Their World and Culture / Background and Provenance of Icon Painting
« on: March 11, 2007, 08:22:02 PM »
Hello, people:
Every time I see "Nicholas and Alexandra"'s movie I keep thinking at the same thing and I ALWAYS forget to post my doubts here.
Now, I finally get time to do it, and I remember the whole issue. It's about Icons and their "order".
There is a scene in the movie, when Rasputin is coming from the first time to Tsarskoe Selo, to see Alix, since Alexis was bleeding (1905). He caught the Empress, doing something with the Icons she had over a table. When she know Rasputin was there she said something over the lines of: "...I can't put them in order. Before, I knew all the Saints names, but now I can't remember them. I think the order is important..."
Well; this is exactly the problem I have, and the thing I don't understand. Is there and order to put Icons in a table or hanging in the wall? Can't people place them as they wants? For the lines in the movie, it seems clear that some Icons goes first than others, that's it that they have a special order to go along...Or am I saying a great stupidity?

Every time I see "Nicholas and Alexandra"'s movie I keep thinking at the same thing and I ALWAYS forget to post my doubts here.

There is a scene in the movie, when Rasputin is coming from the first time to Tsarskoe Selo, to see Alix, since Alexis was bleeding (1905). He caught the Empress, doing something with the Icons she had over a table. When she know Rasputin was there she said something over the lines of: "...I can't put them in order. Before, I knew all the Saints names, but now I can't remember them. I think the order is important..."
Well; this is exactly the problem I have, and the thing I don't understand. Is there and order to put Icons in a table or hanging in the wall? Can't people place them as they wants? For the lines in the movie, it seems clear that some Icons goes first than others, that's it that they have a special order to go along...Or am I saying a great stupidity?
