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Topics - Gabriella

Pages: [1]
Forgive me when there's already a thread about my topic, I foound none.

I already know that Nicholas II had a love-affair with the balletdancer Mathilda Kschessinska before marrying Alix. Afterwards she became the lover of two of his cousins. With Grandduke Andrei Vladimirovitch (son of Nicholas's uncle Vladimir & his aunt Miechen) she lived together andt hey had a son. I know that Miechen  was not aprroved about that relationship.

Waht about Nicholas? Was he approved of the relationship between Mathilda & Andrei?

As far as i know, the swedish King has four sisters,the princesses Margaretha, Birgitta, Desiree and Christina. What had happened to them?

Does anybody have pictures of them or information?

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