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Messages - kamlowsky

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What I think is very interesting is that she does not wear gloves when shaking hands with any of the Popes.  I also think I saw a picture of her recently in a group setting without gloves.

The Windsors / Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« on: November 22, 2010, 06:17:19 PM »
This is interesting:
The present whereabouts of the Queen Victoria Emerald and Diamond Tiara is not known, but it is believed that the celebrated tiara is now in the possession of one of the descendants of Queen Victoria. It appears that the "Queen Victoria's Emerald and Diamond Tiara" like the "Queen Victoria's Diamond and Sapphire Tiara" never entered the British Crown Jewels, and being Queen Victoria's personal property was bequeathed to one of her nine children or their descendants. The present owners of the "Queen Victoria's Diamond and Sapphire Tiara" are the Earl and Countess of Harewood. But, the present owners of the "Queen Victoria's Emerald and Diamond Tiara" are not known.
At the end of this article it is believed that the Emerald and Diamond Tiara has been dismantled.

The Yussupovs / Re: The Sumarokov-Elston family - family of Felix-senior
« on: November 20, 2010, 11:48:29 PM »
"A marriage
             Alexei A. Bachkiroff  p. 18 December 1876. mind. 14 September 1937. Gorky. , Lieutenant - Captain
             the first battalion of the Guards.
            Zinaida Pavlovna Sumarokov-Elston (Bachkiroff) Countess, p. June 2, 1886 the mind. June 7, 1954, Tunbridge
             Wells, Kent, UK
Children: Zinaida A. Bachkiroff (Burke) p. 1908 mind. October 14, 1996, Ireland. g.Dublin
              Xenia A. Bachkiroff  (Krosley)
If anyone that knows about Zinaida and Ksenia Bachkiroff please tell me."

Hello BAL,

I have put some comments together here for you. They are only about Zinaida Bashkiroff Burke. There is no information about Ksenia.  I hope you can read it or have someone translate it for you.
This talks about what is written on her gravestone in Ireland.   

Quote from: nedzere on September 19, 2009, 04:07:37 AM

On her gravestone it states that her father was "Captain Alexis Alexandrovitch Bashkiroff" of the 1st Rifle Regiment of the Imperial Guards of Russia, who died at the hand of the communist regime of Russia in 1936.

She wrote a book 
Zenaida Burke wrote memoirs in the 1960s..."Sickle and Harvest" (Routledge & Kegan Paul?).I read them long ago and her love for her father and his mother (with whom she and her younger sister remained after her mothers remarriage & flight from Russia to Berlin) is v evident. One of the saddest stories is of her grandmother (herself a Princes daughter) watching the Soviets selling the livestock from her estate.
Finally the girls were able to leave Russia via Berlin to go to Ireland to be their old governess who had been earlier repatriated.
They heard from their father till the early 1930s when he disappeared (tragically no doubt into the Gulag).
When did Mrs Burke die?
The headstone says she died on 14th October 1996.

I hope this helps you. It is all so sad. I am sorry.

The Yussupovs / Re: Mistress of Felix, husband of Zenaide
« on: November 06, 2010, 11:58:35 PM »
Dear Van Heyden,  I hope that your health has improved and you are feeling much better after your long illness. I have followed the fascinating information you have provided  regarding Felix Sr. and his mistress. I can understand the wishes of the heirs wanting privacy since they have been silent though the years. Thank you for all the information you have provided. Bless you.

The Yussupovs / Re: The Sumarokov-Elston family - family of Felix-senior
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:50:29 PM »
Hello from Russia!
I do not know unfortunately the English language. If that is not so, sorry
I am the grandson of Baсhkiroff Alexei Alexandrovich. Zinaida Bachkiroff I have my aunt. I was very happy when I found your forum. News I am very pleased. She had another younger sister, Xenia. I know that she married Mr. Crosley. In the archives, I was given a criminal case of my grandfather, I completely rewrote it. Read it then, this whole affair.
Aleksei Bachkiroff was born Dec. 18, 1876 in the old style. He was shot September 14, 1937 in the city of Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) at the site with his brother Ivan. Bugrovskom buried at a cemetery in a mass grave. I am from the criminal case it is known that Zinaida and Ksenia moved to Ireland in 1922 with the governess Anna Karlovna Onil. Letters and photographs with them was seized during the arrest on Aug. 6, 1937. Was the same picture which is placed on your forum. She did not survive. But with her grandfather's picture was taken. That with your permission I will publish it. If anyone that knows about Zinaida and Ksenia Bachkiroff please tell me.
Hello BAL. Thank you for your fine post in English. You did very well.. Now that the archives are open, it is good that you were able to read
about your grandfather. I am so sorry he was executed.  When you said, "She did not survive" who are you talking about?  I would love for you to publish the picture.

Alexandra Feodorovna / Re: Where is Alexandra's coronation dress?
« on: February 03, 2010, 11:04:10 PM »
This is an absolutely exquisite thread. The craftmanship is phenomenal.  Such expertise these artistisans had to create such masterpieces of elegance.  The shoes are timeless. I could wear the style today.  Thank you for such an informative thread.

Research Russian Roots / Re: Help w/ Harbin info
« on: November 25, 2006, 07:39:49 PM »
Hi Pookie,
This is from the internet. I posted part of the history of Russian Orthodoxy in China and a picture of the church in Harbin in your picture thread. I didn't see this till now. I sounds like you are already on the road to success.


Research Russian Roots / Harbin China
« on: November 25, 2006, 07:29:38 PM »
What a lovely thread of pictures and explainations of Harbin, China. Of course, as usual, my curiosity has been ignited, so I did a little research and here is what I found about the current Russian history of Harbin and Orthodoxy.

The Orthodox Church of the Holy Protection of the Virgin in Harbin, China

Thank you, Alex

The Boxer Rebellion of 1898 - 1900, an anti-Western and anti-missionary uprising in China, saw violent attacks on Chinese converts to Christianity.  The Orthodox Chinese were among those put to the sword, and in June every year we commemorate the 222 Chinese Orthodox, including Father Mitrophan, who died for their faith in 1900 during the upheavals.
After the Russian Revolution of 1917 the Orthodox Church in China lost its traditional support base and had to fend for itself.  Any investments it made in the Czar’s bonds became valueless.  However it became the spiritual home of large numbers of anti-Bolshevik Russians who left Russia for China, and the numbers of Orthodox in China swelled. By around 1930 there were more than 50,000 Orthodox in China, mostly Russians.  Dioceses were established in Shanghai and Tianjin in addition to Harbin and Beijing.

After the October Revolution the Orthodox bishops in China came under the jurisdiction of the Synod of Russian Bishops Outside Russia, convening in Karlovci, Yugoslavia, and subsequently in Munich and New York. The surrender of the Axis powers at the end of World War II gave rise to a change in the situation in the Far East, and the Moscow Patriarchate resumed jurisdiction over the episcopate in China in the late 1940’s.
The Chinese People’s Republic was established in 1949 under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, which had close relations with the Soviet Communist Party in the 1950’s.  Treaties were signed between the Chinese and Soviet governments which provided for the turning over of Russian churches to Chinese control.  Archbishop Viktor, the last Russian bishop and leader of the 20th Spiritual Mission, returned to the Soviet Union in 1956, drawing to a close a variegated chapter in the history of Orthodoxy in China.

After the communists came to power in China most of the Russians left for Australia, the United States and other places.  Now there are very few Russians left in China, and the numbers of the Orthodox from the old Russian-organised dioceses have dwindled drastically.  There is only one functioning Orthodox church on the Mainland - the Pokrov church (the church of the Protection of the Theotokos) in Harbin.  The resident priest, Father Grigori Zhu, is 75.  There are about 18 parishioners who attend Sunday services, most of them elderly.  The youngest is 65.  Yet on the great feast of Easter this year, about 400 people filled the church - many who have settled overseas, and their children, returned to the mother church in Harbin for Pascha.

Pascha is the central message of Christianity.  God brings life out of death.  What man or human organizations plan could never get around or defeat God’s plan.  Perhaps there were people who expected, or even wanted, to see a dying Orthodox church in China.  After 1997 this has totally changed.

Welcome New Users! Read 1st please. / Re: Russian Names
« on: September 21, 2005, 12:34:21 AM »
My grandparents came from Russia and I am named after my grandmother, Barbara Ann. Is this spelled correctly? My father used a different pronunciation.

The Imperial Family / Re: What got you interested in the Romanovs?
« on: March 27, 2005, 06:28:56 PM »
Oh griffh, I am so mermerized by your writings. You are indeed such a gifted person and have had the most fascinating life experiences. Please continue to research the morganic Princess and write a book about exiled Royalty. I am so drawn to this Alexander Palace Discussion Board and the wonderful people who post here.

My story is a very simple one. I only have my genetic history and small life experiences to share.  My knowledge is sparse. The only information that I have is that my grandparents came from Russia, the primary reason for being attracted to this site.  I remember my father taking me to the Russian Ballet of Swan Lake as a very small child, maybe 3 or 4 years of age. As I sat on his knee, I was completely overwhelmed by the elegance and beauty of what I was witnessing. He enrolled me in Russian ballet and I was able to perform Swan Lake myself at a much later age.  My family was not geographically close, so I only met my aunts and uncles briefly. They had moved on in American society and continue to live very unique and successful lives.  I am impressed by their intelligence.  My father also took me to see Anastasia and I always had an interest in the old world but being that Russia no longer lived in the grandeur of the past, my interests were elsewhere. My father and uncles were artists and played the violin. I was raise with classical music and spent many hours sitting on the floor by my fathers chair sharing in the beauty that permeated our surroundings.
He was the only one of the siblilings that continued to support my Grandparents who lived in another state. Unfortunately, they died when I was very young.  
I do remember sleeping in my crib, when someone touched my forehead. It frightened me and I pulled the covers over my head and thought, it must have been an angel. Now, I believe it was my Grandmother on her way to heaven but I don't know when she died.  
I was the youngest grandchild and given my Grandmother's name. Once, when I was about seven, a woman came to our house with a gift.  It was my Aunt Marie. She gave me a beautiful gold cross stating that my Grandmother wanted me to have it.  It is one of the few treasures she brought from Russia.
I have spent my life in science as have my sibliing and most of my cousins.  I, therefore, never have had time to acquire knowledge  in history. The closest, I've come to the art world and beauty that my father's world entailed was a picture I painted in kindergarten that was sent to our City's art museum and then onto the Metropolitan Art Museum in New York.  
When I found the Alexander Palace, I was drawn by it's beauty and grace. I also have been able to see the realities of it's violent history. To the people who share their knowledge of elegant world of the past, I thank you.  I would never have the time to familiarize myself without such detailed history of Russia.
I only hope that through my ramblings you can see my small connection and yearnings to learn more about Imperial Russia.

Thank you, Helen and Bluetoria for your input. The icon is so exquisite. The colors are vibrant and breathtaking.
I did some reseach and I believe St. Barbara is also the patron of artiliary. Fire from the sky. Maybe it had some significance with the military forces that Nicolas led.

Alexandra Feodorovna / Re: Alexandra and her Health
« on: March 19, 2005, 09:44:32 PM »
"Fenagled" ?? A new word!
Oh, isn't life - & doing what is right - hard & intriguing & fascinating & confusing    :-/ :)   :D  

Helen, I loved the use of this word and have use it myself. Bluetoria there are so many words the English use that I don't understand. Maybe this is just one of those American ones.  ;)
Main Entry: fi·na·gle
Pronunciation: f&-'nA-g&l
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): fi·na·gled; fi·na·gling /-g(&-)li[ng]/
Etymology: perhaps alteration of fainaigue (to renege)
Date: circa 1924
transitive senses
1 : to obtain by indirect or involved means
2 : to obtain by trickery
intransitive senses
: to use devious or dishonest methods to achieve one's ends
- fi·na·gler /-g(&-)l&r/ noun
The bolded explaination is my interpretation of the word. :)

Thank you Kay for sharing the Cincinnati Exhibition with us.

Nearby are the Imperial couple's bed linens above which hang icons including the Icon of St. Barbara with a particle of the saint's relics.

Can anyone tell me the connection of St Barbara with N and A?
I am named after my Russian Grandmother Barbara and am interested in anyone's reply.

The Russian Revolution / Re: Fatima prophecies and Russia
« on: March 07, 2005, 06:08:07 PM »
Grand Duke,
Thank you for noting my errors in the timeline posted earlier regarding Russia and Fatima. You are indeed correct. The apparitions occurred over a six month period on the 13th of each month of 1917,except when the children were held in custody.

bluetoria, you are such a lovely person. I connect with your spirit.

Robert_Hall, I just wanted to mention that the 70,000 people did not hear Our Lady nor see her. They only witnessed the phenomenon of the sun.

Our Lady of Fatima had told Lucia that Francisco and Jacinta were to die in a short time but would go to heaven. Francisco died in 1919 and Jacinta in 1920. Although, Francisco was not old enough, he was allowed to give his First Confession and receive his First Communion.

Following official inquiries, the Church finally accepted the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in 1930.  

The following is from Dr. Almeida Garrett, a physician  present, concerning the silvering of the sun, allowing it to be viewed directly without harm to the eyes:

      "Suddenly I heard the uproar of thousands of voices, and I saw the whole multitude spread out in that vast space at my feet ... turn their backs to that spot where, until then, all their expectations focused, and look at the sun on the other side ... I turned around, too, toward the point commanding their gazes, and I could see the sun, like a very clear disc, with its sharp edge, which gleamed without hurting the sight ... It could not be confused with the sun seen through a fog (there was no fog at that moment), for it was neither veiled, nor dim. At Fatima, it kept its light and heat, and stood out clearly in the sky, with a sharp edge, like a large gaming table. The most astonishing thing was to be able to stare at the solar disc for a long time, brilliant with light and heat, without hurting the eyes, or damaging the retina."  

I know this will, of course, be a controversial topic but it occurred during the time of the Czar's abdication and ensuing deaths of the Imperial Royal Family.  The bottom line was that Our Lady had asked the world to pray for Russia or death and destruction would follow even to the disappearance of countries. Communism did spread to other contries. All of these occurances were publicly known before the Czar's death and have been known for many years.

The Russian Revolution / Re: Fatima prophecies and Russia
« on: March 06, 2005, 01:32:47 PM »
I hope Mel Gibson is true to the facts. It is encouraging that he actually met Sister Lucia before her death.

As a child I was aware of Our Lady of Fatima and lived in fear regarding what the third secret might contain.

I remember that the Roman Catholic Church gave Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia a very hard time, interviewing these poor humble peasants extensively.  The church tried every means to prove that they were having some type of psychotic hallucinations.

Our Lady would announce the times she would come and a large gathering of people would appear.  There were many eye witnesses to the miracle of the spinning sun.  If I remember correctly, she said that if we didn't pray for Russia, terrible wars, death and suffering would happen.

The previous popes remained silent on the third message. I think that Pope John Paul II, the first polish Pope who lived under communism for many years was the one to take up the cross for the good of Russia. He reached out to mend ties with the Russian Orthodoxy. He was very anticommunist.

Is it a coincidence that all the remarkable events surrounding his assasination attempt and the fall of communist Russia have all be on her Feast Days? I believe the reason he has lived so long and has been very reluctant to give up his life is for this reason. He has stated that by bearing the Cross he has dedicated his life to the conversion(by this I mean turning away from murder, wars, and evil) of the world and turning back to God.

Below I have placed a timeline with Russia and Our Lady of Fatima's appearances.
February 23 - The Russian Revolution begins with the overthrow of the Tsar system.
March 15 - Tsar Nicholas II of Russia abdicates and the Russian Revolution begins.
 May 13 - Three peasant children claim to see the Virgin Mary above a holm oak tree in Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal.
 Jun 13- - Second visit by Our Lady.

July 7 - Aleksandr Kerensky forms the Provisional Government in Russia after the deposing of the tsar.
July 13 - Third by Our Lady.
 August 13 - Children held captive, unable to meet Our Lady.      
 August 19 - Possible appearance.
 September 13 - Appearance.
 October 13 - Final Message.

January 28 - Vladimir Lenin decrees the establishment of the Red Army.
February 1 - Russia adopts the Gregorian Calendar.
February 14 - The Soviet Union adopts the Gregorian calendar (1 February according to the Julian calendar). As a consequence the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, previously October, now falls in November.
March 5 - The Soviet Russia moves its national capital from Petrograd to Moscow
March 12 – Moscow becomes the capital of Soviet Russia
July 16 - Russian Revolution:
At Ekaterinburg, Bolsheviks execute Czar Nicholas II of Russia and his family.
August 1 - British anti-Bolshevik forces occupy Archangel, Russia. August 10 commander is told to help White Russians
November 8 - German army withdraws its support of the Kaiser
November 9 - Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany abdicates and chooses to live in exile in the Netherlands.

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