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Topics - Prince_Lieven

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The Tudors / Title of a Dowager Queen??
« on: September 22, 2005, 01:17:23 PM »
Just me with another useless titles question.  ;D

In Tudor and Plantagenet times, though Queens were sometimes widowed young, they rarely remarried. My question is this - was there any set title for a Dowager Queen who remarried?

For example:
-Was Richard II's wife Isabelle still styled Queen of England after she married the Duc d'Orleans?
-Katherine Parr was, I think, still styled 'The Queen' after her marriage to Tom Seymour - was this just because there was no Queen Consort at the time?
-In this day and age, would a Queen Dowager or Queen Mother retain her title if she married again?

Iberian Royal Families / Queens of Aragon
« on: September 18, 2005, 02:42:52 PM »
Ok, here's a list as far as I know . . .

#Gisberga de Bigorre, wife of Ramiro I
#Felicia of Rameru, wife of Sancho I (d. 1086)
#Agnes of Aquitaine, wife of Peter I (d. after 1110)
#Urraca, Queen of Castile, wife of Alfonso I (1082-1126)
#Agnes of Aquitaine, wife of Ramiro II
#Petronella, Queen regnant of Aragon (1135-1173)
#Sancha of Castile, wife of Alfonso II (1154-1208)
#Marie of Montpellier, wife of Peter II (d. 1219)
#Eleanor of Castile, first wife of James I. They were divorced in 1229.
#Yolante of Hungary, second wife of James I (d. 1251)
#Constanza of Sicily, wife of Peter III (d. 1302)
#Blanche of Naples, first wife of James II (d. 1310)
#Marie of Cyprus, second wife of James II (d. 1321)
#Elisenda of Moncada, third wife of James II. I don't know if this marriage was morganatic or not.
#Theresa of Urgel, first wife of Alfonso IV (d. 1327)
#Eleanor of Castile, second wife of Alfonso IV (1307-murdered 1359)
#Maria of Navarre, first wife of Peter IV (d. 1347)
#Eleanor of Portugal, second wife of Peter IV (1328-1348)
#Eleanor of Sicily third wife of Peter IV (d. 1374)
#Sybil de Tortia, fourth wife of Peter IV. Another morganatic match?
#Yolante of Bar, wife of John I (d. 1431)
#Maria de Luna, first wife of Martin I (d. 1406)
#Maria de Prades, second wife of Martin I.
#Eleanor of Albequerque, wife of Ferdinand I (1374-1435)
#Maria of Castile, wife of Alfonso V (1401-1458)
#Johanna Henriquez, wife of John II (1425-1468)
#Isabella, Queen of Castile, wife of Ferdinand II (1451-1504).

From here the Crowns of Castile and Aragon were united.

Please contribute! More info welcome! Cimbrio, Umigon, I'm looking at you!  :)

Iberian Royal Families / Monarchs of Navarre
« on: September 17, 2005, 06:29:25 PM »

A list starting in 905:
# Sancho I (905-925)
# Garcia I (925-970)
# Sancho II (970-994)
# Garcia II (994-1004)
# Sancho III 'the Great' King of Iberia (1004-1035)
# Garcia III (1035-1054)
# Sancho IV (1054-1076)
# Sancho V (1076-1094). Also King of Aragon
# Peter I (1094-1104). Also King of Aragon
# Alfonso I 'the Fighter' (1104-1134). Also King of Aragon
# Garcia IV (1134-1150)
# Sancho VI (1150-1190)
# Sancho VII 'The Strong' (1190-???)
# Blanche I (or Blanca) (???-1229). Here sister Beregaria married Richard the Lionheart.
# Theobald I 'The Great' (1229-1253)
# Theobald II (1253-1270)
# Henry I (1270-1274)
# Jeanne I (1274-1305)
# Louis I (1305-1316)
# Philip I 'The Tall' (1316-1322). Also King of France.
# Charles I (1322-1328). Also King of France.
# Jeanne II (1328-1349)
# Philip II (1329-1343). Husband of Jeanne II.
# Charles II (1349-1387)
# Charles III (1387-1425)
# Blanche II (1425-1441)
# John II (1425-1458). Husband of Blanche II. Also King of Aragon.
# Eleanor (1458-1479)
# Francis I (1479-1483). Grandson of Eleanor.
# Catherine I (1483-1512). Sister of Francis.
# John III (1512-1517). Husband of Catherine.
# Henry II (1512-1555). Co ruled with his father John.
# Jeanne III (1555-1572)
# Henry III (1572-1610). King of France from 1589.

I would love some info or pics on these people!  :)

French Royals / Le Grand, Le Petit et 'the other' Dauphin
« on: September 17, 2005, 05:14:50 PM »
I am referring to the son of Louis XIV, Le Grand Dauphin (1661-1711), his son another Louis, Le Petit Dauphin, also Duke of Burgundy (1682-1712) and Dauphin Louis, son of Louis XV (1729-1763).

Obviously, none of these men became Kings.

Le Grand Dauphin married Maria Anne of Bavaria (1660-1690) and fathered Le Petit Dauphin, Felipe V of Spain and Charles, Duc de Berry.

Le Petit Dauphin married Marie-Adelaide of Savoy, granddaughter of Minette, Duchesse d'Orelans, and fathered Louis XV. I think Marie-Adelaide died in the same epidemic as her husband.

Dauphin Louis married Josepha of Saxony (1731-1767) and fathered Louis XVI among others.

Any info on these men? Their relationships with their parents/spouses/children? Portraits, anecdotes, please post here!  :)

The Stuarts of Scotland / Re: Physical Appearance of the Stuarts
« on: September 17, 2005, 07:01:43 AM »
Let's discuss the physical appearance of the Stuarts here.

Look at Queen Anne here. She was a VERY attractive young woman, IMO, though apprently a squint made her look somewhat petulant and sulky.

The Stuarts of Scotland / The Maid of Norway
« on: September 08, 2005, 04:11:49 PM »
A thread to discuss Queen Margaret, Scotland's first ever Queen-regnant!

Margaret was born on 9 April 1283 to Eric II of Norway and Margaret, daughter of Alexander III of Scotland. Her mother died in childbirth. When Alexander III died in 1286, the 3 year old Margaret was declared Queen of Scots, which said a lot for how far the laws of progmeniture had come in Scotland. Edward I, King of England, arranged the Treaty of Birgham in 1290 with the Scottish lords, which arranged that Margaret was eventually marry his son and heir the Prince of Wales.

MArgaret left Norway for Scotland in 1290, but fell ill soon afterwards and died in the Orkney Islands c.September 26. She was buried in Bergen with her mother.

The Stuarts of Scotland / Henrietta Maria, Queen of the Cavaliers
« on: September 05, 2005, 10:32:20 AM »
I know she has been discussed a little in the 'Charles I and Family' thread, but I think this indomitable Queen deserves a thread of her own.

Personally, I am in too minds about Henrietta - part of me thinks she fed Charles a lot of silly advice, but then again, she thought she was giving him good advice.

I once read a book about her, which started with the words that could pretty much sum her up in a nutshell: Henrietta Maria was very Catholic, and very French.

Please feel free to discuss her here! And I think there are plenty of pics of her on the other thread, so at the risk of repeating ourselves let's dispense with pics, unless they're new! thanks!  :)

BeNeLux Royalty / BeNeLux royal jewels
« on: September 03, 2005, 01:32:35 PM »
Please post pics of, info on and stories about the royal jewels of the Netherlands, Beligum and Luxembourg here. Thanks!

The Stuarts of Scotland / Scottish Royal Jewels
« on: September 03, 2005, 09:08:08 AM »
Now, I'm sure plenty of people out there (<ahem>emeraldeyes<ahem>) are interested in learning about the Scottish royal jewels. Sadly, my knowlege of them is very lacking, so anyone he can post pics or info please do so! I will post a pic of the Crown of Scotland, made for James V in 1540.

Forum Announcements / An Idea . . .
« on: September 02, 2005, 10:24:43 AM »
Hello everyone. Blanche has had the idea of asking the FA to start a board relating to Irish and Welsh royalty. She has been pm'ing me about it and I'm posting this on her behalf.

Is anyone here interested in Irish and/Welsh royalty? Would anyone like to post/read posts on such a board?

Please let me know on this thread. Thanks loads!  :D

The Stuarts of Scotland / Elizabeth Stuart, the Winter Queen
« on: September 01, 2005, 01:28:32 PM »
I thought this amazing woman deserved her own thread. She was born in 1596 to James VI of Scotland and Anna of Denmark. When she was 7 her father became King of England so she went to live in London. The culprits of the gunpowder plot intended to seize her persona and make her Queen. When she was 16 she married her exact contemporary, Frederick, the Elector Palatine of the Rhine (the two were then styled 'Prince and Princess Palatine'). In 1619, Frederick accepted the Crown of Bohemia, but was driven out by the Hapsburgs after one winter - hence Elizabeth's name 'the Winter Queen.'

Her marriage was quite happy, and she seemed to inspire personal devotion from people who knew her, not unlike her grandmother, Mary Stuart.

She was so popular, she was often called 'The Queen of Hearts' (as, some 300 years later, Diana, Princess of Wales would be called).

After living most of her life in exile in the Hague, she died in 1662.

The Tudors / Queens prior to 1485
« on: August 31, 2005, 06:57:44 AM »
Hello, everyone! Here's a thread for pics and info on all the queens of England prior to the Tudors. I'll begin with a list.

1. Matilda of Flanders, queen of William I (1031-1083)
2. Matilda of Scotland (real name Edith), first queen of Henry I (1080-1118)
3. Adela of Louvain (sometimes called Adele, Adeline etc), second queen of Henry I (1003-1051)
4. Matilda of Boulogne, queen of Stephen (1103-1152)
5. Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of Henry II (1122-1204). Eleanor, la reine magnifique! She was also Queen of France at one point.
6. Berengaria of Navarrie, queen of Richard I (1165-1230)
7. Isabella of Angouleme, queen of John (1186-1246)
8. Eleanor of Provence, queen of Henry III (1222-1291)
9. Eleanor of Castile, queen of Edward I (1244-1290)
10. Marguerite of France, second queen of Edward I (1282-1317)
11. Isabella of France, queen of Edward II (1292-1358)
12. Philippa of Hainault, queen of Edward III (1314-1369)
13. Anne of Bohemia, first queen of Richard II (1366-1394)
14. Isabelle of France, second queen of Richard II (1387-1410)
15. Mary de Bohun, first wife of Henry IV (1369-1394). Never a queen, but deserves a place here.
16. Joan/Jeanne of Navarre, second wife of Henry IV (1370-1437)
17. Catherine de Valois, queen of Henry V (1401-1437)
18. Margaret of Anjou, queen of Henry VI (1430-1482)
19. Elizabeth Woodville, queen of Edward IV (1437-1492)
20. Anne Neville, queen of Richard III (1456-1485)

Feel free to contribute, everyone!  :D

Forum Announcements / Re: Family Trees
« on: August 30, 2005, 12:20:42 PM »
I would like to know how too - is a special program needed??  ???

BeNeLux Royalty / Queen Wilhelmina
« on: August 29, 2005, 05:43:11 PM »
I thought this remarkable woman deserved her own thread. Feel free to add info, pics, anecdotes etc.

I shall begin by saying that Winston Churchill once confessed that Queen Wilhelima was the only woman he was a little afraid of!  ;D

The Stuarts of Scotland / 57 Stuarts?
« on: August 29, 2005, 03:37:01 PM »
When the succession to the British throne was settled on Sophia of Hanover in 1701, I heard that there were 57 Stuarts with better claims? Can anyone help me name them? Obviously, they would have to be alive in 1701.

1. James Francis Edward, the Old Pretender, Prince of Wales, son of James II (1688-1766)

2. Louise Marie Theresa Stuart, daughter of James II (1692-1712)

3. Anne-Marie d'Orleans, Queen of Sicily, daughter of Princess Henriette Anne and granddaughter of Charles I (1669-1728)

4. Prince Vittoria Amedeo of Sicily, son of Anne-Marie d'Orleans (1699-1715)

5. Marie-Adelaide of Sicily, daughter of Anne-Marie d'Orleans (1685-1712)

6. Maria-Ludovica-Gabriella of Sicily, daughter of Anne-Marie d'Orleans (1688-1714)

7. Elisabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, 'Liselotte', Duchesse d'Orleans, second wife of Philippe d'Orleans who was husband to Henriette Anne, great-granddaughter of James I (1652-1722)

8. Philippe d'Orleans, son of Liselotte (1674-1723)

9. Louise d'Orleans, daughter of Philippe d'Orleans (1698-1743)

10. Charlotte d'Orleans, daughter of Philippe d'Orleans (1700-1761)

11. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchesse de Lorraine, daughter of Liselotte (1676-1744)

12. Charlotte de Lorraine, daughter of the Duchesse de Lorraine (1700-1711)

13. Ludwig Otto, Furst zu Salm, great-great-grandson of James I (1674-1738)

14. Eleanore zu Salms, great-great-granddaughter of James I (1678-1737)

15. Anne, Princesse de Conde, great-granddaughter of James I (1648-1723)

16. Marie-Therese, daughter of Anne de Conde, married to Francois de Bourbon-Conti (1666-1732)

17. Louis Armand Bourbon Conti, son of Marie Therese Bourbon-Conti ((1695-1727)

18. Marie Anne Bourbon Conti, daughter of Marie-Therese (1689-1720)

19. Louise Adelaide Bourbon Conti, daughter of Marie Therese, (1696-1760)

20. Louis, Duc de Guise, great-grandson of James I (1668-1710)

21. Louis Henri de Guise, son of the Duc de Guise (1692-1740)

Phew! I'm tired now but I will continue later.

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