« on: August 21, 2017, 05:21:30 PM »
Hi GD Sophie: I first heard about the Imperial Family in 1965, when I was 11 years old - over 50 years ago! Like many of you, including maybe your friend, I had trouble accepting that they were all dead that horrible night. So I started studying and I haven't stopped since.
As to the question of whether it was possible that someone survived, of course, the answer is yes, in the knowledge that nearly anything is possible. But that isn't really a well considered question. What would be better to ask is: is it probable that someone survived?
In my opinion, the answer is unequivocally no. It is not probable. I have looked at this crime from many angles. I've had charts all over my house, pages of notes. No, as much as many of us would hope, no one survived. And I tend to think that no one who participated in these killings or who has studied these crimes really emerges unscathed, they were really that horrific. Again, this is my well considered opinion and your friend is welcome to ask others.