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Topics - BobG

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Just thought this topic should be updated especially with the news that Gilbert's Books will be offering a new editon of Grand Duchess George's A Romanov Diary in September of 2011.  I'm so excited!

Their World and Culture / St Petersburg Yacht Club
« on: August 23, 2005, 05:37:07 AM »
I have read many references to the St. Petersburg Yacht Club in biographies and histories of Imperial Russia.  Many of the Romanovs refused to visit it because it was a place where "radical" ideas were discussed and too much unpleasant gossip was allowed to go on.
Does anyone know where the Yacht Club was located?
And even, more difficult, does anyone have a picture of it, or a link to a site that might?
Any information on it would be appreciated.

Palaces in the Crimea / Miskhor
« on: June 25, 2005, 12:54:06 PM »
Dolgorukies had other estate before the revolution -
Miskhor .
It was the famous Naval Hospital during and after the WWII. My grand grand father lived in the palace and worked in the Hospital at the end of 40ths.

It is interesting that you mention MISKHOR.
I was reading IN THE MARBLE PALACE and Prince Gavril Konstantinovich mentions staying there on several occasions.
I had never heard of this estate before and assumed it belonged to the family.  I wonder if they bought it from the Dolgorukaya's or if it was own by the Crown and just loaned to the Konstantiovichs.  
Does you or anyone have more of the history of Miskhor?

Forum Announcements / Re: "CALLING ALL FLOORPLANS!"
« on: November 11, 2004, 09:22:19 AM »
You have been generous with your posts and I think a thread with floorplans is a great idea.  My problem is that I do not have a scanner so posting them is difficult.  However, I will try to make arrangements with friends to scan in some plans.  I would recommend that we move many of the existing plans to this thread to begin the library.  Hopefully, we'll get others to share their documents with us.
Bob G

The Alexander Palace / Glass-roofed upper corridor
« on: November 04, 2004, 08:15:46 AM »
In the book The End of the Romanovs by Victor Alexandrov quotes the memoirs of a Colonel Mstislavsky whose real name was Maslovsky as follows:

     “When the door opened with a sinister groan and we were at last in the entrance hall, we found ourselves surrounded by a respectful but curious throng of court retainers—their numbers seemed fantastic after the simplicity of the revolutionary days we had been living through.  An enormous haidouk, the size to Alexander’s monument at Trubetzhoy, wearing a bearskin as tall as a barrel; ‘runners’” court Negroes in crimson velvet jackets embroidered with gold, turbans on their head and long pointed slippers on their feet; footmen in three-cornered hats and red capes embroidered with the Imperial arms; valets in snow-white gaiters and polished shoes with felt soles—these preceded us up the stairs, running along the carpets.  After mounting the stairs we went through innumerable drawing rooms, banqueting-rooms, retiring rooms; outside the door of each room stood a motionless pair of lackeys wearing varied costumes answering to the purpose of the room to which they were posted, sometimes traditional black suits, sometimes white, black or red kuntuches.  In front of one door there were tow magnificently costumed valets in white stockings, polished shoes and absurd crimson head-bands held in place by hooks of tinsel.
     In a glass-roofed upper corridor used as a picture gallery, a little group of courtiers with Benkendorf as their head, was awaiting us.  They were wearing black frock coats buttoned up to the neck.
     A few yards beyond this group the corridor was crossed by another one, and it was from there that the ex-Emperor was to appear.  I put myself in the middle of the corridor with Benkendorf on my right and Prince Dolgoruky (Grand Marshall of the Court) and a civilian whose face I did not know on my left.  The officers who had accompanied me stood a little behind me.
     Somewhere on one side a lock clicked.  Benkdorf fell silent and smoothed his grey whiskers with a trembling hand.  The officers buttoned their gloves and stood to attention.  Hurried steps could be heard, and a faint clinking of spurs.  Romanov was wearing the khaki summer uniform of the Imperial hussars and his head was bare. With his habitual shoulder-movement, and rubbing his hands together as if he was washing, he stopped at the intersection of the corridors and turned towards us.  His face was red and chubby; his swollen, inflamed eyelids heavily framed his lusterless, leaden, bloodshot eyes.  He paused and seemed to hesitate for a moment, rubbed his hands together, and then walked towards our group.
     He seemed on the point of addressing us.  I looked at him, he looked at me.  There was dead silence.  Then suddenly the Emperors’s eye–yellow and fixed like that of a tired and hunted wolf—lit up.  In the depths of his pupils there suddenly shone a mortal hatred; it was as if a flame had suddenly melted the leaden indifference of his gaze.
     Nicholas stopped a moment, trod the ground, then abruptly turned and went away, jerking his shoulder.  I thereupon drew out my right hand from below my waist where it was thrust, raised it to my fur cap to salute the courtiers, and , to the tune of ill-mannered throat-clearing from Benkendorf who also spat, I turned to go. ‘You did wrong not to take off your cap,’ an officer told me; ‘the Emperor seemed to want to talk to you, but seeing the way you behaved…’ And another chimed in  with, ‘You’d better be careful.  If the Romanovs come back to power, you’ll be found at the bottom of the sea’”

Not only an interesting descripton of the servants, but I wondered if anyone can tell me more about this glass-roofed picture gallery?  Also, the books seems to say that the family was confined to the 2nd floor of the palace during their arrest.  I had not know that.

Russian Noble Families / Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« on: October 17, 2004, 11:57:23 AM »
Prince Yevgeny Meshchersky, 53, a former nuclear engineer, was living in
the Ukraine when communism collapsed. For decades his family had hidden
their aristocratic identity, with good reason. Both his randfathers, he
said, were killed during Stalin's purges in the 1930s.
In 1997 he returned with his wife and children to the family estate of Petroskoye-Alabino, south-west of Moscow. Today the family palace - where,
he sys, Napoleon stayed during his retreat from Moscow - is a ruin.

Ironically, I have just read A Russian Princess Remembers: The Journey from Tsars to  Glasnost by Ekaterina Meshcheskaya who must be a relation to Prince Yevgeny although I am not clear how.  Princess Mesherskaya tells of life at Petroskoye, but has more details about the family home Vesely Podol which she describes as being in the Khorolsk district, Poltava Province in the Ukraine.  I have been trying to track down information on the estate or the family since just reading the book and was amazed to find this reference to the Meshchersky family.  I'm not sure it this is the right thread, but does anyone have info on Vesly Podol or the Meshchersk(aya)y family?
Bob G

The Yussupovs / Two other former Palaces of the Yusupovs, St.Petersbourg
« on: September 09, 2004, 01:37:08 PM »
I should have known you would know the answer to my question.  Now, do you by any chance have any pictures of the other palaces?  Especially the Nevsky palace which I believe is now the House of Actors.

The Alexander Palace / Alexandra's Formal Reception Room
« on: July 30, 2004, 12:39:17 PM »
I have read often that Alexandra received Ambassadors etc. in her formal reception room.  Does anyone know the approach these dignitaries would take into the room.
I presume they would not use the Family entrance, but would they use the "B" entrance to the Palace and then go through the libraries, or would they enter through "16" and proceed through the Parade rooms?

Is there any detailed description as to how these visits were handled?

Tsarskoe Selo Palaces / The Lower Dacha (New Palace), at Peterhof
« on: January 25, 2004, 01:29:43 PM »
Does anyone have any pictures of the "New" or "Lower" Palace at Peterhof?  It was the palace Nicholas and Alexander used when at Peterhof and was destroyed by the Soviets in the 50's.  I have been unable to find anything about the palace in any books or on the internet.  Any help would be appreciated. :D

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