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Imperial Transportation / Re: Some car by the mark DUX?
« on: July 09, 2019, 01:12:54 PM »
DUX was a German automobile manufacture that had a factory in Moscow until 1915, it was later taken over by the Soviets. They made mostly bicycles and aircraft parts but did also make automobiles in Russia, as well as Germany. It continued into the early 1920s in Germany.

The Final Chapter / Re: One Hundred Years On
« on: May 13, 2019, 10:45:18 PM »
For DNAGenie:
I don't disagree with much of what you said. I do, however, have a different take on it. I find something sad about the Pathos of their situation and the resulting tragedy. Yes Nicholas knew his weaknesses, as did Alexandra. You miss the point that they had NO CHOICE but to accept their roles and "muddle on" as best they could. It was unthinkable from their perspective to NOT rule as Alexander III and his other ancestors had done. Alexandra bore a huge burden feeling totally to blame for Alexei's illness, she felt a huge guilt at not being able to "fit in" to the Social world of the Aristocracy, who mostly and unfairly never gave her a chance to be accepted for who she was, and who villified her for not conforming to their expectations, when as EMPRESS the Aristocrats had the duty to try to accept her, but they refused. This made her challenge nearly impossible. Her devotion to her family and her role was seen as a negative, by the aristocratic class who preferred her to be a social paragon of tradition, parties, and less about her family, Further the health issues of the Tsetsarevich compounded her difficulty, and she had no support or understnding from the Court for this challenge. I find it a tragedy of PATHOS,

The Final Chapter / Re: One Hundred Years On
« on: May 13, 2019, 10:29:49 PM »
As a Jew, who has studied this subject and read many first hand accounts, I can say that Nicholas was about as "OK" with Jews as any other head of State in Europe at the time. His "problem" was having to juggle the various social forces in Russia, many of which were very anti Semitic. To his credit, he never "permitted" Pogroms and in fact issued Ukazes and orders to stop and prevent them (many of which were ignored on the local level) and he had Jewish people around him, including his personal Orchestra. He once publicly ridiculed Dombadze the Governor of Yalta who refused entry to the Jewish members of Nicholas' orchestra as part of his anti Semitic agenda.

There were no English servants to the Imperial Family aside from a tutor or governess. This is almost certainly just another "family tale" which we have heard literally hundreds and hundreds of times. "Everyone" seems to have an ancestor who worked for the Imperial Family.

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Poëlle palace
« on: March 02, 2019, 04:51:17 PM »
Wait, am confused. If the fan was sold in Berlin in 1927 with the other Imperial Jewels, why would it "still" be in the Hermitage? It was sold to the West, not sent to the Hermitage.

Russian Noble Families / Re: von Nybeck
« on: October 24, 2018, 05:44:11 PM »
It is not in the "Annualaire" or Annual Book of the Nobility of the Russian Empire for 1889.

Having Fun! / Re: Operation Rod of Iron: AU fic
« on: October 08, 2018, 06:31:41 PM »
From a Model T enthusiast site:
The pedals aren't in the standard placement that we've grown accustomed to over the last 100 years or so, and in fact, only one of the three pedals does what we might expect from a floor pedal these days. I'm talking about the brake pedal. Yes, the brake pedal stops the car -- but even then, it's in the far-right position (where you would normally find the accelerator pedal). So what are the other two pedals for, you ask? Well, in addition to the brake pedal, you'll find a gear selector pedal that provides first gear (all the way to the floor), neutral (half-way out and used for stopping) and second gear (all the way out). Next to that pedal, you'll find a separate reverse gear pedal. In other words, if you're driving a Model T, you'd better be up for some pretty fancy footwork.

But it's not just your feet that will stay busy in a Model T, your hands will get a pretty good workout, too. Aside from steering the car where you want it to go, with your left hand, you'll be adjusting the firing of the spark plugs (down to advance and up to retard), and with your right hand you'll control the throttle (down to open and up to close).

According to the Car and Driver article, "The odd position of the throttle, brake, and shifter make driving a Model T an archaic and dangerous experience. It's like trying to do the Charleston while loading a musket after a big night at the speak-easy."

But the full Model T experience isn't just about sitting in the driver's seat and, well, driving. Before you can drive it, you have to start it. And, if you ever find yourself behind the wheel of a pre-1919 Model T (prior to being equipped with an electric starter), that can be another challenge. In fact, there's even the very-real risk of breaking an arm each time you start it up -- that is, if the engine backfires.

Russian Noble Families / Re: Biron descendants
« on: October 06, 2018, 03:10:44 PM »
I've never heard of nor seen "Nobility Books". We have a copy of the 1880 edition of the Annual of the Russian Noble Families, listing them.  There is no "von Biron" listed. The only thing I found in it was a mention of a lesser noble family "Biren", but the family was not of high enough nobility to list the family lineage.
Here is the lineage of the family:
The family rose to prominence when the last member of the House of Kettler was left without any male heirs. As a result, Ernst Johann von Biron, a lover of Empress Anna of Russia, succeeded Ferdinand Kettler as Duke of Courland and Semigallia.

After that, the family ruled the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia for periods of time between 1737 and 1795. However, the dynasty was short lived and ended with Peter von Biron, who died in 1800 with no male heirs.[1]

    Karl von Bühren
         Ernst Johann von Biron (1690–1772), duke of Courland and Semigallia, lord of Sycow
             Peter von Biron (1724–1800), duke of Courland and Semigallia, duke of Sagan, lord of Sycow
                Wilhelmine von Biron (1781–1839), princess of Courland, duchess of Sagan
                Marie Luisa Paulina von Biron (1782–1845), princess of Courland, duchess of Sagan
                Johanna Katharina von Biron (1783–1876), princess of Courland
            Karl Ernst von Biron (1728–1801), prince of Courland
                Gustav Kalixt von Biron (1780–1821)
                    Karl Prinz Biron von Curland (1811–1848)
                    Kalixt von Biron (1817–1882)
                        Gustav von Biron (1859–1941)
                            Karl von Biron (1907–1982) ∞ Herzeleide of Prussia (1918–1989)
                                Benigna von Biron (*1939)
                                Ernst-Johann Biron, Prince of Courland (*1940), current head
                                Michael von Biron (*1944)
                                    Veronika von Biron (*1970)
                                    Alexander von Biron (*1972)
                                    Stefanie von Biron (*1975)
                            Friedrich Franz von Biron (1910–1997)
                                Franz Kalixt von Biron (*1934)
                                    Marcus von Biron (*1967)
                                    Kalixta (*1975)
                                Gustav von Biron (*1941)
                                    Alexandra (*1970)
                                    Franziska (*1975)

Having Fun! / Re: Operation Rod of Iron: AU fic
« on: August 13, 2018, 05:56:41 PM »
Don't forget Armand Hammer, who met with the Soviets and was given contracts and who served as the conduit to raise Western cash for the USSR by importing and selling off Romanov memorabilia and Imperial Russian antiques from the Soviet Antikvariat. "The Hammer Galleries" toured department stores all across the US in the 1920s and '30's.

Some guy posted to the Facebook Romanov News group just recently that he was STILL pursuing Eugenia Smith's claim despite the DNA, and he refers to her as "Evgenia Smetisko"!

My Russian is not good enough to translate. I do however know that the "accent" is not at all all "foreign". It is aristocratic Russian of the Imperial Era. I had a "Tante" born to a noble family in Moscow in about 1905 or so. Her Russian had the very same accent. Paul Kulikovsky is on Facebook, and you might want to message him and ask him for details.

Q&A and Interviews / Re: . How do I change my email address?
« on: July 28, 2018, 10:30:51 AM »
Yes, in your profile.

The Imperial Family / Re: The Romanovs as artists
« on: July 21, 2018, 06:30:15 PM »
Be aware that the link goes to an article that is available only to paying subscribers. I have a close friend of many years who is part of the Romanov family and contributed to the piece, and put other member in contact as well.

Having Fun! / Re: I got a new cat: Tatiana!
« on: July 21, 2018, 04:45:38 PM »
We got a puppy and about two months later adopted 2 kittens. A second puppy came a year later. Because they grew  up together they adored each other. One or both cats was often snoozing happily curled up next to one of  the dogs. Never had a problem between them for 13 years.

I translated Volkov and published it here on the AP site back in 2004.

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