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Messages - Ortino

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I would also appreciate it if any members that might be able to purchase the book on my behalf would PM me. Thank you!

Their World and Culture / Re: Tableware at Balls/Court Functions
« on: April 03, 2013, 11:44:36 AM »

Thanks for the link. Unfortunately though, the main topic of that thread is what would have been used at the AP and on a daily basis. I am interested in what would have been used at court functions, for example, as I mentioned, the dinners/balls in Moscow/St. Petersburg in 1913.

Their World and Culture / Tableware at Balls/Court Functions
« on: April 03, 2013, 11:32:41 AM »
Hi everyone,

  I'm sorry if a thread similar to this one already exists, but I didn't see any....I was wondering if anyone knew what kind of tableware was used at balls/court functions during the reign of Nicholas II. Did they use the services produced by the Imperial Porcelain Factory or was there a more generic form? What about silver? Was there a specific design/type used at these events? I'm particularly interested in what would have been used at the Tercentenary events, but if anyone has any information about these things in general I would be most grateful. Thanks!


The Alexander Palace / Re: Locating the Sickroom
« on: December 21, 2009, 02:02:42 PM »
It seems that Sarushka is correct. Nice job!

The amount of sunlight seen in the photos might also help confirm this as the location of the sickroom. The sickroom is clearly very bright and sunny, suggesting that it is closer to the front of the palace. If it were located at #64, there would be far less light entering the space.

Imperial Russian Antiques / Re: Romanov Items/Souvenirs that You Own
« on: September 14, 2009, 03:34:03 PM »
Unless you have a permit allowing you to export it out of the country, you can't take anything imperial out of Russia.

Pierre Gilliard
de L.L.A.A.I.I. les Enfants Impériaux
St. Pétersbourg

I don't mean to sound dumb, but can anyone tell me what "de L.L.A.A.I.I. les Enfant Imperiaux" might mean?

Joanna, great job in providing this to everyone!

Bob G

I'll take a shot at it. I think it says something like "professor of their imperial highnesses, the imperial children." Perhaps L.L.A.A.I.I. stands for "Les or Leurs Altesses Impériales?"

The Alexander Palace / Re: GRAND DAUCHESS'S BEDROOMS
« on: August 18, 2009, 06:57:57 PM »
I think you are right, Sarushka. Based on Yakovlev's description---he mentions the Little Pair's room having maple iconostasis' and the closet--the first photo appears to be of the bedroom of Marie and Anastasia, not Olga and Tatiana. Good eye!

Where does it say its in bad condition?

Even if it were in good condition, I wouldn't spend almost $700 for a book unless it had rare pictures, was said to be good by others, and had a LOT of pages.

Click on the link. It's rather torn around the edges. And how exactly is this not worth it? It from 1913--a real piece of history. All the secondary sources in the world can't make up for that.

Books about the Romanovs and Imperial Russia / Re: Treasure into Tractors
« on: February 19, 2009, 06:28:10 PM »
Thank you for the link! It sounds like an awesome book and I can't wait to get my hands on it. :D

I wish it were in better condition--I would have seriously considered buying it. It looks like a very beautiful book.

This is what Imdb has to say about it:

In 2005, Walt Disney Feature Animation finished production work on a new adaptation of "The Little Match Girl". The short was originally intended to be a part of "Fantasia 2006", but this project was canceled. The Little Matchgirl is last of the four shorts from the aborted compilation to be developed as a standalone film. This short was subsequently released as a special feature on the 2006 Platinum Edition DVD of "The Little Mermaid."

I'm glad they decided to finish it. It's a lovely (but tragic) piece.

I didn't see a thread about this short film and thought it was too wonderful not to mention. The original story of The Little Matchgirl does not relate to the Romanovs at all and takes place in Denmark, but the Disney "Fantasia" type version sets it in tsarist Russia and uses Borodin's String Quartet #2 In D Major: 3rd Movement: Notturno (Andante) for music. The animation is spectacular and in my opinion really captures the atmosphere in St. Petersburg prior to the revolution. The ending is terribly sad, so be prepared to be depressed.

It is very short--around 7 minutes--and is available to watch on Youtube:


The Royal Diaries: Anastasia by Caroline Meyer. I must have read it a dozen times when I was younger. Obviously not the most accurate book, but it was entertaining enough to get me interested in reading about the Romanovs.

I believe imperialhighness was inquiring about the identity of "Artipo," NOT Lili Dehn.

Congratulations, Sarah! :D

I had a feeling that you would one day write about the Romanovs--after all, we spend a lot of time talking about them! Can't wait to read it!

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