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As you have probably noticed, the Forum looks a little different.  With HUGE Thanks to Cristian and Pallasart.  The entire database was backed up, so we lost nothing, and the Forum was upgraded to the newest  version of the software.

There are some new things, for example a newly approved user will have to "verify" being a person before their first post to prevent spam.

It will be a learning curve for all of us, myself included. So please do not hesitate to ask any question or report problems and glitches.

Again, HUGE THANKS to Cristian and the team at Pallasart Web Design.


Anastasia Nicholaievna / Previously unknown Anastasia letter from 1915
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:06:28 PM »
A rare letter written by Anastasia is being offered for auction (estimate $3500-5000).  I thought the contents might be of interest, especially the "Magic Lantern"

Tsarskoye Selo, 4th August 1915, to Shura [Alexandra], in Cyrillic. Anastasia writes 'Pictures are ready and I send them to you, and I send to your mother the one where you are drinking tea. It is raining here all the time, it is so disgusting, cold and windy, so the weather is really nasty. K?stritskiy came to see me yesterday and today, it was not very painful, but still. Today I am having only one class because M. Gilliard has to go to the city. I am certainly very happy. On Sunday we went to the baptism of the girl Ekaterina, and she was crying awfully from beginning to end. My father and my aunt Olga became her godfather and godmother. Yesterday dear Aunt Olga visited us but not for a long time, from 3 to 6, and told us many interesting things; she has got suntanned and has lost weight a little bit. Tatiana Andreevna has come, not to our place, but to Strelna, she was tired, the aunt said. At least I have told all the news. Oh, yes, yesterday, M. Gilliard and Vladimir Nikolaevich were operating the magic lantern, which was very nice and interesting. I kiss you warmly.

Forum Announcements / DNA results confimred for Romanov Remains.
« on: November 11, 2015, 10:41:31 AM »

The remains of Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna have been authenticated by genetic analysis, the Investigative Committee's website reported Wednesday.

DNA samples taken from the bones of Nicholas II have matched with samples taken a blood-stained shirt of Russia’s last tsar.

Alexandra's DNA samples contained the mutations specific to those found in descendents of Britain's Queen Victoria. Alexandra was Victoria's granddaughter, and the genetic analysis confirmed the bone's attribution to the Russian empress.

Analysis was conducted by scientists from Moscow State University and the Vavilov Institute of General Genetics.

After days and days of work, the APTM main site,, is now totally Mobile Friendly and adaptive for all devices.  PCs, laptops, tablet/pads and smartphone.

You can now use the site on any of your devices.  Next up will be making thirteen of our online books Mobile Friendly and adaptive across devices as well. First will be "Lost Splendour" and moving on.

There will be a refresh of all the books, easier to read, bigger fonts and clean new look.

Thanks to Bob, Cristian and crew at Pallasart Web Design for doing the work.


We are pleased to announce that the print version is now available of Paul Grabbe's memoirs, published with the help of Alexandra Grabbe.  This should prove to be a fascinating read for those interested.

Research Russian Roots / Translation of an Imperial Birth Record help?
« on: November 08, 2014, 10:36:38 AM »
Hi guys.  This one is a favor for me personally.  Can anyone read and translate this 1894 birth record for Nusko Feldman for me? I can only make out a few words and my ability to read Cyrillic script isn't so great. I'm hoping to find out if this is for my Great Uncle Nathan Feldman also born in 1894 in Poland. Many thanks and appreciation!

Noted author, Friend of the Russian people, and Friend of ours, Suzanne Massie has written a wonderful new book about her experience with Ronald Reagan and ending the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union.  Reagan turned to Massie for her advice and carried her suggestions — including the now famous Russian proverb — “trust but verify” — into his meetings with the new Russian leader.

This is not a "dry history" of the era, rather it is a personal account of the people involved as individuals, not "pubic figures" and the improbable, yet actual and sometimes amusing events leading to Detente.

For anyone interested in this pivotal era in Modern World History, this is a must read.

Available on Amazon or directly here:

On a personal note, Suzanne was here in our home last night, and she had us all amazed and enraptured listening to her account of this story, and am looking forward to our copy arriving shortly.

Rules for This Forum / Posting Pics From Online? GUIDELINES.
« on: March 23, 2014, 11:25:59 AM »
With the proliferation of pics on the internet, many users are posting images they find out on the internet here in the Forum.  This is generally OK so long as you follow these RULES:

1.  If you own the original image there is not a problem.  These are antique photos or other images, generally from before 1925 or so. Scan and post all you want.  AFTER then, you need the photographer's permission or the owner of the original negative.

2. You found the image in a book, newspaper or magazine you own: Depends on when the book was published. Before 1925 you are fine. Afterwards, you NEED PERMISSION from the Author or the Author's estate or the newspaper/magazine publisher. IF you have permission, great. If not, you probably can't post it.

3. You found the image online:  YOU NEED PERMISSION. You have to look at the source website and determine if they allow you to copy and post their images.  For example, the Beineke Library Yale University allows this, as long as you say where you got it. JUST BECAUSE AN IMAGE IS OUT ONLINE DOES NOT MEAN ANYBODY AND COPY AND USE IT WITHOUT PERMISSION.    When in doubt, get permission or do not post the image.

We will immediately remove any image posted in the Forum if we become aware it is posted in violation of copyright or without the permission of the owner.

If you are not certain, you are allowed to post the link to where the image is outside the forum and people can go there to see it. THAT is always permitted.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.


You can see them in this video:

Announced at the Alexander Palace yesterday, builders have discovered sections of the palace's historic past, constructed in the 19th century, and cemented over in the early 20th. During the continuing large-scale restoration of the palace's basements, workers restoring brick walls literally stumbled into them.

Two secret passageways were sealed into the wall for more than half a century. As builders dismantled the masonry, they could not believe their eyes. Two staircases were preserved, one in perfect condition, and even the wooden railing did had not rotted.

In the adjacent wall is another gem -- a toilet. On the wall, Metlaskoy tile one hundred years old still clings to the walls, but no plumbing remains. It is believed that the toilet belonged to Nicholas II himself, as the stairs lead to his private apartments.

The other Imperial mystery was waiting for restorers literally around the corner. There, a servants' tunnel has miraculously survived under a layer of concrete.

The tunnel, according to correspondent Anastasia Glebova appears to have been an underpass connecting the Alexander Palace kitchens to the main palace constructed in the 19th century by the architect Danini. After World War 2, the tunnels were concreted over.

While the restorers knew Danini's architectural plans from the late 19th century, in which he rebuilt sections of the the Alexander Palace for Nicholas II, they were unaware that In Soviet times, these stairs - and the underpass were bricked over.

The military occupied the building for years, and because cement was scarce and of poor quality, it was easy to see where later work had been done. To the delight of the restorers, the basement was almost untouched by civilization under the plaster and brick.

The management of the museum not decided what to do with the secret staircase and toilet - just to preserve them, or to restore them and restore access to Nicholas II's apartments as they were under the emperor. Neither is the fate of the tunnel certain - whether it is will become available to all visitors or to remain for official use only.

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