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Messages - RealAnastasia

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The Myth and Legends of Survivors / Re: A Chance?
« on: June 02, 2005, 07:26:05 PM »
I can't understand WHY some people here wants to stop all researchs (serious researchs and not ramblings of weak minds) in Romanov's murder. They seems to be involved themselves in the case! They jump out in all claimants threads to stand that all those people (like me) who thinks that one of the IF could have been rescued, or that they have doubts related to Anna Anderson's case are fool, stupid, fantasycing people.

 We are trying to do some research about things that are not clear for us, and it's not fair to jump out shouting: "Stop here! You believes in Easter Bunny and fairy tales! None of them survived. So, we don't discuss it any more! "... :o WOW! Let me said I'll keep discussing the "pretenders" cases until I want to, or until I convince myself that all of them were fake. I don't stop to be interested in this, just for someone shout to me that I can't be!  This is totalitarian, and intolerant. I you are tired of this topic, simply, don't get into it. You are not forced to do it. I don't buy a book I don't want to read, and don't see a movie that I know I will dislike.

      Happyly: other members of the board, are polite and inquiring minds, and they don't believe all that journalist and some books said to them. Their minds are open, and they are ready to share with all of us, all the infos they have. Even if they could not believe in pretenders, or believe in some of their claims, or  believe in Anna Anderson and not in Magda Boodts, or believe in Marga Boodts and not in Anna Anderson, they are always there, ready to discuss facts, and to know more and more things. They are great people...They have an historian mind, and they would be able to do research job in a future, to write a good History book. If you are an historian, you must be able yourself, to not accept things so easily. Things that today seems to be the truth, tomorrow would be proove that they were fake.  ::)


P.S: Oh! Beg you pardon...In this thread, it's supposed to not discuss anything related to pretenders. Sorry, Bob.  :-/


Imperial Claimants Post Here / Re: Larissa Fedorovna/Tatiana Claimant
« on: June 02, 2005, 07:04:16 PM »
Hi, guys:

                 Well: I'm very interested in claimants, and this forum was open to speak about claimants. People who is not intereted in this subject, simply don't answer the threads started in this forum. You believe all Romanov died in this awful cellar in 1918. All right. You may think this. Of course, all people here may think as they wants to.

                    I believe that someone survived , most likely Anastasia, but perhaps she didn't live after all, and another sister did...I don't know. Simply for that, I didn't enter in threads were all people is so convinced of nobody of the IF survived. And I'm my right to think as I want too. And no (I repeat) I'm not a fairy-tale believer for it!  >:(

                     However, Lanie, I must thank you for the "Tatiana" photo, and I agree with you: this woman does looks like Tatiana.

                        FOR AGRBEAR: Thank you for the excellent photo of the gravesite. There is nothing wrote there, where you may   notice that she was a claimant. Perhaps some people wanted to won notoriety through her "case"?


Imperial Claimants Post Here / Re: Larissa Fedorovna/Tatiana Claimant
« on: June 01, 2005, 07:44:48 PM »
Really interesting! We have already "three Tatianas" . The only thing I don't understand is why they said that bolsheviks killed "little girls"...If this claimant was Tatiana or was pretending to be her, she will be no more a "little girl". She would have been 21!  ::) It's like Goleniewsky's case, but inversed! He was born in 1922, so it was impossible that he could have been who he claimed to be!  ;D

 Of photo taken from her, so we can't even know if she was somewhat similar to Tatiana in her facial shapes. Of course too, she never claimed to be Tatiana, and had mysterious stories surrounding her.

 In this case, I think that the whole case may have been a fantasie of Meinertzhagen. I said MAY for we never know for sure, but at least, it seems to be.


Imperial Claimants Post Here / Re: Speaking about claimants...
« on: May 31, 2005, 08:52:11 PM »
 End or romaticism? End of new ideas by decret and authoritarism! >:( That you really are saying is: didn't analyze this any more! S

Anna Anderson COULDN'T speak polish. her native language was Katchoubian, she didn't know HOW to speak Polish. She could speak Russian in dreams, under anesthesy...Oh! I'm tired to repeat and repeat the same. You may read this in many threads and books, and such. I'm personnally an AA supporter, and I must said it, a romantic. I wouldn't deny this fact. However, I know a friend of mine, who works to my country intelligentsya who assured me that AA was the woman who she claimed to be. Be sure that he is not a romantic. He is a practical, a bit cynical guy, who took assassination and death as natural things (I always was chocked about her way to see the life) and all dramas of the world as things to laugh about.  This guy said me things in advance that after a while turned to be true.

  Nevertheless; I was not discussing Anna Anderson's "case". I'm pretty tired of it. I always speaking about claimants minds, being them sincere people or fake ones. Why about keeping discussing THIS thread?


P.S: And no...I'm not a fairy-believer, nor a stupid, and I will not accept that anyone said me that I am one!  >:(  

Having Fun! / Re: The Prettiest/Handsomest/Cutest/Most Beautiful
« on: May 31, 2005, 07:08:51 PM »
Perhaps you are right in this, my freinds, but zoya_Konstantinovna is a newbie and she deserves a more cozy "welcome" than this one! I received one similar when I started the thread about Olga bieng more beatiful than Maria or somethime like this, and I didn't like it a BIT.  >:( Perhaps this is rude, but I felt that way. When a person is not interested in a thread, he/she doesn't participe in it and that's all. Being harsh with people is a bad thing, and much more to said to another that he/she is a stupid to post such messages.  >:( Since the Romanovs were (not  all of them, of coures) beatiful people, it's well that we discuss their beauty. Beauty is a part of life, beauty inside and outside. And I'm not ashamed to speak about Olga, Maria or Alexei beauty.

  We must think too, that when we are a newbie (like me some days ago) we wants to start a thread, and the most common about them is "Romanov's beauty". I get started with a thread about Olga's beauty, but after it, I started others much more serious (I hope so!  ;D). Don't said harsh things to people to make them run away!

 I don't know which Romanov is more beatiful , but I know that some people here is very ugly INSIDE. be nice with others. We are here to be so.

  RealAnastasia. :)

Nicholas II is not to blame. His children wore the clothes they have until they were old, and didn't fit any more.They only have their ceremony's clothes (Court dresses and such), and people liked they wear them.

I'm sure people who blames Nicholas II to dress his children nicely is the same who thinks it's fine that Rock and movie  stars have great houses, and clothes, and drink champagne in all meals, and have millions upon millions of dollars. Of course, they are stars! Poor NAOTMAA were only "royals". Rich people, nowadays is 20 times more rich than Romanov...and there are all days more starved people . Nicholas and his family was a simple, natural gentleman if we compare him to Michael Jackson...


Having Fun! / Re: The Prettiest/Handsomest/Cutest/Most Beautiful
« on: May 30, 2005, 09:18:14 PM »
Well...I never thought that Anastasia was the more beatiful Romanov, but certainly she was beatiful INSIDE...And that's important too.  ;)


Having Fun! / Re: The Prettiest/Handsomest/Cutest/Most Beautiful
« on: May 30, 2005, 07:36:38 PM »
Olga Nicolaievna is the more beatiful, and very close to her was her sister GD Maria. Ella was very beatiful too.


Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Grand Duchess Olga pics II
« on: May 30, 2005, 07:31:53 PM »
I especially likes Olga's pics in Court Gown. She looks so stylish and "Imperial"!  :) In her, as for Tatiana, you may notice that she was "an Emperor daughter"!


Tatiana Nicholaievna / Re: Why Tatiana?
« on: May 29, 2005, 09:03:13 PM »
It's a good reason for me! I liked Olga very much just for her beauty. Of course, it's not only for this I like her...But I can understand those who admires her for her exotical beauty. She had a sort of "Eastern beauty"...Didn't she?


Anastasia Nicholaievna / Re: Anastasia; a reader
« on: May 29, 2005, 08:29:30 PM »
Thank you for the poem, Lanie, and for the other Anastasia's text, Holly. I really liked them both. I don't know Anastasia's age when she wrote this , but I suppose that if she could live more years, her style would have improve.

 But the thing that makes me sad in the poem is this line: "...Sixteen years old when she died!..." It sounds almost premonitory. Anastasia , herself died (if she died) when she had only 17 years old.  :'( Poor Nastenka!!!

  My opinion is that Anastasia was more a writer than a reader, aya-anya....But perhaps, later in life, Anastasia should have liked to enjoy herself reading, like Olga.


Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Grand Duchess Olga pics II
« on: May 29, 2005, 08:18:55 PM »
Right, Michelle! She is an Anastasia look-alike in this one! They were sisters after all!  ;D  

Thank you for your beatiful pics!


Tatiana Nicholaievna / Why Tatiana?
« on: May 29, 2005, 08:14:58 PM »
I wanted to start this new thread, for I'm not a great "Tatiana fan". I always liked much more the dreamer, moody Olga, the special Anastasia, the sweet beatiful Mashka than the plain (for me) practical Tatiana.And now I would want to know WHY some people considers she is their favorite GD. I know that Tatiana had many vertues: she was very kind to her mother, and cared very much for Alexei when he was sick a bed. She was very religious and practical...Yes; but I can't like her especially.

  I wait for your opinions!  :D


Imperial Claimants Post Here / Re: Speaking about claimants...
« on: May 29, 2005, 07:54:39 PM »
Thank you, Bear...It was exactly that I wished to said. My English is not perfect, either, and you said it more properly. Thank you again.  :)

I agree: some of the claimants must have been people who didn't like their lifes, and just for this, they "taked" a "Romanov" life. I think it was the case of some of the claimants who didn't make public their claim. They just liked to say: "I'm Olga, or Anastasia, or Alexei" and tell beatiful stories about their golden childhoods in Tsarskoe Selo, and amazing tales about how they were rescued and ravelled toward the West. I assume that they weren't even interested in money. They only wanted notoriety, and a more interesting life. Some people buy magazines about Royals and Imperials Families to read...and others just wants to become Royal and Imperials themselves.  ::)

  My own opinion is that one or two of the claimants must have been Romanovs (Attention! Is MY opinion. Only my opinion) but there were not one or two claimants...There were DOZENS of them. They couldn't be ALL Romanovs...That's for sure.


Hi, rsskyia (hope I spelled correctly your screen-name! ;D):

                     I'm not an original. I always believed that Anastasia and Alexei escaped. Well; that's not true. I don't think they escaped but they were rescued. Since I like so much Olga's character I would have wished, it was her who survived. Unfortunately, things seems to have turned pretty bad for good old Olishka.  :'( Nothing makes me think she escaped, or was rescued . And if Anastasia was not the one who survived, I give y two cents to Tatiana. Of course, the Tatia Romani story is just ridicoulous, and I believe much more Alexandra Michaelis (see the thread about those two women in the "Claimants, post here" forum.  Too resume the discussion I must said that my own idea is that Anastasia and Alexei survived, but I'm open to all possibilities. Perhaps, Anastasia didn't survive. Perhaps, Alexei died because his hemophilia shortly after the execution...I'm always ready to know and accept all theories. I'm not narrow-minded.

              As for my work: I have one published. It's name is "The Socialism in French Revolution". You may see, in the cover, "La Liberté Guidand le Peuple", by Delacroix. It was published in "Editorial Fraterna", but the whole book is in Spanish...Since I was born and currently living in Argentina. Now, I'm working in a "Thermidor" book. I'm a kind of morbid interest in awful, long ago nights, where people is shot, and mistreated, and killed.   ;D And don't worry! I don't think a single robespierriste survived this night in Hotel-de-Ville and after it, the guillotine!  ;D ;) Oh, well! An historian named Lenôtre wrote that Hanriot, the Commandant General of Army Forces, was seen walking in a Paris street, twelve years after Thermidor! Of course, I don't believe this. All Paris could see Hanriot being killed in the guillotine before their eyes!

            Feel free to ask me whatever you want to.

P.S: And yes...I have a cosnpirative mind!  ;) ::)

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