« on: April 06, 2017, 10:52:44 PM »
Let's look at the facts:
1. King Michael, who is elderly and ill with cancer, is the only male dynast currently part of the Romanian Royal Family. He currently spends much of his time in Switzerland due to illness.
2. The only other potential male dynasts, who according to King Michael are the only ones who can succeed their aunt, Margarita, are Nicholas Medforth Mills, formerly Prince of Romania, and his cousin Michael Kreuger.
3. As Michael's designated successor, Margarita is past childbearing age.
4. After her father passes, she will either have to name one of her nephews her successor or allow the dynasty to become extinct.
5. Therefore, in order to survive, this dynasty will have to name one of the two young men heir.
None of the above statements are opinion, they are facts.
Clearly, from 2007 through 2015, according to the family statutes, the heir after Margarita was Nicholas. Again, this is not an opinion.
What was an opinion was when I said "I have the impression that Radu wants to be king". Now this was clearly subjective, and on this point, I told you we would have to agree to disagree.
Also an opinion was that Nicholas had a falling out with Radu. This statement is based on what I have been told by individuals who know all the parties involved. If you choose to not believe me, so be it.
But I see no reason to belabor these points as I have provided what explanations I see fit.