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Messages - Laura Mabee

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 143
Ahhhhh welcome back! I am seeing this thread for the first time and am also hoping to see something come of it.

💕Thank you!! I agree! I can't wait to see what comes of it!!

Thank you so much Teddy!!

Hello Inok,

I realize this thread is quite old, but since the restoration of the forum this was pinged to me as a thread that I had not yet read, and I wanted to follow up and see if the publication has since happened, or is planned?

Having Fun! / Re: Re: Things that annoy you because you're a Romanov fan
« on: September 18, 2016, 03:48:00 PM »
I had a similar situation to yours Ally a number of years ago with the '1903 Ball' Book. It was an expensive purchase $500+ and I been put off, or ignored entirely for over a year. I had emailed, called, and even posted on this form and got nothing. It wasn't until I brought it up (a year+ later) on an AP controversial thread... in which the thread exploded with others (who like us) didn't receive their books or refund. I then got a refund on the book, and the thread was deleted. But, as I've had the same email since 2004, I still have all the records/communication of the transaction. The situation had put a very bad taste in my mouth, and I have never ordered from Eurohistory since. (nor likely ever will -- as it seems things are the same). But it is a real shame. The books that Eurohistory puts are rare for this niche market, and I'd like to invest in them... if only one could get a hold of them without feeling like they're being taken for a ride.

Nice new digs around here! Thanks for the hard work!

The Alexander Palace / Re: A new book about the Alexande palace.
« on: December 29, 2015, 03:55:16 PM »
Thank you for the heads up Lilianna! Going to add this to my collection!

Thank you so much for your response Maria. It did help me greatly.
I think, upon your review and thoughts, I'm going to dig into these bad boys. He choose fascinating topics. Maria Feodorovna's diaries caught my eye as well, so hearing your thoughts on them are fantastic. Thank you so much!

Hey Crew!
I came across quite a few self-published works by Stephen R. De Angelis on the Romanovs. (See Here)
Does anyone have these works? Can anyone comment on them? I'm thinking of accumulating his efforts (as so many of them seem to be rare english translations) but I would like to know if anyone has any thoughts on these volumes? Are they put together nicely? (ie. footnotes, index, biblio). Are the translations well done?

I noticed his translation work on V.I. Yakovlev - The Alexander Palace - 1927 is only 328 pages, but the original is 560. Also, he says it's the 1927 volume, but the interiors was the 1928 volume, so there is confusion there.

Anyways! I just wanted to get some advice before I start to purchase these volumes as his collected works are quite an investment!
Cheers all,

Books about the Romanovs and Imperial Russia / Re: Alexander III of Russia
« on: December 06, 2015, 11:12:55 PM »
I'm getting both under the tree for Christmas. They are no.1 & 2 on my list.
Thank you for your wonderful research! Much obliged!.

Olga Nicholaievna / Re: Olga's Letters
« on: November 24, 2015, 11:03:02 AM »
Good day all!
I am curious if we managed to research more out of Olga's quote. Has anyone had a chance to get their hands on Princess Dolgoruky's memoirs? I have sent Hoover an email this morning asking for the cost to digitize the work.

Inok Nikolai> Have you had any further findings with Olga's quote? I am trying to track down the origin of the quote. It seems you've done a wonderful job with your research already, I thought I might pass you a line and see if you've found anything further? I will see if I can find a copy of the 1993 Royalty Digest.

The Alexander Palace / Re: Alexander Palace Restoration
« on: September 23, 2015, 07:54:42 PM »
Thank you Liliana for the video! How fascinating. I've never seen the palace so bare, and so exposed to the public (plastic moldings on the columns!!??!)

Having Fun! / Re: Things that annoy you because you're a Romanov fan
« on: September 11, 2015, 05:12:25 PM »
3. People mispronouncing the name Romanov. Names being mispronounced gets on my nerves  in general. Growing up with an uncommon name, it happened to me a lot in school and other places. Ro-MAN-ov. Not RO-man-ov as its often pronounced here.
Guilty as charged. Growing up, all documentaries and films I watched pronounced it  RO-man-ov. It's very hard to change.  : (

Having Fun! / Re: Rare Pictures XIII
« on: August 16, 2015, 04:36:12 PM »
Great stuff Judicial! Thank you!!

The Tudors / Re: Elizabeth I.
« on: August 14, 2015, 04:47:07 PM »
Thank you so much Kimberly for the suggestion. I will take a look into Anne Somerset's book. The book is for a girlfriend who doesn't have anything on Elizabeth I yet. I was hoping to get her something visually impressive to start.

Anastasia Nicholaievna / Re: Anastasia Pictures V
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:50:02 PM »
Lovely! Thank you Judicial!

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