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Messages - RealAnastasia

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Yep...I read how the Manahans lived and it was patetic. I had a great-great Aunty who lived in a very similar way: her house was always untidy, and her cats were everywere. You may just imagine how bad the whole house smelled.  :-[ When I read Mrs. Manahan life and I thought inmediatly at her.


Imperial Claimants Post Here / Re: Two Vancouver Tsesarevichs?
« on: June 09, 2005, 07:06:24 PM »
Hi, Alekseevich:

                             I find odd enough that your father didn't tell you he was known as "Heino Tammet". Perhaps it was not him , and he was just another claimant...Maybe the real Alexis Nicolaievich.  ??? There was lots of Alexeis and Anastasias all around the world, and perhaps your father was Alexei himself and not Heino Tammet.

                                I'm sorry to hear your health is not good. I wish you good luck and to improve your poor health...And of course that you may be able to know WHO your father was, even if he was not Alexei (but maybe he was)


Thank you, Bear, you are a good researcher and historian. I've already said it to you. Why? Because you let always an open door to the doubt, and doubt is the first historian quality.

  As Bear said, there's a fact: two corpses are missing from the common gravesite where they found the Romanov family and their servants. Where they are? I don't know for sure...You claims: "Sorry, all of them are dead; no way to anyone to survive. Understand that ALL OF THEM DIED" Well..I understand it: but where are their two bodies? You can't tell us where they are, for, as me and all the others you don't know the answer. You may said proudly: "There are somewhere in the Koptiaky Woods". Fine. It's possible. But they were not found. You may also said: "You'll never find them, for they MUST have been destroyed, blah, blah, blah..." Fine again. It's a great probability that is exactly this what happened. But we can't assure it. So; let us wonder about those TWO MISSING CORPSES. All right? I don't accept things for other people said me it's that way. I wants to discover facts by me. I'm an historian and I know what to do it, and that reality is not so easy to know. It would take years, even centuries to know a single fact. So we , people who didn't believe in this too easy argument ("They all dead this night") who was also the claim of the bolsheviks themselves...Odd enough.  You have the same opinion than Yermakov, Yurovsky, Mevdeved...Mmmmhhh.  ???

  I would want another arguments beside "DNA...Stop wondering...They are all dead...Stop thinking about it...Impossible to anyone to escape alive from this cellar...You are a dreamer, a fool, a candide, an idiot, etc, etc..." Learn to discuss things with convincent arguments. If you can't I will always think that someone survived.

 And, beware...I'm a AA supporter, but I'm open to the possibility she was not Anastasia (please, dont speak about DNA). read my post about her, and you'll find critics in them and wondering for truth, and not a blind faith in her.  >:(


Thank you for sharing this info with us rgt9w...I agree with Annie. Too sad...This poor man always makes me very sad. His story seems more sad for me than AA's one itself.



      Some historians claims that Anna Anderson knew most of anecdotes and little details about the IF, for she was always reading books in this issue. However, her supporters claims she couldn't do it for most of them were not published yet. But I'm this kind of person that never accepts things for other people said they are this way or another, so I made a little research in books that Anna Anderson could have read between 1920 and 1923 (Nevertheless I take this info with a grain of salt, for she was at Dalldorf in those times, and doctors and nurses must have noticed her "suspect" reading...She couldn't keep her books in secret).

  Here you have the list of books, anyway  ;D:

-Alexandra Feodorovna: "The letters of the Tsarina to the Tsar, 1914-1917" London; Duckworth, 1923.

-Bernstein, Herman: "The Willy-Nicky Correspondence" New York: Knopf , 1918.

-Botkina, Tatiana: "Vospominaniia o Tsarkoi Sem'ye" Belgrad. Stefanovich. 1921.

-Cantacuzene, Princess: "Revolutionary Days" Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. 1919.

-Dehn, Lili: "The Real Tsaritsa" Thornton, Butteworth.1922

-Deterichs, Mikjail: "Ubiistvo Tsarkoi Sem'i" Vladivostock: Military Academy Press" 1922

-Dillon, E.J: "Eclipse of Russia" London. Dent, 1918.

-Izvolsky, Alexander: "Memoirs" London.Hutchinson.1920

-Iliodor (Sergei Trufanov) "The Mad Monk of Russia". New York. Century.1918.

-Mouchanow, Marfa: "My Empress" New York. John Long.1918.

-Radziwill, Princesse Catherine: "Secrets of Dethroned Royalty" New York. John Lane.1920.

-Radziwill, Princesse Catherine: "Confessions of the Czarina" New York. Harper.1918.

-Vyrubova, Anna: "Memories of the Russian Court" New York.Macmillan.1923

Wilton, Robert: "The Last Days of the Romanovs" London. Thornton.Butterworth.1920..."

  Well; there is a lot of books that Anna Anderson could have read. However, most of them were in English, a language that AA was not supposed to speak in those times...Or she could speak it after all...There also are two books in Russian, but AA was not supposed to be able to read Russian... There were many books in the 20' about the Romanovs, anyway.

   And of course, she could have read some "Royal Magazines" even BEFORE the 20', that it was most likely:

-Fletcher, Richard: "Royal Mothers and Their Children" Good House Keeping. Vol 54, n° 4 (April 1912, pags,445-56)

-"The Czar and His Family" Munsey's. Vol.51. N° 1 February, 1914.

-Morris, Fritz: "The Czar's Simple Life" Cosmopolitan. Vol 23. N° 5 (September, 1902)

-Pelham-Clinton, Charles: "The Russian Coronation" Strand. Vol 11.1897"

  But, again...All this magazines are in English. Did you have any book or magazine name in German or Polish? If AA was FS they must have read them in those languages since she couldn't understand English, nor French...

RealAnastasia.  ::)

Well; I don't know much about Heino Tammet's case, but I didn't believe in any conspirancies against him...until I knew the DNA matter. Why didn't they said clearly: "He isn't related to Romanovs in any ways", or "He is Alexei"? Too odd. How could have been a "hiatus" in the proofs that are being performed in the teeth sample? Anyone...? ???


The Imperial Family / Re: Photos and showing teeth
« on: June 08, 2005, 07:18:08 PM »
Nor me, etonexile! I would have paid to speak and interact with my favorite family in history! I'm a hopeless romantic!  ;D

  And thank you, FA! I didn't know that they were in Yalta in this photo, nor there was a "Flower Festival"...Thank you again.


Tsarevich Alexei Nicholaievich / Re: The NA/AN Conversations...
« on: June 08, 2005, 07:12:47 PM »
Too much controverse about this...I read that the whole thing lasted around 20 minutes or so...And there was also the time to clean the cellar that was splashed all around by blood.  :-/


Imperial Claimants Post Here / Re: Two Vancouver Tsesarevichs?
« on: June 07, 2005, 08:44:32 PM »
I'm not a doctor. My medical knowledges are very short. But as far as I know, Hemophilia is more likely the illness Alexei had. There is a thread here who explain it more than I know. I'm not able yet, to post links, but you may find it in "Alexei Forum". There, they discussed "Hemophilia  vs. Thrombocitopenya" and almost all people was convinced that the Tsarevich suffered from Hemophilia. You'll see...The Tsarevich had a bleeding problem six weeks after her birth, but it wasn't the only symptom of Heophilia he had in all his life: he had too many little bleeding accidents, but not related to Thrombocitopeny. It was more likely Hemophilia, for he had a lot of problems of Hemartrosis, notabily in one of her legs, when Spala accident. Thrombocitopenya and Leukemia didn't had any Hemartrosis troubles ...That's right or I'm just saying idiotic things?  ??? ::)


Dear Carol:

                      I'm an Historian from Argentina, and I'm very convinced that at least one of the girls survived. One or two of them. I'm an Anna Anderson supporter, but I'm also open minded to accept she was not the GD...If you show me another claimant so convincet to me as her. I hear about an "Anastasia" who was living in Argentina, in Buenos Aires, where I was born and I live, but I don't know her at all, nor know her name, nor how did she looked. When I was more younger (I'm 33 now) I believed that Anastasia and Maria escaped, but now I guess there were Anastasia and Tatiana, if another of the girls, besides Anastasia, escaped.

                       Feel free to email me and ask what you wants. I'm open to all theories and I like to analize them. Don't feel bad, nor rejected when you ask the question " Were there any survivors?" and some people shouts angrily to you: "No!!! Any possibility to it!!! All of them dead this night!!!". Some other people here would be kind with you and try to discuss you these matters in a civilizated way.


I repeat it...We have not "conspirative minds". There ARE cosnpirations in this world. Deny it, it's to said we are all ingenuous. There are conspirations surrounding the Romanovs, as there are surrounding other subjects...I'm not saying that Heino Tammet was Alexei for I don't know if he was, but I'm as I said many times here,  open minded to all possibilities. I wants to know the DNA results in Heino Tammet case; I wants to see Filipp Grigorievich Semionov photographies and other claimants ones, etc.

Historical subjects are NEVER closed. We'll be all time asking different questions about them and seeing them from other points of view. Science is an History helper, but History is NOT science, as History is not Arqueologie, Sociologie, etc. I don't divinise DNA. It's only an History helper, not more, not less.


Tsarevich Alexei Nicholaievich / Re: The NA/AN Conversations...
« on: June 07, 2005, 07:47:55 PM »
I always wondered what the IF said to each other this last tragic night, what they felt when they saw the guns of the murderers, what they felt when shots reached they bodies...But of course we must know we never will know this things. This cellar is my nightmare, and as a Romanov fan, I'm always thinking in the very LAST moment. It's not morbosity, but knowinf the IF fate, I can't help to wonder about it. Sorry... :-/


The Imperial Family / Re: Photos and showing teeth
« on: June 07, 2005, 07:40:43 PM »
I saw many IF photos, and let me said that the only one that almost NEVER smiles was Alix. The girls and Alexei, even the Emperor are the smiling tipe. It's a fake thing that "people didn't smile back then". People seems to think that laughing, jolly etc are modern inventions, and they were not!  :) Of course, in an official photo, you don't smile, even today...

 And well; some Alix photographies show her smiling and even laughing openly! There is a thread in "Alexandra Feodorovna" forum with many of these photos.

 Anastasia liked to "play the clown" and to make faces to the camera. Many of her snapshots show them making fun, or making as if she was angry when she was not.

  However, in this one, all children seems to be a bit bored or something like this.


Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Grand Duchess Olga pics II
« on: June 07, 2005, 07:31:51 PM »
Yes, Abby...And in the "bald pictures", you may hardly said who is who! I showed one of these to my mother and she confounded Alexei with Tatiana!!!  :D Evidently, they were all four siblings!


The Myth and Legends of Survivors / Re: A Chance?
« on: June 06, 2005, 10:02:19 PM »
Thank you Michelle! My face is all rosy after reading your sweet post...As for Etonexile, I wasn't speaking about your posts. You are really nice...And as someone said not long ago,   we are almost a great family here. All us are interested in IF, and that's wonderful. We may have different oppinions, but we have the same interest and thast's important for me.

Long live "Alexander Palace Site and Forums"! Long live the Imperial Family!...And long live poor Bob, who has to fight for we members, don't become too wild with each other!  ;D


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