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Messages - Gabriella

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Scandanavian Royal Families / Re: Princesses Ragnhild and Astrid of Norway
« on: September 27, 2012, 02:26:51 AM »
Some pictures of the late Princess Ragnhild. May she rest in peace.


French Royals / Re: The Grimaldi's of Monaco
« on: September 16, 2012, 05:26:44 PM »
September 14, 2012 marks the 30th anniversary of Princess Grace's passing. :(

I found a blog about Grace some of you may enjoy.  It has some truly remarkable photographs of her, many of which I've never before seen, taken over every stage of her life, although I visit it to look the photos, not read the commentary!

thanks for posting the link.

I thought of Gracethat day very much. It' such a  long time ago. May she rest in peace.

The Hesse-Darmstadts (Hesse and by Rhine) / Re: Grand Duke Ludwig IV
« on: September 09, 2012, 07:46:59 AM »
Yes. but how much of that was there before Alice ? Darmstadt was a sleepy town when she got there. How many museums are there then ? The Dutch were rich and cosmopolitan (rich with trade with Asia & Africa) and stapled in democracy. I still think had the Dutch candidate been much better than he was, Albert would pretty much prefer Alice go there instead of Hesse.

Eric look at your place of living. How much was there at Alice'S time?

The proof is Carol formally asked for Marie's hand in marriage after the meeting. Nicholas laughed it off and told him to come back in a few years time.

Where is the proof?  Which book or biography says that Carol asked for Maria's hand in marriage?

I think the two older girls made a pact not to go for Carol. Both Olga & Tatiana appeared a bit sun-burnt which did not display their best features. Marie on the other hand was the most beautiful of the 4 girls (Tatiana was the most elegant, but too serious & cold). She was friendly and flirtatious at the same time (once stolen the heart of her cousin Dickie Mountbatten)  and appeared to be more natural than her more tense sisters since she wasn't in the running. Had she been consulted, she could have said yes as she was "the most likely to marry and make a good wife". Olga was more of an intellectual and suffered for it.

Is there any proof that Carol felt fpr Maria ? Or is this another WHAT IF?

Romanov and Imperial Russia Links / Re: A new Italian Romanov site
« on: July 11, 2012, 02:57:28 PM »
Thzankis for posting the links. Your sites are amazing.

Thanks for posting the link, blessotma. The pictures are amazing. Sad that the exhibition rujns only till month end. Hope it is a sucess.

Mediatized Noble Families / Re: Toerring-Jettenbach
« on: May 30, 2012, 06:42:37 AM »
The bridesmaid between Pamela Mountbatten and her sister is Princess Alexandra of Kent.

Thanks for posting the pictures of the 1st birthday of the twins. They are very cute.

Tried both links. The first connects with a page that is full with greek scriptures, the other shows nothing.

Scandanavian Royal Families / Re: Princess Sybilla
« on: October 28, 2011, 02:11:47 PM »

Thank you, Carolath Habsburg for the fantastic picture of Cecile and the ones of Eleonore.

The first one I have never seen before, she looks fantastic.

The picture was shot at Wolfsgarten 20th of May 1965. It shows from left to right POrince Ludwig, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret in front with her dogs, behind her Beatrix von Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Dorothea zu Windisch-Grätz and Prince Philip.

Thanks for sharing that great picture with us.

What was Grandduchess Elizabeth relationsship with her aunt and sister-in-law Maria Alexandrowna afore and after the divorce of
Ernest-Louis and Victoria-Melita?

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