« on: August 20, 2009, 01:33:56 PM »
Some people would find Xenia or Victoria Melita attractive, personally, I like Victoria Melita's looks, and she also had a beautiful sister, Missy of Romania, who everyone would agree was pretty, yet their sister Sandra now and back then would be regarded as plain. Alexandra and her daughters( except maybe Anastasia) were beautiful in a way that would appeal to everyone, yet Irene, Alexandra's sister was plain, as was Victoria, Alexandra's oldest sister. So obviously standards of beauty differed within the same family, thus to say that the Romanov or any royal women of a certain family were all good looking or all not isn't true. It seems like there were more Romanov males towards the end of the 19th century/ early 20th than females- Alexander II had all sons except for two daughters, one of whom died quite young. Alexander III had two daughters, three sons ( four if you count the one that died as a baby), and Xenia (Alexander III's daughter), went on to have many boys, and only one girl. OTMA were the first girls in a while in the Imperial Family, really, but although they were beauties, an heir was needed. Anyone else agree with me that Romanov males seemed to out number Romanov females even in the extended branches of the family ( examples- K. R had many sons, only two daughters, Vladimir Alexandrovitch and Miechen had only one daughter and many sons, etc) in the late 19th century/ early 20th century?