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Messages - RealAnastasia

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The Imperial Family / Re: Romanovs and Faith/Orthodox Religion
« on: May 20, 2005, 07:59:59 PM »
Hi, Matushka, and Bleutoria:

                                               Thank you for your explanations about Holy Water. Now, I understand.  :)

                                                And be sure: I'm not of these catholics who wants to convert Orthodox people to our faith. You are christians, like us, and there is not reason to force anyone to be as they wanted NOT to be. And I'm a little sceptic too to the former Pope efforts to the Unity. I agree with all the Patriarch Alexis arguments .

                                                 To answer lexi4, I think there are not women priest in Orthodoxy. But now I have another question: there are nuns in Orthodox Church?  ???


P.S: And what are burial traditions in Orthodoxy? I read something about them, but I don't understand them very much.

Imperial Claimants Post Here / Re: Michael Goleniewski
« on: May 19, 2005, 08:00:04 PM »
And we may see that this Golenievsky didn't have any in his face who makes me think in Alexei...He was nothing like the Tsarevitch. Heino Tammet was much more like him, even if he wasn't him at all!

And Golenievsky was born in 1922, sooo... :o . My grandpa was very similar to Alexei when he was a little boy, almost a twin ...But as Golenievsky, he was also born in 1922, in Cordoba, Argentina...So, he is not Alexei.  ;D


Having Fun! / Re: Colored Photos III
« on: May 19, 2005, 07:45:14 PM »
I like very much the pic of Astrid of Sweden. She is gorgeous...But I think she is a curious mix between Tatiana and Maria, not only Tatiana...Look at her! ;)


I'm furious for the only photos about pretenders that I know are Anna Anderson's, Eugenia Smith's , Filatov's and a few Granny Alina's ones. Why other pretenders doesn't show their photos?  >:( (I'm not meaning this ridicoulous claim made for  this American family who shows "Romanov Photos" that doesn't look a bite like the real Romanovs)  ;D


The Imperial Family / Re: Romanovs and Faith/Orthodox Religion
« on: May 18, 2005, 09:26:49 PM »
Matushka and Elizabeth:

                                            I'm grateful to your kind and caring mesaages to me and Laura Mabee. I agree with you, Church is perfect, but Her members are not. I apologize to be so dissapointed. I promiss you to keep going to my church.  ;D

                                            As for bluetoria stands about an eventual reunion of all Christian Churchs, I don't think it's time to do so. It's nothing bad to be separate faiths. Difference is not bad, and be different to other churches doesn't mean that we hate each other. It's like patriotism. I love my country deeply...but that doesn't mean that I hate other countries! As a believer myself, I love other believers in wathever Faith in the world, even if it is not mine. As a patriot, I like people from other countries would be patriots too. I love people who understand other people, even if they aren't like us.

                            A little question to orthodox believers here: Do you have Holy Water in Orthodox churchs? Elizabeth wrote that there isn't any in the entry of Orthodox Churchs. How do you christen a baby, then? There is some Holy Water there, or you christen people with Holy Oils?  ???


Imperial Claimants Post Here / Tatia Romani-Other Tatiana.
« on: May 18, 2005, 07:51:16 PM »
This is the weirdest story about a pretender I even read...

The source of this story is internet, in a Spanish site, in Spanish language. I'm lucky to have print the whole story, for the site ( is no more online. I wanted to enter to it, and it's said it was "Forbidden".

The article about this new Tatiana was written by Eleazar Romanov, who claimed that he was Tatiana's the Tsar grandson. ou may email Eleazar to

 This guy claims that he picked all the story by her mother's diary written by her in Ekaterinburg , Afghanistan, Syria and India. In this diary, Tatiana said that asher parents thought she was the most intelligent of the girls, the more who may take care of herself if she managed to escape. So, they give her some documents that she sewed in her corset, along with her family jewels. Nicholas and Alexandra had many talks with her to know what Tatiana must do if her family was killed. When the massacre happened, Tatiana was shot but she didn't death, and of course she feint to be. The bolsheviks put her in the truck along with the rest of the family. She claimed she could feel the corpses under her. She whispered some words to them but she understood that they were all dead, so she jumped out the truck and run into the woods. She fell many times, but she keep on running and running. When she supposed to be very far of the truck, she lost conscience...And guess what? A "nice guy" rescued her. It was a muslim cosack, who keep Tatiana with his people, nomad muslims like him, and very devoted to the Tsar (he had been in his personal Guard). Tatiana was all covered by blood and badly wounded.She was feverish and called her family in shouts.They travelled all togheter to the South. The "nice guy" was killed in Tashkent, where Tatiana lived for a while. After some onths, she went to live as a normal muslim woman in Kabul, Syria and finally India. In some years, she passed to France, near Toulon and claimed to be helped by Emir Faisal, who would be soon, the king of Irak. She took the fake name "Tatiana Romani".

  The whole story is very confusing and obscure. This Tatia Romani speaks about Rasputin saying he was a "Saint" and claiming that he had predicted that the Holy Russia and the muslim world would work along as great friends...Eleazar Romanov said his mother's diary starts in May Ekaterinburg and ends in Kabul in 1919. He read it for the first time in 1936. Her mother told him the rest of the story. "Tatiana" never claimed in public who she was...and again...NO PICS.  >:(



Imperial Claimants Post Here / Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« on: May 18, 2005, 07:25:59 PM »
Hi. Now, I have another little story: A woman claimed to be Tatiana ...again in Berlin, in 1939. I picked up this story in a Henri Danjou's article from "Historia" revew (in French) from March, 1955: "Was she a Russian Grand-Duchess?"

 This Tatiana worked in Berlin as a nurse in a hospital for tuberculous people: the Boelitz-Adlershof Institute. Her supporters were the Baron Werner Van Wiel and his sister, Jutta a journalist. I ignore if she had more supporters. This new "Tatiana" was named Alexandra Michaelis, and claimed that she didn't suffer the Ekaterinburg massacre. She was rescued by an Orthodox priest, Father Storojew, and a young soldier from the Red Army, Vassili Blücher (the nice guy  ;D), some days before the massacre. The "nice guy" helped "Tatiana" to get the German Army, near Ljepaja, in Lithuanie. There, she took the name Katharina von Travansky and went to live in Berlin. After a while, she changed again her name to Alexandra Michaelis. Nobody saw her again after the 1950's.

  Her attitude was very strange: she never claimed to be Tatiana. She wanted to live alone, and when somebody would said who "she was", she would start to cry and said: "Oh! Let me alone! You don't have any proof that I'm Tatiana! I just wants to live as other people does, and if I had any money, I would share it with war victims!".

 The article saids that Alexandra Michaelis was very stylish, slender, and that her face was a spitting image of Nicholas II.

  And, sorry again...No pics from her.  >:(


Thank you, etonexile and Lass! I'll try to study my English harder to be able to speak it each day better.  ;D

  And yes; I have a couple of nice stories about other two "Tatianas" that I wish you could enjoy. One of them is really...weird to say the better.  :D

 As for Semionov, I think he had a real lucky to be send to a psychiatric institut...He could have end in a camp, or shot by some red soldier...Think he lived under Communism rule, and even if he was fake, you couldn't said as easy as today, that you liked old tsarist era...Saying that you were a Romanov, was also accept you liked them. And the more important of all this is that Semionov never stated in public who he claimed to be. He was dead since some years when his doctors and nurses told  the story to Radzinsky...And of course, AFTER Communism was over.


Bear give me a good idea: starts new threads to discuss OTMAA pretenders. I hope you enjoy this first story, that I pic from "The Last Tsar" by Edvard Radzinsky. Some og you may already know it:

  This claimant was named Filipp Grigorievich Semionov, and appeared for the first time in the psychiatrical hospital of Petrozavodsk. He had tryed to help a lady in a prisonner camp, and when the guards come to avoid him to do so, he had an attack. So, they send him to the hospital. It was in 1948.

  When Semionov arrived to the hospital, he had a psychotic attack, was very nervous, moving in all directions, and crying swears to a certain Belovorodov. After a while, he became wuiet, and when the doctors and nurses wanted to know more things about him, he revealed to them that he was born in 1904, in St. Petesburg. They noticed that his way of talking was much like the high St. Petesburg class one in the Tsar's days. He know many details about noble families from the Old Russia, and of course, a lot of little details about Romanov family. Finally, Semionov "confessed": he was the Tsarevitch Alexei. He told how he had survived  the Ekaterinburg massacre. He was sitting near his "father", and when shots started, Nicholas put his "son's" head over his chest, for avoid him to see what was going on. "Alexei" didn't hear what Yourovsky was saying. He only hear the shots. He was wounded in the bottom  :o, and he lost conscience, falling over some of his family's bodies. When he awake, he was out the cellar, for a "nice guy" was taking care of him.

           In this point, there is no more explanations about what happened in the cellar, but Radzinsky claims that Semionov got in some troubles and he ends put in a prisonner camp. And after it, he was send to the psychiatric hospital. He was always saying that "Belovorodov" knew about his secret and was always frightening him.

          Radzinsky stands that all the doctors there and the nurses believed his story, and much more when they discovered that the "Tsarevitch" suffered from a very rebell "haematuria" and had chriptorchidia , just like Alexei. But they knew that they couldn't recognize him, for it would be trouble with the authorities for the prisonner. A psychiatre from Leningrad examine him in 1949, and said that was better for him to go to another psychiatric hospital for a while. Semionov agreed with him, for he didn't want to do his claim public; he didn't want trouble for him, nor for people who was interested in his case. After it, he desappeared in the world. He had studied economy in Baku, and he had worked as economist in Central Asia. His wife was also named Asia.

          As for his physical appareance , he had a thin, lon face, blue or gray prominent eyes, a large forehead, and even if he was almost bald, his few hairs were chestnut, with a little gray in them. He reminded the doctors and nurses the Tsar Nicholas II and also Nicholas I.

         I never saw a pic from him, but I read that Radzinsky had some...How I wish to saw it!


P.S: I beg pardon for my awful, awful English! It's only my third language... :-[

Hi, Bear:

                 Thank you; now I understand what you are saying. I would certainly like to start threads about Semionov and the two Tatianas. But I don't know how much info about them it's available in books, reviews, etc.  It's sad, but generally, people knows very little about pretenders who lived out English-speaking countries. We may do an exception to Russian pretenders, who are surfacing just now, after the fall of communism. For example, I didn't know anything about the "last Anastasia", the lady who died at 101.

                 Well...I'll start some threads about the three "new" pretenders.  ;D

                  And now I must tell you I made a mistake... :-[ I wrote that the "last Tatiana" had a daughter named "Eleanor"...It's not at all like this. The "daughter" was a "son", and his name was ELEAZAR or ELEOZAR. I printed the "Tatiana Story" four years ago, and the ink was very pale. This guy claims to be Tatiana's son with Prince Faisal. The story seems to be very far-fetched...But is very interesting and of course hilarious.  ::)


The Imperial Family / Re: OTMA's Nursing at WW I
« on: May 17, 2005, 05:59:19 PM »
I can't tell if the dress is tiny or not, but if it is, remember that the thinner GD was Tatiana...Maybee it's hers?  ???


The Imperial Family / Re: Romanovs and Faith/Orthodox Religion
« on: May 16, 2005, 08:53:09 PM »
I'm a Catholic, but I'm (of course) very interested in Orthodox Faith. May you tell me the differences between Catholics and Orthodox, and some little differences between Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox? I'm I great stupid in this subjetc !  ;D


We don't know! We must just discover it! The History is great especially for that. We must make researchs, study, read a lot of documents, newspapers, reviews and books. History would be very boring if we know already all of all subjects.  ;D


The Imperial Family / Re: OTMA's Nursing at WW I
« on: May 16, 2005, 08:40:42 PM »
I think (but there are only my thoughts) that Tatiana and Alix had more skills as nurses than poor Olga. She was very sensitive and romantic and she was shocked when she must see the war infected wounds, blood, etc. I 'm a little like her and I understand her. Of course it's a good thing to help wounded people, warriors of your country, but I know that Olga must have been shocked when she saw these people in poor situation, dying, suffering, with worms...I understand why once she must hide to vomite in a towel.

  I suppose that Tatiana and Alix were, by far, more self-controlled and skillful. What do you think about that?


The Imperial Family / Re: Diaries of NAOTMAA
« on: May 16, 2005, 08:32:04 PM »
It was a custom. Many of my relatives kept a diary in those times. I keep a diary myself, for I don't want to forget my past.


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