Room
« on: August 17, 2005, 04:25:14 PM »
Here is a picture taken after the family's death, probably when the palace was a museum.

Here's information from the main site about them:

They followed the family into exile in Siberia in 1917 and some returned to the palace after the murder of the Romanovs. Later they were sold by the Soviet Government to finance the clandestine Soviet sponsorship of foreign communist and leftist parties during the 30's. These pictures ultimately passed through the antique dealer A La Vieille Russie in New York in the 1940's and their whereabouts are now lost.

I know that Queen Victoria was one of the first to endorse the use of chloroform, but was it used for childbirth in Russia after it was generally accepted in the late 1870's or even before then? Did Alexandra use it for the birth of her children given her English background?

Books about the Romanovs and Imperial Russia / Lost Splendor
« on: April 16, 2005, 09:51:20 AM »
Now, I hope that this time I will be correct in assuming there was no previous thread for this....I honestly did look through all ten pages....Anyway, does anyone own this book? Is it worth buying? I'm interested in reading it since it sounds really interesting and I know very little about Felix.

Maria Nicholaievna / Pictures of Marie Thread
« on: January 24, 2005, 08:55:27 PM »
I was surprised to see that, forgive me if I'm wrong, that there is no general pictures thread for Marie, unlike the other Grand Duchesses. I find her the most attractive of all of them, and it would be a shame not to compile a thread for her. anyone?  :)

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