Congratulations, Bear! Your post are always plenty of useful information, and -over all things - critical analyze. This is historical, and not keep saying, and saying: DNA...DNA...DNA. You are trying to discover things BEYOND DNA, and it's fine, for people today is too much used to accept things that they watch in TV shows, or read in papers, and magazines. I knew about cases of manipulated DNA, and not only in my country. I add this for someone here said very disdainfull to me, that "This could happen in Argentina, but not in America", as I live in an awful not-developped country. You must know that Argentina is very developped country in matters of science and knowledge. Or Universities are great, and our scientifics are called by other countries as EEUU, France, England, Spain, etc. Search in the net and you'll see...But science is not our God. We are raised in ours schools , to analyze things and criticize facts.
All this to said: no; I'm not convinced by the DNA results, for even if AA could have not been ( I think she was) AN, it's very hard to me to believe she was FS. How could a DNA match with the family of a woman who didn't ressemble in features to the Polish factory worker that some people said she was? How could a DNA match with the relatives of someone much taller and big in body features than AA? You must grew taller, and get fat, but if your bones are big, they remain big, I assure you...And finally...How could AA DNA match with the family member of a dissapeared woman whose story was manipulate by the Duc of Hesse himself? Knopf accepted the whole thing some years after the "FS case" was known all over the world. He openly said he was payed to made up the "FS case"...So...Or Knopf was lying or the whole DNA matter must be earnestly contested.
I repeat: I respect science, but I doubt (and a LOT) about the scientist. They are human beings, and they may make mistakes, or even make up a result. Is not the first time in history they do it, and it would be like this in the future. Nazis have the German scientist under their rule, and we are not supposed to believe that Nazis scientifics told us (They made up the weirdest biological , genethical and racist theories you could imagine). And even if you'll shout with anger toward me, scientist are not at all neutral nowadays.
So, Bear, you are a genius. You keep trying to know the truth (and better than me, for I'm pretty convinced that AA was she claimed to be

and this could deny me to see real things with a more objetive eye), and not giving up, even if all people said over and over: the case is closed, we know already what happened.
Congratulations again!