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Topics - Amely

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To those looking for their family roots all over in Europe and Russia etc...

I have got a work where there is a list of some 11 pages of people who are important and many are royalties, their tasks and professions, in this world some 125 years ago. I think many of you could be very interested in it as many could find there some name belonging to their relationships and families. But where could I publish that list? The work is such I am quite sure I can publish it and nobody asks anything. The book is printed in 1930.

The list is made around the great Finnish painter Albert Edelfelt (see Wikipedia) who has made the nice painting Queen Blanka, Rida, rida, ranka... to the stories of Topelius... and in his circles there is even Aurora Karamzin and he has drawn and painted her (see Wikipedia)... I have a lot text I would like to post somewhere but I suppose this is not the right place. I am related to Aurora Karamzin through just some few married couples of ancestors...

What can I do in order to get this list published? Has somebody some ideas? I suppose it is impossible to here publish pdf-texts or can I?

I can even see that a lot of people have been looking to my texts... they are not all only bullshit but here is really something strange going on and things developing to the direction it is not impossible we will face the WW3 who knows when and even very soon.


To those looking for their family roots all over in Europe and Russia etc...

I have got a work where there is a list of some 11 pages of people who are important and many are royalties, their tasks and professions, in this world some 125 years ago. I think many of you could be very interested in it as many could find there some name belonging to their relationships and families. But where could I publish that list? The work is such I am quite sure I can publish it and nobody asks anything. The book is printed in 1930.

The list is made around the great Finnish painter Albert Edelfelt (see Wikipedia) who has made the nice painting Queen Blanka, Rida, rida, ranka... to the stories of Topelius... and in his circles there is even Aurora Karamzin and he has drawn and painted her (see Wikipedia)... I have a lot text I would like to post somewhere but I suppose this is not the right place. I am related to Aurora Karamzin through just some few married couples of ancestors...

What can I do in order to get this list published? Has somebody some ideas? I suppose it is impossible to here publish pdf-texts or can I?

I can even see that a lot of people have been looking to my texts... they are not all only bullshit but here is really something strange going on and things developing to the direction it is not impossible we will face the WW3 who knows when and even very soon.


To me it seems it is only a question of some time until the borders of the modern states - that call themselves democracies - will explode in the hands... This seems to be the situation where the world has now ended in... is this the beginning of WW3??? Do everything that is possible to avoid every bloodshed!!!

Let people go where ever they think they belong to... Everyone can just take care of his or her own spot according to his or her own ability...

And all countries and their embassies all around this planet should give people in their area an identity card that is as secure as possible and has no validity-date... and this for free... and only one card per a person of flesh and blood... This is a worldwide security action that all modern states should be able to... in fact this 'package' should even contain some security telephone that doesn't need to be connected into internet, some simple one and only one per person... What about if the DNA-test-result = Covid-test-result???

17th of March, 2022... time 12.58...

Thank you very much! Greetings, Amely

RE: Might this 'Ukraine-problem' be in some ways some question of the Jews or is connected with it??? Just horrible and horryfying??? / Hi Newspaper here... Be carefull when you publish photos of people connected with this Ukraine-problem... now we have seen in one picture the person who takes care of things in The USA Embassy here who is not the Ambassador... and such seems not to excist at the moment and the reason is what... and an other person who takes care of some refugee transports from Ukraine to Finland... and they both look as beeing some Jews... The President of Ukraine as well as the Prime Minister of Ukraine are Jews... and the Russian-Jewish businessman Mr. Michail Khodorkovsky has been interviewed... So what about if there is some kind of Jewish-problemacy going on even in Ukraine... is it for sure it has nothing to do with Israel... and isn't it so that Israels has some connectiong with USA in its present situation... I don't know anything so I need to ask somebody, but there is none to ask anything about... I don't know much about the Jews except that they are still waiting for their King to come... and I have understood some are (deeply) religious believing in our God (are many of them in Israel?)... then there are those who are (very) secularized... and then there are all kind of criminals as in many other groups of people, too... and what kind of Jews more? I have also understood that there has been a very severe Covid19 problem in Israel... so now I am very worried even if I have nothing to do with the Jewish-questions... And hasn't somebody from the Russian side, maybe Mr. Vladimir Putin himself, said something that this Ukraine-question has something to do with the Nazies... So what a horrible mess all this is??? I only understand it is such a mess nobody from outside should involve with this mess and should only stay very neutral and impartial... We here in Finland also have a lot of people, our own people, who should be helped so there is also some hypocrisy involved in all this... and such as all kind of aid-organizations and others offering their help are having people among them whose real and own motives nobody knows... and what a mess all kind of bullshit solders nobody knows where they come from can cause... and nobody can handle this kind of masses of people running now all around our Europe not knowing where to go and what to do and having no housing or money... This seems to be a horrible chaos and what else can one think than that soon this will end into some World War III...  Greetings, Amely... 13th of March, 2022...

RE: Might this 'Ukraine-problem' be in some ways some question of the Jews or is connected with it??? Just horrible and horryfying??? / Hi Newspaper in Helsinki... Be carefull when you publish photos of people connected with this Ukraine-problem... now we have seen in one picture the person who takes care of things in The USA Embassy here who is not the Ambassador... and such seems not to excist at the moment and the reason is what... and an other person who takes care of some refugee transports from Ukraine to Finland... The President of Ukraine as well as the Prime Minister of Ukraine are Jews... and the Russian-Jewish businessman Mr. Michail Khodorkovsky has been interviewed... So what about if there is some kind of Jewish-problemacy going on even in Ukraine... is it for sure it has nothing to do with Israel... and isn't it so that Israels has some connectiong with USA in its present situation... I don't know anything so I need to ask somebody, but there is none to ask anything about... I don't know much about the Jews except that they are still waiting for their King to come... and I have understood some are (deeply) religious believing in our God (are many of them in Israel?)... then there are those who are (very) secularized... and then there are all kind of criminals as in many other groups of people, too... and what kind of Jews more? I have also understood that there has been a very severe Covid19 problem in Israel... so now I am very worried even if I have nothing to do with the Jewish-questions... And hasn't somebody from the Russian side, maybe Mr. Vladimir Putin himself, said something that this Ukraine-question has something to do with the Nazies... So what a horrible mess all this is??? I only understand it is such a mess nobody from outside should involve with this mess and should only stay very neutral and impartial... We here in Finland also have a lot of people, our own people, who should be helped so there is also some hypocrisy involved in all this... and such as all kind of aid-organizations and others offering their help are having people among them whose real and own motives nobody knows... and what a mess all kind of bullshit solders nobody knows where they come from can cause... and nobody can handle this kind of masses of people running now all around our Europe not knowing where to go and what to do and having no housing or money... This seems to be a horrible chaos and what else can one think than that soon this will end into some World War III... Greetings, Amely 13th of March, 2022...       

What about if your 'dollars' will be toilet paper at any minute???

People with mixed background is a different matter - or is it??? A lot of people of this kind lived in Russia.

What about if the time machine will take us now more than a 100 years back in time??? What about if now is the time to clean the mess after the French and the Russian Revolutions as well as the mess after the World Wars etc???

This whole planet is just a very messy place as are the heads of the 'modern' people. The 'Western model of Democracy' is something that at least to me has never been a democrazy. I have understood a lot of communist have left Russia and ended 'in the West'... or even more it looks to me as if some criminals were running this planet...

How can I live in a house where with me in the same house lives people who are foreigners... some maybe from Russia, some from some other foreign state that belongs to Nato... and me who wants to stay neutral in every question and don't want to get involved in anything... And how come on our car parking place stands cars that have some car registration number that is nothing and stands in no register... To me this is criminal... as well as it is not impossible in the houses there livs people the house owner don't even know who they are... The face of the whole country has changed and I don't understand the Nordic countries as similar things I have met in Sweden as in Finland... and what people are behind bars in prisons and mental hospitals... might it be so that there are people who should not be there but they are and those who put them there are criminals and staying outside... and what about if those inside closed doors are even victims of some identity crimes... theafts...

Somebody had thrown to my yard some passport made on my name. There was my picture and identity information. It was not a Finnish passport but it looked as some foreign authority had given it. Then there was some visas... I have never applied for any visa at all... and then there were stamps of such countries I have never visited... even something in other kind of letter we use... Together with this passport was a key to my home... and it had a keychain with a figur of Little My from the Momin stories... and in addition to this there was a card to the Stockmann warehouse that has been run even at least in Russia and Estonia...

Then there is a horrible mess with people's telephone numbers. This I found out more than 20 years ago when I tried to reach my many cousins and relatives. The telephone directory was just bullshit. There were 'relatives' to me that did not even excist as real persons but were some identities similar to my relatives... I had a huge job to try to clean out this mess with numbers to my close relatives that are ,however, rather many. Then among these strange identities there were some real relatives of mine who are honest and used to have their telephone number not secret. That used to be a habit in Finland as well as the fact that the house owner knew all people who lived in his house...

I cannot but think that this what has now started is a matter of WW3??? IS IT??? And I think nobody can go anywhere else but to the place where she or he is born or knows the real roots are... Then there is a lot of people whose whole identity is a mess... not only to think about those who are born eg from deep-frozen germ cells of some man or woman... and what about those people who because of this belong to an completely other generation than they should...

I KNOW THIS WHAT I AM WRITING SEEMS TO BE COMPLETELY INSANE... BUT WHAT ABOUT IF I AM NOT INSANE BUT THE WHOLE MANKIND IS INSANE... And the science of medicine has gone far too far... Was it Kuba or what country who throw out some 8000 doctors??? This what medicine is now doing for mankind seems to me criminal and as a crime against mankind... I am very much afraid of any doctors nowadays...

I am praying for our whole mankind and not for some country or person... or something that takes place... PRAY TOGETHER WITH ME!!!

Olof Palme in Sweden, Anders Breivik in Norway, Kids of Bodom in Finland... family background as motives to become killed?

One could understand there is a lot of people with all kind of noble backgrounds back in older times. Their roots are hidden and probably they don't know anything about them themselves. At least in Finland such a background can impossibly be even talked about as it is not any kingdom as Sweden and Norway as the Grand Duchy of Finland had ceased to exist already in 1917.

The motive for murdering the Swedish Social democrat Prime Minister Olof Palme has not been found and not even the person (those persons behind his murder) who committed his murder. He had not only some noble roots - Baltic - but even some Jewish roots? Anders Breivik killed kids on some Social democrat camp. And what about the kids of Bodom killed in Finland and murdered very ruthlessly? What about if in all these cases the victims background has been the real reason and motive in one way or other as well as them being in some kind of wrong place in the society in one way or other?

What about if the kids of Bodom in Finland had some very high background and in the case of the most damaged kid - a girl - the possibility could even be that she was not the correct girl to be killed... but became killed in spite of someone else. This murder took place as early as in 1960.  She carried the strange firs name Irmeli as do some at least to me peculiar women in this country. Even the wife of the President and Nobel price winner Martti Ahtisaari carries this first name. This wife of his is a very well education woman, but has been completely invisible in the Finnish society through all times. Ahtisaari has somewhat strange background here as Norwegian and born in the strange city of Vyborg now in the Russian area. So this Bodom girl has peculiar first names as her second name is 'maila'... this could mean in English to mail - to send some letter or take contact in some important case... but this word in Finnish means even a 'racquet' that sounds very French as well as that it is a weapon to hit with... Sounds not only funny but very strange a first name can mean this kind of things!

Both the case of Olof Palme and the kids of Bodom has stayed unsolved and it could suit this kind of motive as nobody wants to talk here about some noble backgrounds and that having been the real reason to become murdered. At least in Finland there for sure seems to be a real mess with people's backgrounds and nobody here knows anymore about their own real background except maybe some in the older generation already passing away all together. These murders could also be some kind of hidden honor violence cases. Honor violence seems to be increasing in the Northern countries even if it said it has with the immigrant groups of today to do. But maybe even in both cases the historical motive is if not exactly then almost the same - the family roots and its background and its position in the society. The police investigators in these cases seem just to go around some hot porridge and in case they know they however cannot put into daylight this kind of motives and background reasons. 


Wrote again an article but cannot put it here as I only get this message of some 'error'... I am almost thinking if my writings are banned from this forum or what... However, I know I have been writing much too much... So I put my articles into the blog with the address

I am wondering about this as 'my person' was even a Huguenot. A Wrote an article, but it seems to difficult to put it here as some other article. I just get this 'an error occurred'.

What hereditary diseases are known among nobility - must be old families?

Everybody knows about the blood bleeding illness haemophilia in the Russian Tsar family. But are there other known hereditary diseases among the people having some older noble roots? Somewhere I read that some old Russian noble people where short. Then I have understood some noble people are very tall. What about the French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, whose parents were first cousins and who belonged to some old noble family? He was a very short man and there must have been something wrong with his body even if he seems not to have been some dwarf.

My both grandmothers were 'very' short, but they both had very tall sons, my uncles. They had only a few daughters. My mother is not so very tiny, but her sister is so huge, she had to stop dancing ballet... But my birth family where we have these both grandmothers... we have problems... we have some hereditary bone illness that is very rare and we have got it from the sides of our both parents... and years ago when this was discovered the doctors just told this is some illness due to some decay of the bones... However, I am not any  dwarf...

I used to be a blood donor... but then they suddenly didn't want my blood any more even if I don't have the most common blood group and I had often been called to donate... I never got any explanation... Then sometimes in the late 1980s some things happened to me and then I was tested if I was a carrier of haemophilia... I still have the mark on my left arm and it is almost 2 cm long. I was wondering as I thought this must be an impossibility!

Now I am wondering what kind of hereditary diseases have been found among some noble people, however, not very fresh such families... However, I am not claiming I could have some noble roots, but I am just wondering what is known in this kind of a matter. Do you carry any you know of?

It seems impossible to start a discussion in this topic???

In what age did students attend the Technical University in St. Petersburg for about 130 years ago? What about other places like the Music Conservatorium or Art Academy there?

What kind of schools did they attend before this or did they just get some education at home? Did probably some monasteries have some part in this at least what concerns boys? A program sent about the monasteries 'Valamo' and 'Konevitsa' in Lago lake told that Valamo was especially connected with the Tsar family and Konevitsa, a minor monastery, was a place where European(?) noble people sent their boys. (See Wikipedia).

What is known about the education of the girls of noble families?

Is here anybody who is a keen user of genealogical sites like MyHeritage, Ancestors etc with all kind of information from passenger lists, birth- and death registers, marriages, newspaper articles etc ?

I have sometimes - in fact now and then - tried to check in case some of our surnames appear there somewhere, very far away somewhere in America or on some other continents. Once some full name of my grandmother appeared altered with one letter in some death register in Ohio. Then it hit me it is not impossible somebody has taken the name of this St. Petersburg 'celebrity' (not to mention what she did in St.Petersburg and why she was probably well-known) and started a new life there in the faraway America thinking nobody will never know this. It was common to change surnames... some changed in order to get a better life... some others for some security reasons. Some changed their identities even with their servants. Some took passports with false names and left their correct passport for example to their bank. Maybe some ten years ago I found our name on some site like Russian Girls, Asian Girls, Christian Datings, Philippine Girls etc and this was just something horrible to me... Our name can impossibly be a name of some Asian people or some Jews... (I have nothing against Jews, but it is not a Jewish name.)

Now and then I have checked eg some passenger lists and I cannot but think that many names that appear there are nothing but some bullshit names (sorry) that have been given to the authorities when escaping eg Europa and arriving on some other continent. A problem might also have been the difficulties with different languages and even foreign letters... 

Today a name hit me that must just be some fancy name... and it made me write this. However, it appeared rather properly written which tell at least something as the proper writing is not always the case... There was somebody by the name Alexander Nelsky-Orloff... This person seems to have travelled from Alaska to Washington - does he come from Russia... However, I could not but wonder if this is a true identity of somebody or if it is just a fancy name and a product of somebody's imagination... This name makes me think of the Saint Alexander Nevsky... Who could carry such a real name, but who could expect Saint Alexander Nevsky was known in America by others than some from Russia and other places near it. And who could think one day the computer world opens all registers like it has now. And I didn't know much about Orloff family so I checked with Wikipedia and got as follows: The name Orloff is derived from the Russian personal name Orlov, which is derived from the word Oryol or eagle. In the Middle Ages, the eagle was a symbol of royalty and power. The eagle is featured in the Russian Imperial insignia.
Orloff, eagle
Orloff, a breed of chicken according to the Russian nobleman
Orlov (diamond), a large diamond, sometimes known as the "Orloff"
Orloff vodka, a brand of vodka
Veal Orloff, a 19th century dish of Franco-Russian cuisine
Dr Orloff, a character in the 1962 film The Awful Dr. Orloff (nowadays probably in many other places like the Bond-films)

What am I trying to say? I think I am trying to say that the information given through those genealogical sites probably is not at all reliable at least what comes to persons names and true identities - it can be anything... from false identities to completely bullshit identities... What comes to real noble identities the false identities for sure might be very many made of some pieces of some noble identities! What do you think? Do I have wrong in case I warn about those worldwide genealogical sites?

To make a fancy identity to myself I could write I am Ms. St. Alexandra Nevsky Vodka Bottle! Sorry, I cannot write I am Mr. Saint Alexander Nevsky Vodka Bottle Duble-Headed Eagle von Russia... In case Nevsky is somebody of the Rurik-family and here connected to some Orlov-family then this for sure is some very great personality!

In case you have not read the book by the title The Titan that appeared maybe sometimes between 1920-30 I would recommend you to read it. It tells things from the American society that might have been true at least for some part. However, the book can be impossible to get and I got it from the archive of our city library. I am not sure but probably the book with the same title has appeared in Russia... but it is a dangerous book so I don't know if it is the same book in Russia. It is written by Theodor Dreisner or Dreiser... and tells a lot about the mess with all kind of identities about a 100 years ago... An other book to read about those times but about Russia might be the book of Tatjana Metternich by the title The Country of Memories...

This is the same text as in chain: Anybody here with Huguenot or noble German roots in St.Petersburg?

It seems to me that these roots are rare even if you could think they were not. Somebody needed to collect information about these as such seems to be difficult to find. I sometimes found some Huguenot Centre somewhere, maybe in Germany, but they don't seem to know anything about this kind of an affair.

My family has a home-kept archive of about all family members in our line as far as it has been possible to keep since the year 1764 in Gross-Glogau, Lower-Schlesien. In those notes there are not only the dates of birth and death but also confirmation and marriage dates but also the names of the churches and graveyards as some hints to pages in some church books. I am getting old and I don't know where to leave all this information. Do you get in mind some place you could think of for this kind of a material? There, however, is some Archeological and Historical Museum in Glogau, Poland area nowadays. There is even some 'Schifflein Christie' church in that place that is evangelic and its building started in 1764 and I wonder if my family has had something to do with this church and also as the whole place happen to carry our surname???

In case you have some French or German roots in St. Petersburg before the Revolution in 1917 what direction of the Christian faith did your ancestors confess? And what language did they use as home language?

What has then been the real point in keeping this kind of information in details and especially if these people where not noble? My grandmother's brother ended in Germany and then Hitler asked our family who are you - are you some Jews? That time this homekept archive maybe saved them as they could go from the registers in Gross-Glogau in 1764 to France and they found a direct male line to some French Count. However, they didn't have any money to take these documents out of the registers. Now I have tried for years to find this line, but it seems impossible even if I liked to and wanted to know what 'Count' this was... In a piece of paper they have written that were are mentioned as noble, but I don't know where, probably even in some archive in Han(n)over...  I even saw some program in TV where they showed a lot of empty archive shelves - everything had been taken out and robbed in some archives... Who had done this and to what purpose? The genealogical business might be huge today...

Now I have started to think what is a 'Count' in fact... the information today you can get eg in Wikipedia makes at least me to think that this title could be anything... and as no line has been able to find today I even started to think if our ancestor was really some 'Count' and not something else... Whose family had some person who was invited to the Court in Preussen before the French Revolution and who was the inviter... for sure??? All this kind of things makes ones imagination run in case no correct information is to be found anywhere.

It is often hinted that your name must stand in some register of noble people in case you were some noble. However, I see to this matter in some different way. In case you were of some higher nobelty your life might have been threatened often. Huguenots are said to be the first refugees. Had it been in that case wise and secure to put your name or see to it that it will be kept there in some registers? I think that no! My grandmother still during her whole life feared something to happen to her and her family as all her relatives were killed in St. Petersburg around 1918. And an other question is did you have some money for this purpose to keep your information in some registers? I find it enough family members know who they are and what is your background. It also comes to my mind that in question of higher nobelty it might have been less important than in case of some lower nobelty to be in some periodical registers of noble people.

What then comes to my generation almost nothing has been told. Think if my generation born after the wartimes had been told that you are of such and such nobelty even if it cannot be seen anywhere in some registers... What had the children, whose other parent even is no noble, done with this kind of information... and had it been even dangerous in some place that is no longer some Grand Duchy of any kind and were a lot of wars were still to be waged and even some civil war? What had they done with that information when everybody has become poor and there is no property and they live in a country where individualism is number one and everybody needs to manage by own as well as he or she is able to???

In case you feel you are of some kind of nobelty - what does it mean to you? Does it make your life just complicated and not at all easy in this world of today where everything has become so strange you almost wish this world has come to the point of the end of this world as the Bible says once will happen?

In case you feel you are of some kind of nobelty that cannot be testified in any 'normal' ways, please, let us hear your family background story in this chain of mine! Let's see how many we can be! Sometimes I think that what was the point to end in St. Petersburg and not in other places on this planet. What were the real 'meaningful connections' between the Russian and French Royal Houses and was there some reason to be found why some families ended in St.Petersburg? 

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