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Topics - Sanochka

Pages: [1]
Alexandra Feodorovna / Living Memory
« on: February 12, 2015, 01:59:24 AM »
It is with profound sadness that I see Nicholas, Alexandra, and their five children slipping from living memory.  When I was born, they had died only 42 years earlier - well within living memory of large numbers of people.  Today, one would have to be at least 96 to have been alive before the Imperial family died.  I read recently that there remains only one person reliably known to have been born in the 1800s, a woman who was born in 1899 - the same year as Grand Duchess Maria.  She'll be 116 this year, if she's still alive.

I wonder if there's anybody still alive today who has personal recollections of the NAOTMAA.  Does anybody know?  If so, he or she would have been a mere child then, and very old today.

The Alexander Palace / Sitting
« on: February 03, 2015, 03:53:49 PM »
In a letter to her father at Stavka during the war, one of the Grand Duchesses writes about the girls having gone to the Grand Palace that day for "a sitting."  She also mentions, in the same breath, how dull it was.  I assume that "a sitting" has something to do with being photographed, but I'm not at all sure.  Does anybody know what the Grand Duchess meant by "sitting?"

The Alexander Palace / Why No New Alexander Palace Pictures?
« on: April 22, 2013, 04:58:28 PM »
It's been so long since anybody posted new pictures taken during trips to the Alexander Palace that I'm becoming anxious.  I can't find new pictures here or anywhere else.  Has nobody visited the palace recently?  Is the palace closed? 

The Alexander Palace / Protocol in Photographs of IF Question
« on: April 03, 2013, 03:38:27 PM »
I recently saw, in a thread of photos of Tatiana, reference to "strict protocol" governing touching and hugging in photographs of the Imperial family.  I found the reference intriguing and have been wondering about it since.  Does anybody know what such protocol would have been?

The Alexander Palace / China, Crystal, and Silver Used at Mealtime
« on: September 05, 2012, 01:34:48 AM »
I have not seen any message strings devoted to this topic.  The closest I have found is the string concerning dining at the palace, but that appears to be limited to meals, menus and foods.

What china, crystal and silver was used for daily meals by the IF at the Alexander Palace?  Years of research have turned up little more than the fact that  much of the china used at table was made by the Imperial Porcelain Factory, but not much more than that.  What patterns were used?  Where were the table items stored when not in use?  Who cleaned it?  Where was it cleaned?  I believe it was Robert Massey who described Tsesarevitch Alexei being taken on a tour of the palace basement and being shown a room in which two men were engaged smashing pieces of cracked and chipped china so that nobody else could have it.  Cases of new china and glassware must have been kept on hand to replenish broken pieces - do large lots of it survive in Russian state repositories?

If information about specific china and glassware patterns is scarce, information about table silver used day to day by the imperial family is practically non-existent.  Does anyone know of purveyors of table silver to palace?  There must have been multiple flatware services of various patterns.  The services must have been large - and valuable.  Where would it have been stored?  Does any survive?

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