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Messages - LisaDavidson

Pages: 1 ... 172 173 [174]
There is not a shread of evidence that Maria Feodorovna ever expressed any interest in meeting Anna Anderson. This type of dramaic license might be acceptable if it were many centuries after everyone who ever knew them was dead.
That's not the case here, and these lies (for that is what they are) are still hurtful to those who knew the principals, Still, today, for whatever it may matter to anyone.

MF's opinion of what had happened to her sons and Nicholas' family is the source of much conjecture. My opinion only - she knew they were all dead but pretended otherwise as the last surviving Russian Empress and to encourage the monarchists. But I have no more way of proving this.

The Russian Revolution / Re: Future of the Russian Government
« on: February 08, 2004, 02:26:13 PM »
I don't agree that there's no Romanov heir.

While there are disputes as to George's suitability, the Fundamental Law as many interpret it does make him the heir. If you accept that the male dynastic line is extinct, then Vladimir's daughter and hence her son are the Romanov heirs, and the only ones.

OTOH, an argument can be made that after the Revolution, dynastic marriages were no longer possible for Romanov dynasts and thus marriages to "women of good character" are acceptable and does not preclude the issue of such marriages from being dynasts.

I am more inclined to the second argument but am really not in any place to do anything but comment.

This will all be resolved IMHO when and if George marries. If he is able to marry dynastically and sire heirs, then the first position will prevail. If he either does not marry or marries "unequally" or dynastically with no issue, then he will have to resolve certain issues with his cousins.

There is dispute about the succession only because the Fundamental Law did not address the eventuality of the dynasty being deposed.

The Russian Revolution / Re: Future of the Russian Government
« on: February 06, 2004, 11:49:09 PM »
George is in his early 20's and has graduated from university. He needs to work for a living, whick limits the time he can spend as an active heir. He lives in the UK.

The RFA - representing all but a handful of surviving Romanov descendants - does not advocate a restoration of the monarchy until democracy is well established.

There was no single leader after the Tsar abdicated. What actually occured is that there was a tremendous vacuum. Into the void stepped the Provisional Government, which was nominally in power, and the Soviets, which were actually grass roots democratic councils throughout Russia. Into this fragile democracy, the Germans injected the Bolsheviks who overthrew the former and co-opted the later.

There was no one singularly in power in the way the tsar was until the rise of Stalin in the 1920's.

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