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Messages - Andrei Beanov

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The Final Chapter / Re: The Box
« on: October 15, 2013, 01:23:27 AM »
The whole thing got me to re-read some of my books re Sokolov box/s & report & documents . Seems the various books contradict each other regarding how many box's there were , where they went & to whom , what ended up in the church in Brussels , which went back to Russia , which the Germans stole etc etc etc. Even King & Wilson seem unsure in chapter 17 of their my un-educated guess is as follows :

**Sokolv Reports - 1 in Henry Ford collection , 1 in Russian archives , 1 at Harvard Uni , 1 in 'private collection' , any others unknown.
**All Original Documents & Telegrams etc all back in Russia.
**Bones , skin , fat , blood , finger etc - still unknown , Maybe buried in cemetary by GD Kirill or still in box in Brussels church  ?
**The box in Church contains ?? a few personal items minus the false teeth of Botkin ?



The Final Chapter / Re: The Box
« on: October 13, 2013, 03:15:47 AM »
Some more documents from the time of Sokolov investigation. Names of Sokolov , Sergeyev , Dietrichs , Kolchak , Nametkin etc appear.

My Russian is poor so someone else could interpret better than me.

The Final Chapter / Re: The Box
« on: October 13, 2013, 02:28:10 AM »
Here's some more :

No.129 Chekas appointed as guards in Ipatiev House.

Other docs relating to detainment at Ekaturinburg.

Documents by Yurovsky with instructions to guards.

No.76or77or78 not sure.

Voikov sulphuric acid purchase.

No.128 Famous Telegram to Sverdlov.

Another one not in my edition of Sokolov but maybe in original French edition..

The Final Chapter / Re: The Box
« on: October 13, 2013, 01:47:22 AM »
Perhaps these items HAVE been in Russian archives all along - I have dug out my Sokolov books - I quote :

"In his memoirs General Janin states that there were 3 heavy suitcases and a strongbox . The inventory included 311 items , all of which were turned over to senior Russian Ambassador - M.N de Giers "

then Paul Petrovich Bulygin ( Sokolovs assistant ) says in 1935  - "according to information obtained by the German police , these were sent onto Moscow via Prague "

Sokolov lists items as follows :

No.112,113 Pearl Earing.
No.128 - 135 Telegrams - These now all on display in museum.
No.95 -  Botkin false teeth - In museum.
No.60,61,81 - Ikons
No.62,63 - Personal Items.
No.55 - Bullets
No.53  - Wall writing

The Final Chapter / Re: The Box
« on: October 12, 2013, 07:37:56 AM »
or am I mistaken somehow ?
Maybe some of these things ( like the diaries ) were taken by Yurovsky when he left Ekaturinburg , and have been in storage ever since ??
Any ideas ??

here's some more photos :

In glass cabinets - Looks like a suitcase , brown satchel , various ikons , photo of Sokolov , brownie camera , leather jacket & sabre sword ,
desk - from Ipatiev ?? - I don't have any closeup photo - I try to get.......  :-)

Photo frame ? Alexandra - made of Lapis Lazuli & gemstones.....

Some things Sokolov found at mineshaft ???

The Final Chapter / Re: The Box
« on: October 12, 2013, 07:33:15 AM »
I have recently noticed that some items which I thought were taken by Sokolov with him in some suitcases when he left Russia with General Janin have appeared on display.
Some of them are listed in his book. Does this mean ( as I assume ) that they have recently been returned to Russia from wherever they were ?
At the recent exhibitions of the 400th Romanov Anniversary the following items have appeared on display :

Botkins teeth......

Photos from Ipatiev house........


Tatiana glove.......

Wall writing from Ipatiev house........

Sokolov's Diary

Alexandras pearl earing......

Nicholas cufflinks

Alexandra's Diary

Nicholas Diary

and other things , ikons , personal belongings etc , these are just a few photos I have been sent....... ???

The Final Chapter / Re: Why Wasn't Olga Chosen to go to Ekaterinburg?
« on: September 03, 2013, 02:58:06 AM »
I think it is along these lines , just my opinion of course , difficult to prove anything...

Olga is quite negative , melancholy and un-reliable (especially since being a nurse it got worse) , but Tatiana is reliable and will be in charge. Olga tho is quite capable of caring for Alexei.
Olga is closer to Nich than Alix , and Tatiana closer to Alix than Nich.
Alix talks Nich into leaving Tatiana behind because she has more confidence in her and is more 'trusted'.
Nuerotic Alix goes with Nich because she thinks Nich is weak and will do something silly like be talked into or co-ersed into signing the treaty.
Marie goes to keep Alix company and because she is quite 'forward' and proves herself a good messenger / 'go-between' between the family & officials and she's the best mediator between Alix & Nicholas as well........   ;-)
Anastasie doesn't particularly stand out in the discussions so she'll stay behind as well........

Some males esp.Nagorny stay to 'protect' the girls - something he proved himself reliable / good at and eventually lost his life for.

IIRC Edvard Radzinksy book mentions some of these things.

The Final Chapter / Re: Ipatiev House destruction pictures
« on: September 03, 2013, 02:25:05 AM »
You may be correct - I had that photo in a group of about a dozen which all have the same markings / colours etc - so I 'assumed' it was Ipatiev. To me the door in the doorway looks correct ????
It could be another house in Ekaterinburg but I'm pretty sure it's not Amerikansaya Hotel.

The Final Chapter / Re: Ipatiev House destruction pictures
« on: August 30, 2013, 04:24:28 AM »
I do not have better quality photos - sorry.

Here is the Boris Yeltsin link in Russian :

And here is video of Ipatiev house taken by American Paul Rainey in 1918 for those interested.


The Final Chapter / Re: Ipatiev House destruction pictures
« on: August 29, 2013, 05:10:44 AM »
I have not seen any photos of interior of house taken after 1919 , but I think it would be surprising if there were none taken during time of 1919 - 1975 . House was used as Museums for many years - surely someone take photos of museum displays inside ??
There is a set of photos taken by US Red Cross & Allied Intervention Force officers in 1918 like these :

Czech General Gajda officers inside :

Dining Rooom

and outside :

And this one - Yakov Yurovsky in house in late 1919 when he returned to Ekaterinburg to hold Bolshevik meetings there.

The Final Chapter / Re: Ipatiev House destruction pictures
« on: August 29, 2013, 04:55:49 AM »
Yes Boris Yeltsin.
The last title of the house was "Department of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Institute of Culture and Training Center of Culture Sverdlovsk region" before that it had been Revolution Museum , Anti-religion Atheist Museum and Agricultural department office.

Here is quote from Vasily Gudkov - Chairman Sverdlosk Executive committee at the time. I hope it understands in English.

Since the onset of our country "era of transparency" still there is talk of demolishing the mansion engineer Ipatiev. Many times I have told reporters about the details of the case, but each time they present all their own way. Created a fourth film on the subject, however, and there are my information is incomplete, one-sided.

Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Leonid Brezhnev signed, the demolition of the house, in the basement of which in 1918 was shot the royal family, came to the Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee at the time when the first secretary of the regional committee was Yakov Ryabov. I then worked as chairman of the City Council. Ryabov wrote on the resolution resolution: to introduce four people, including me.

After reading the document, I met up with James Petrovich and told him that I can not, I have no right to order the demolition of the building. And asked that this decision was made ​​Executive Committee. I said, no, this ruling will not be enough that you acquainted with the party document.

What else can I say? I began to think how to do, in fact, an order. It should be noted that neither my deputies, nor the architects of the city did not support the decision of the Politburo. And then erupted in protest public opinion. All of our papers, and then the "Soviet Russia" opposed the demolition of the Ipatiev House. Under the pressure of this house have declared an architectural monument of the Russian scale. I'm frankly glad this turn: maybe after that in Moscow abandon their idea. Meanwhile Ryabov elected secretary of the Central Committee of the party, he goes to the capital, and the first secretary of the regional committee shall elect Yeltsin. I think I got a new manager, it will not upload such a problem.

But it turned out that I was wrong. Yeltsin received a call from the CC, why not raze the Ipatiev house? Boris calls me to her: "Are you familiar with the decision of the Politburo?" Yes, I say, is familiar. But how can I endure this house if public opinion against the "Ural worker", "Evening Sverdlovsk," even the Central Committee of the Communist Party newspaper "Soviet Russia" against. I can not go against all. Turn all in the right direction.

Rotate, of course, did not. Using the mode of party discipline, commanded reporters, and everyone fell silent. Yeltsin told me: "You see, now, no one squeaks." - "But there is another question - I answer. - Ipatiev House - a monument of Russian values. I have no right to allow its demolition. If that happens, I will serve as the court and could be imprisoned for willful violation of the law. " Boris agreed, saying, "I'm glad you asked this question, I'll try to solve it."

He immediately called Solomentsev. It turned out that he was, although he was a candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the ruling did not know, apparently, at the time of its adoption at a meeting of the Politburo was not present. Boris advises the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, "You'll sort things out in your home, so we did not break the law."

This conversation took place in the evening. In the morning I go to the city council, and there I lay on the table a resolution the Council of Ministers of Russia: Ipatiev house in Sverdlovsk excluded from the monuments of Russian values. Well, I say to myself, now you have all the ends are cut off, do not refer to that. Yeltsin called: "So, Boris, we will take down?" Reply was short: "Always."

It turned out that neither I nor he witnessed the destruction of the building. We have been planning the next vacation. Before leaving, I was summoned by the chief architect of the city Gennady Ivanovich Belyankina and instructed him zafotografirovat mansion. Perhaps the time will come when you want to restore, and all will need the original pictures.

Time, as we see, it is, but the building did not rise from the ashes, and the place was erected the Church on the Blood.

The Final Chapter / Re: Ipatiev House destruction pictures
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:36:27 AM »
Yes they are bannisters from the staircase , the other item is wallpaper or 'frieze' I think it is called..

In the soviet times everybody lived in a type of fear , nobody wanted to do anything that would draw unwanted attention to themselves.Very few people would have been brave enough to even talk in public about the house or what happened there even if they knew about it. It was a time of "keep your head down" and say nothing, especially between 1918 to 1970. Sverdlovsk , yes ordinary people could not move between regions easily , no visitors at all , except 'officials'.

Those colour photos were taken by man called Pavel Mikhailovich , so the thanks go to him. There are some more in that set - I will post some.

In the background you can see 'cranes' - Sverdlosk was undergoing much re-building in the 1970's - Apartments , buildings , factory etc.

The Final Chapter / Re: Ipatiev House destruction pictures
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:46:10 AM »
Here are some photos of the things I mentioned previously - in Museum in Ekaterinburg. Thanks to the person who sent to me.

The Final Chapter / Re: Ipatiev House destruction pictures
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:01:34 AM »
Evidently as long ago as 1974 the issue of what to do with Ipatiev house was raised. KGB chairman Yuri Andropov raised the issue to the Politburo . A resolution "On the demolition of a mansion in the city of Sverdlovsk Ipatief" was passed on July 30, 1975 at a meeting of the  Central Committee of the Communist Party.The document signed by Mikhail Suslov is shown below.

Memorandum sent to committee members :

Then there was a resolution of the Sverdlovsk City Council on Sept 21 , 1977 to demolish the Ipatiev House which was carried out soon after. I have been unable to determine why there was a delay of 2 years .A large re-building of the city was carried out at the same time. Maybe beauocracy ??

The Final Chapter / Re: Ipatiev House destruction pictures
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:57:43 AM »
Here are some more photos from my home computer for anyone who is interested.


More demolition.

Looking across to Kharitonov palace after demolition.

Another looking across road.

Looking to site from Ascension cathedral belltower.

The well from the Ipatiev house still exists in the basement of new Church on the Blood. This is where original investigators Sokolov / Dietrichs etc looked for Romanov items.

House as Museum of Revolution.

Side view before demolition.

Picture showing small shrine which is located in the position of the altar of the original Ascension church - demolished in 1800's before Ipatiev house was built.

During 1990's when foundation for Church on the Blood was being dug.Some skeletons were found which created a 'stir' but were
subsequently found to be from the graveyard of the old Ascension Church which was on the site before Ipatiev house was built.

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