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Messages - Romanov_fan

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Having Fun! / Re: Resemblance between sisters
« on: September 22, 2005, 10:32:37 AM »
You are exactly right about Tatiana and Tsar Nicholas. They do look very alike. That is kind of what I meant when I said she looked ''very Romanov''. Post those photos so people can see that. I noticed they had a resemblence when I was looking at Romanov photo books few years ago. Thanks!  ;)

Having Fun! / Re: Resemblance between sisters
« on: September 21, 2005, 10:52:43 AM »
I think that Olga and Marie look a like in some photos when they both have their hair up, when Grand Duchess Marie was older. Grand Duchess Tatiana had very exoctic looks, in contrast to the rest of her siblings. Grand Duchess Anastasia and Alexei looked much alike, I think. I also think That Olga looked like both English/ Russian sides of the family.Tatiana looked very Romanov, Grand Duchess Marie really resembled Alexandra, Anastasia annd Tsarvitch Alexei both looked more Romanov than anything else. Thoughts?

Having Fun! / Re: Pictures of OTMA in sailor dresses
« on: September 21, 2005, 10:45:32 AM »
They did when they wear sailor dressess when they were younger, and they looked so cute!!!! They were such beautiful girls.

Having Fun! / Re: What Do They Think?
« on: September 21, 2005, 10:42:23 AM »
My brother once was interested in the Romanovs and still is a bit, but not as much as before. He does know a lot though from books he read when he was younger, so I can carry on a conversation with him about the Romanovs. The rest of my family couidn't care less.I love love love history in general, it's my life. I am interested in Marilyn Monroe like someone else who posted here.

Having Fun! / Re: What Romanov wuold you invite to dinner?
« on: September 21, 2005, 10:29:01 AM »
I would choose Grand Duchess Marie and Anastasia '' the big pair''. Having Anastasia around would be anything but boring! and Marie was so nice, just an angel, easy to get along with.

Having Fun! / Re: Poem For OTMAA
« on: September 21, 2005, 10:21:47 AM »
That's fine. As long as my poem got posted. You're right it does clutter the board. Sorry if I caused trouble.

Having Fun! / Re: Poem For OTMAA
« on: September 20, 2005, 10:31:31 AM »
I thought this page was gone and then I noticed it !!!!!!! So I started my own page about OTMA/ Romanov poetry. I posted my Grand Duchess Tatiana poem to there. It is called Romanov poetry. So sorry. If you want to read the poem, go to there. It's on the board''Having Fun''.Also, I invite people to post to Romanov Poetry.

Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Did  GD Olga ever meet Prince Vladimir Pa
« on: September 20, 2005, 10:08:49 AM »
Thanks for the picture ! Both Grand Duchess Olga and Prince Vladimir Paley were two young, talented members of the Romanov family. If only they had been given the chance and the opportunity to fufill their promise. What they might have given the world will always be mostly unknown. but forever wondered at. So sad. Prince Vladimir was a handsome young man.

Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Did  GD Olga ever meet Prince Vladimir Pa
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:41:32 AM »
Olga probably did, he was a member of the family just not a fully royal one. Both Olga aand he had much in common, wasted promise among them. I think he was a few years younger than Olga ,more Anastasia's age. Olga and he would most likely have got along quite well, in my opinion. Does anyone have a photo Prince Vladimir Paley, because I have never seen one.  :)

This is a very interesting subject. This part of the message board is more interesting to me than most others. I learned much from it, and encourage people to contribute their opinions. Some of this information comes from sources I haven't read, don't have access to.It shows that although we think we know everything about OTMA, we really don't. Often, we just stick to the conventional information, and don't look further-The subject isn't a bottomless well, but there is always more out there.

Having Fun! / Re: Poem For OTMAA
« on: September 18, 2005, 05:56:09 PM »
I wrote a poem about Grand Duchess Tatiana in 2003. I will post it soon. :)

Reply to Trixiebelle. I was born in Minnesota too,  and that's where my family is. Actually, I recently moved over the border to Iowa, but I  forgot that when I was posting because I lived in Minnesota my almost my whole life, and I am so used to saying I live there! I'm still pretty close to Minnesota though so that makes me happy :)

I love history and I am glad you liked my definitions. What Grand Duchess Olga might have done with her life if she had lived is fascinating, and one of those questions is who she would have married if at all. OTMA are probably the most fascinating of the Romanovs and Grand Duchess Olga, is the perhaps the most fascinating of them.

Anastasia Nicholaievna / Re: About that hair-style....
« on: September 18, 2005, 05:25:09 PM »
It is nice to know that there are other people who like both the Romanovs and Laura Ingalls Wilder. This shows how two historical subjects can illuminate the other.History is a fascinating thing in that way. Little Town On The Prairie is my favorite Laura book, and I am distantly related to Laura Ingalls Wilder.  

The subject of Anastasia's bangs has always interested me since I read the begining of James Blair Lovell's The lost Princess with the part about Anastasia's bangs. It's been a while since I read that book, but I think it mentions that. It is true that that by Anastasia's time bangs where no longer fashionable, so it makes it even more likely that she had bangs because of a scar. I would love for people to post more on this topic.  :)

Thanks for the reply. I agree- I love those definitions too. I learned that just recently on a trip to a living history site where everything is supposed to be exactly the way it was in 1899, definitions of spinsters included. You have to pretend it's 1899 during the whole tour, you are going back to their time. That site is Forestville in Southeastern Minnesota. I live in Minnesota. I remembered that and thought it could be applied well to Grand Duchess Olga.

Olga was very particular about who she would eventually marry given the example of her parents. She probably wanted someone who was suitable for her status, but someone she loved too.She also, famously, said that she wanted to marry a Russian, not foreign royalty. Of course that was in 1914, when she did not want to marry Prince Carol of Romania, a foreign royal. Time and chance might have changed things. His not being Russian was one of the reasons she refused Carol, but by no means the only. It seems generally true that she wanted to stay in Russia, close to her family. She would proably have been married by 1918, had it not been for World War I, and the Revolution. At 22, she was about the right age for marriage by the standards of royalty of the day. She was by no means an old maid or spinster, by the standards of now or then. Whether she married or not would have been interesting. She proably would have wed someone in the Romanov family, if she wanted to stay in Russia, or found a husband who was foreign royalty who was willing to live in Russia. There is an old distinction between Old Maid and Spinster. Spinsters are umarried women with money and means of their own, whereas old maids were women who didn't have any money or status and were dependent upon relatives, etc. Olga, thus, would have been a spinster, not an old maid. (later in her life, of course).

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