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Messages - RealAnastasia

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Hi, Bear!:

                 I would like to know more about Marc Ferro's book. I saw it some years ago, but when I started to read it, I thought it was a complete rambling and I didn't bought it...What do you think about it? I remember that Ferro wrote about a "Maria" pretender who went to a trial and spoke about her sisters being alive, but perhaps I'm wrong. Was this Maria one of Michael Goleniewsky's "sisters".  ???


So sad...I think that when History enigmes are involved, proofs should be for free... :-[


You keep talking about what we know today.  Hitler and the German court went on all the various facts before DNA was a glimmer in any scientists eye.

Go over and check the AA and FS similarities thread and see what you can come up with to convince me and others that AA was FS without the DNA.;action=display;num=1115914933


Hi, AGRBear:

                      Well; I went to the thread about FS and AA similarities, and you are right. This alone wouldn't convince me that AA was a Polish factory worker. But science has spoke. We have the DNA results. My problem is that we only have the DNA to said AA was FS, and all the other evidence deny it. It's only for that that I'm not convinced about this proof.


Imperial Claimants Post Here / Re: Descendants of OTM?
« on: June 13, 2005, 07:47:03 PM »
Ya I'm surprised that no one has come forward as AA's son.  Maybe he died or something. :(

I was not speaking about AA REAL son , but about some guy CLAIMING to be him. It was pretty easy to do it. At least before DNA.  ::)


Old Bear will continue to research as me will do. And actually many people I know argues about this issue. I imagine you'll read all threads about "survivors", "claimants", "Final Chapters" etc. I'm not the only one who "argues" and "doubts".   Many serious people does...Sorry; I'm not a rude person and I don't mean to be so. If I'm rude or stupid, or anything, you may always close the thread...

Keep in mind I'm not a anti-science or a AA fanatic. It's only that I still have question about this issue , and until I can't anwer all of them, I'll keep wondering about them. Sorry again.  :-[

The Myth and Legends of Survivors / Anna Anderson and Her Supporters
« on: June 12, 2005, 07:58:26 PM »
Hi, Guys:

               I know I'll disturb many people starting a new thread about AA. But I was always interested in her story, and it's the first forum about the NAOTMAA family and their pretenders I'm a member.

               I would want to know something more about AA supporters, for I think Blair Lovell's books is not the more accurate source to go see, and since I have this book, it's the only way to me to know a little about them. My personal truble with JBL is that for him, all AA supporters wanted to use her and were not sincere. The only one it's OK for him is Gleb Botkin.

               But I would like, it's possible, to know a little more about Harriet Rathlef, Doctor Rudnev,Clara  Peuthert, Zinaide Tolstaia, Captain Schwabe , Baron Von Kleist and his wife, Inspector Grünberg, Tatiana Botkina-Melnik, Xenia Leeds, Annie Burr Jennings, Mrs. Adele Heydebrand, Ambassador Zahle, the Madsacks, the Baroness Miltitz, Prince Frederick von Saxe-Althenburg, Mrs. Thomasius, Baron and Baroness Gienanth, Alexis Milukov, and (of course!) Jack Manahan...

               I would like to discuss these ones if someone here knows a little more info about them...Did you think all of them were AA believers? Did you think they use her as Blair Lovell claims they did? ???  Did you think they were sometimes mean to Anna as Blair Lovell states they were?


Imperial Claimants Post Here / Re: Descendants of OTM?
« on: June 12, 2005, 07:36:58 PM »
I do not for sure, but I guess that an old lady who lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina (and close to the local High-Society) claimed to be "Anastasia's daughter"!

I find odd enough that any guy would said he was AA's son...You know, the baby she claimed she gave birth in Bucarest, Rumania...


Congratulations, Bear! Your post are always plenty of useful information, and -over all things - critical analyze. This is historical, and not keep saying, and saying: DNA...DNA...DNA. You are trying to discover things BEYOND DNA, and it's fine, for people today is too much used to accept things that they watch in TV shows, or read in papers, and magazines. I knew about cases of manipulated DNA, and not only in my country. I add this for someone here said very disdainfull to me, that "This could happen in Argentina, but not in America", as I live in an awful not-developped country. You must know that Argentina is very developped country in matters of science and knowledge. Or Universities are great, and our scientifics are called by other countries as EEUU, France, England, Spain, etc. Search in the net and you'll see...But science is not our God. We are raised in ours schools  , to analyze things and criticize facts.

  All this to said: no; I'm not convinced by the DNA results, for even if AA could have not been ( I think she was) AN, it's very hard to me to believe she was FS. How could a DNA match with the family of a woman who didn't ressemble in features to the Polish factory worker that some people said she was? How could a DNA match with the relatives of someone much taller and big in body features than AA? You must grew taller, and get fat, but if your bones are big, they remain big, I assure you...And finally...How could AA DNA match with the family member of a dissapeared woman whose story was manipulate by the Duc of Hesse himself? Knopf accepted the whole thing some years after the "FS case" was known all over the world. He openly said he was payed to made up the "FS case"...So...Or Knopf was lying or the whole DNA matter must be earnestly contested.

  I repeat: I respect science, but I doubt (and a LOT) about the scientist. They are human beings, and they may make mistakes, or even make up a result. Is not the first time in history they do it, and it would be like this in the future. Nazis have the German scientist under their rule, and we are not supposed to believe that Nazis scientifics told us (They made up the weirdest biological , genethical and racist theories you could imagine). And even if you'll shout with anger toward me, scientist are not at all neutral nowadays.

  So, Bear, you are a genius. You keep trying to know the truth (and better than me, for I'm pretty convinced that AA was she claimed to be  ;D and this could deny me to see real things with a more objetive eye), and not giving up, even if all people said over and over: the case is closed, we know already what happened.

  Congratulations again!


The Final Chapter / Re: GD's deaths.. who was who?
« on: June 12, 2005, 02:33:42 PM »
Don't feel bad, etonexile. Sometime, all of us are a little weird! Sorry; we are all human beings.  ;D

RealAnastasia. :)  


Well; that's true. But if AA was FS...Why she didn't have the same nose, eyes and mouth than her? Watching the photos that Bear posted it seems clear to me that AA and FS have a certain ressemblance but very different features.  ::)


The Final Chapter / Re: GD's deaths.. who was who?
« on: June 11, 2005, 09:21:39 PM »
Erm...Perhaps it's just me...but I have no real interest in who died first and in what's too clinical I guess...I just know that the whole thing must have been horrible....

If you have no interest anf you find this thread boring or morbid, so don't get into it. You are not forced to participate in anything you don't like...But please: let those people who is interested in it (not for morbid interest but to know the TRUTH about this awful night) to do it.

Dear leonora. I'm sorry you had so bad "welcome" here. My English is bad too, and I understand how do you feel: as far as I know, it's supposed that Olga died at first, and Anastasia was the last one to dead. But none of the infos we have about this awful night may be 100% trusted. There is a lot of rumors about the Romanov massacre, and I guess we know really nothing for sure about it. We must keep reseraching. It's the only thing I can say you for sure... :-/


What lucky you are to may see this play! A whole play about OTMA! Well...I'm only to wait that they make the play into a movie at that it reach Argentina soon... ;D


The Final Chapter / Re: Nich II's Different Death Reports
« on: June 11, 2005, 06:52:51 PM »
Hi, Bear:

              Well, I think you are right in the way you read and analyze history: you try to have all the info as possible to get to the truth.  Is not always easy, for we have all our own ideas about historical matters, and sometimes, we get dissapointed when we discover something that doesn't fit to our wishes or our previous ideas.

                   In "Nicholas II and his family death Case", I think we are in diapers yet. Some people will yell at me for it's supposed that the matter it's closed, but I have much more questions in this issue now than some years ago...And until I have questions, the case wouldn't be closed for me.

                      I never believed the "Perm Stories" and all the witnesses there seems suspicious to me, but there must be some seeds of truth in the whole thing, or at least, some information we can't disdain so easily. I don't believe in Perm stories, but they left me thinking. They are there for something. They exist and it's enough. They are there to analyze them.

                      I agree that Summers and Mangold book is outdated, and even when the book was published I was sceptical when reading it (Sorry...I'm always sceptical  ;D), but it's a book that all interested in Romanov's fate must absolutely read. It have lots of  useful info. I not believe their hypothesis, but I'm not an histerical anti- Summers and Mangold. All researchers had something good in them...Even poor Jimmy Blair Lovell.  ;D!!!

                      I always thought that Yurovsky was not saying the truth about the Romanov corpses (at least, all the truth), nor Ermakov, Mevdeved and other Bolsheviks. Summers and Mangold didn't find the truth, either. We must keep doing researchs and waiting. We are here, in this forums, just for it.


We don't "BLAME"'s all a bumpy fall down the rabbit hole...a la Alice....But AA "WAS" FS....and not AN...but that's...OK....we can all live with that...No one gets beaten up....And all the info about shoe sizes and lips and hair lines and al...are very interesting......

Perfect...I'm a great...idiot..I believe in gosths...I'm a Mme. Blavatsky student in spiritism school...Fool me...AA was a polish peasant...polish peasant...polish peasant...DNA....Any of them survived...Impossible...No way...Con artist...Gleb feed her with lots of infos...The Dalldorf nurses were all payed...Schwabe, Tolstaïa , Kleist and Leuchtenberg were stupid or con artist themselves...

Right. We supporters have all the same arguments and repeat them. And you, anti AA, have always the same arguments and repeat them everywhere too.

Not so bad...We'll speak in ten years or so.


The Imperial Family / Re: OTMA - smoking and make up ?
« on: June 10, 2005, 09:43:27 PM »
People wore make up. I have a 1899 magazine  where you read how to make up yourself properly.  ;)


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