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Topics - GDNastya

Pages: [1]
Books about the Romanovs and Imperial Russia / Iz Petergofa v Strelnu
« on: October 17, 2006, 06:33:00 AM »
Iz Petergofa v Strelnu po Tsarskoi nizhnei doroge XIX veka by E. Ukhneva
(From Peterhof to Strelna)
ISBN 5-93437-047-2

Anybody seen the book? Is it photo album? How is the publisher? Contains any watercolours of palaces and interiors?

Dvor rossiiskikh imperatorov by V.I. Fedorchenko
(Court of Russian Emperors)

AST Izdatelskie proekty, 2004, 588 pages
 ISBN 5-17-024460-6

Does anybody have the book?

Rassiskie imperatory i oruzheinaia palata
(Russian Emperors and the Armory)

It's an exibition catalogue, 2006 , 280 p.,
 ISBN 5-88678-153-6

It seems to be interesting.
Have anyone seen this book firsthand?

Pages: [1]