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Messages - carkuczyn

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i guess alix was fortunate that her father in law died before she and nicky had any children then.  i don't think she would have been quite so easy to handle when it came to who controlled her children!  i would hate to have seen her and alexander III lock horns.  lol

why was willy raised by his grandparents?  vicky and frederick were there and able to parent him......why did no one put their foot down and insist on the grandparents not interfering?  i know how i would be if anyone tried to come between me and my children......and if my mother was queen of england that would only increase my boldness against interfering inlaws. 

what is the general consensus on why kaiser wilhelm had such disdain for his mother?  everything that i have read about her states that she was a model mother, wife, and citizen.  how can one be so uncaring about one's own mother?

were the weddings in the imperial family big, elaborate celebrations or just small and private?  also were otma ever bridesmaids in any of their relatives' weddings?

The Imperial Family / Re: OTMA - 'look'
« on: October 14, 2006, 03:22:48 AM »
in regards to the issue of the girls using their haircuttings  to create the victorian hairstyles.  i believe the hair pouches were called "rats".   has anyone else ever read anything about this?

The Imperial Family / Re: OTMA - 'look'
« on: October 12, 2006, 03:24:35 PM »
interesting.  i just read somewhere that also they used to put their hair cuttings in little pouches and use them to add all the body and poofiness that you see in the victorian hairstyles.   you know......kind of pin the pouches  underneath the parts of the hairstyle that they want to look really bouffant.  makes sense, i guess.

The Imperial Family / Re: OTMA - 'look'
« on: October 12, 2006, 12:18:28 AM »
what would be the purpose of saving their cut hair?

The Hohenzollern / Re: Books on the Hohenzollerns
« on: September 26, 2006, 04:53:31 PM »
i have been looking for a good biogragraphy on kaiser wilhem II in either book or film documentary form without any success.  could it be true that no one cared to write or produce one?  any leads would be appreciated.  thankx in advance.

The Final Chapter / Re: asylum for the imperial family
« on: September 21, 2006, 06:55:31 PM »
many thanks, grandduchessella

The Final Chapter / Re: assylum for the imperial family
« on: September 20, 2006, 07:27:02 PM »
you are toooo funny, david.  i stand corrected.  touche.

The Final Chapter / Re: assylum for the imperial family
« on: September 18, 2006, 05:31:22 PM »
i agree with AGRBear and griffh  on several points.  in my opinion, the tsar mentally abdicated long before he officially did it on paper.  he had long been exhausted by a job which he never sought nor wanted and every decision that he did dare make on his own seemed to backfire.
one of the daughters was near death with the measles......i believe it was tatiana, who went temporarily deaf from the disease.  it would have been risky to move any of them.  
however, all that having been said, i believe the operative word for the whole situation can be found in the citation from anne morrow's work wherein she uses the word "childlike" to describe the tsar's initial attitude and behavior.  but i think he had always had a childlike quality to him.  his own father described him as a mere "child" when someone in the russian court of alexander III suggested that nicky be given more responsibility in order to prepare him to be tsar some day.  to sum it all up, nicholas was weak from day one of his life.  never assertive or aggressive, he always just seemed to roll with the tide with little foresight into any outcome.  another case in point of his childlike attitude can be found in the correspondence between him and alexandra in the final days of their reign.  he is at the front with the troops and she is at home in tsarskoe selo.  she has been writing to him for weeks about the riots in the streets of st. petersburg and in his letter to her he talks about spending the day going to mass and playing dominoes!  nothing wrong with either activity, but when one is the autocrat of his country and has been getting numerous correspondence about revolution and riots in the streets during a world war, no less,.....i think we are looking at someone who is in a "childlike" fog of denial.
but, getting back to the subject of the family's opportunities for escape, i have said all this merely to drive home the fact that the tsar never was capable of orchestrating anything throughout his reign and i think expecting him to realistically take care of his family by having the foresight to plan their escape somewhere is going far beyond his capabilities.

The Imperial Family / Re: OTMA - 'look'
« on: September 17, 2006, 11:11:15 PM »
i would think that they would have had hair down to their ankles if they didn't get it cut once in a while........right?

The Final Chapter / Re: assylum for the imperial family
« on: September 17, 2006, 08:25:07 PM »
also are you saying that the kaiser escaped because he was willing to compromise his "ideals" and do whatever to get out of germany with his life, while the imperial family clung to their ideals to the matter what that end would be?

The Final Chapter / Re: assylum for the imperial family
« on: September 17, 2006, 08:10:41 PM »
so griff, if i am following you correctly, i get that you are saying that the imperial family got to the point to where they looked at the situation fatalistically and believed that it was God's will that they would not be able to escape?  while some people might view this in such an idealistic light.....there are others who would say that they simply became so clinically depressed by their situation that they just gave up.  either view is believable.

The Final Chapter / Re: assylum for the imperial family
« on: September 17, 2006, 03:42:10 PM »
i agree that england was probably their last best hope but i would have thought that the provisional govt would have at least approached the issue with france.  i guess i did not realize that communism  was such a world wide threat.  another way of looking at it also is......germany was the major enemy of ww I and, indeed, a more imminent threat to the world.   yet the kaiser was able to escape.  surely he was more dangerous than the romanovs.  why could the kaiser obtain assylum and not the russian imperial family?

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