To get back to the subject title and to clear it up for myself; I believe it went Nicholas, Alexandra, Trupp, Botkin, Anna (?), Olga/Tatiana, Tatiana/Olga, Alexei, Maria/Anastasia, Anastasia/Maria. (Too many sources say Olga or Tatiana died first out of the girls and Maria or Anastasia died last.)
Nicholas - Bullet wound(s) to the head/heart.
Alexandra - Bullet to the side of the head.
Anna - Bayoneted to death.
Olga - Gunshot wound to the head by either falling back or by Yurovsky when she tried to stand up. (I believe we all agree she definitely died from a bullet to the head).
Tatiana - Gunshot wound to the head by Yurovsky, bayoneted to death trying to protect Anastasia and Maria (some sources say that, don't they?) or rifle butt if you believe she was one of the girls who cried out when carried out.
Maria - Gunshot wound to the head (if you believe the body found in the 1991 burial is not Maria), or rifle butt if you believe she was one of the girls who cried out.
Anastasia - Gunshot wound to the head (if you believe the body found in the 1991 burial is not Anastasia), or rifle butt if you believe she was one of the girls who cried out.
Alexei - Gunshot wound to the head.
I do not remember hearing how Trupp and Botkin died but I do believe someone wrote somewhere Botkin survived the first round of the bullets but Trupp did not.
There was another servant with them but I cannot recall his name at this moment of time. If you think I've made some mistakes please tell me.
Indeed , back to the thread. Everyone has their own theory as to who is who in the two grave sites and some may dispute the details of their deaths . My own interpretation is below, based on accounts of the murders and the skeletal remains (if some don't like reading the details of the killings then don't continue to read the post - it is for GDSophie) ;
In order ;
Nicholas - shot in chest , died instantly , (NOT in head ), and bayonetted after death .
Alix - shot in head , probably died instantly , bayonetted after death.
Trupp and Kharitonov also died in this first volley of shots ; Botkin was shot but not fatally ; Maria apparently shot in the leg , as was Demidova.
2nd round of shots /general mayhem
Botkin - already seriously injured , shot dead
Alexei - finally shot in head at close range , after being shot and bayonetted ; his remains are fragmentary , and as far as I know, one cannot determine cause of death from them.
Olga - shot in head and probably died instantly.
Tatiana - shot in head and probably died instantly ; probably not bayonetted ; probably in the main grave .
Maria - already injured , bayonetted , NOT shot in head ; probably finally killed by rifle butts to the head en route to to the truck in the courtyard ; probably in the main grave.
Anastasia - bayonetted , maybe shot in head (non fatally) , probably finally killed by rifle butts to the head en route to the truck ; probably not in the main grave ; her remains are fragmentary , and as far as I know , one cannot determine the cause of death from them.
Demidova - bayonetted , and assumed by the killers to be the final one to die , until the two youngest girls seemingly showed signs of life as they were moved to the truck .
All faces were destroyed by rifle butts at burial site and bodies doused in acid ; two bodies , Alexei and either Anastasia (I believe) or Maria - were partially burnt and buried separately.
The Fate of the Romanovs by Greg King and Penny Wilson , has the most complete account of the murders .