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Messages - Gabriella

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The Hohenzollern / Re: Victoria Louise, Duchess of Brunswick Part II
« on: April 13, 2011, 02:48:26 PM »
Lovely engagement card
With a traditional german suit

Thanks for posting that picture of Viktoria-Luise in that lovely greek costume.

What a striking resemblance with her granddaughter Sophia Queen of Spain.

The lady wearing the tiara is Princess Alexandra of Kent.

Here's a picture of that eveing showing her with Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison:

Thanks for posting the pictures of Helena Victoria and Marie-Louise. I had read they were keen sports-women but never seen pictures that
show them in action.

I do remember having seen this mini-serie in german TV. Wasn't the american actress Lee Remick starring as Jennie Churchill?

Those were just some examples I've given. I don't want to divert the thread but there are many pre-WW1 and post-WW1 (ie the Bognor example) regarding the British royals.

Also, the man Cecile shaking hands with was a naval aviator, not a common person on the street. Can anyone decipher the rest of the caption? I believe it's congratulating him on a successful flight but am not sure.

As you assume the capture of the picture says: Crownprincess Cecilie congratulates a sucessful navy flier.

When the  diphteria broke out in her family Ella was he only one of the children that did not get. She was sent to her grandmother Princess Elizabeth of Hesse, the mother of her father. I think she stayed there until after the death and burial of her mother.

The Windsors / Re: Princess Alexandra of Kent & Angus Ogilvy
« on: March 19, 2011, 06:15:07 PM »
her wedding ceremony at Westminster Abbey:

This year the garden of Wolfsgarten is open for the public May, 14-15th and 21-22th 2011.

The Princely Gardening Event takes place Sept., 16-18th 2011.

Thaks for posting the picture.

What bundles of joy and so cute.

The Windsors / Re: The Family of Edward VII and Queen Alexandra
« on: February 23, 2011, 01:16:18 PM »
Thanks for posting the postcard. It's very interresting to see them on a postcard from Vienna.

The words on the postcard "Gruß aus Wien" mean "greetings from Vienna".The right pictures shows Stephansdom, the biggest church in Vienna. On the picture in the middle you find the Rotunde, a buildung that was errected for Vienna World Fair of 1873. Afterwords it was used for fairs, shows and as concert-hall. Sadly it burned down in 1937.

Thanks for the infos, Grandduchessedlla. I'm looking forward to the arrival of my copy which was announced for march by

The Windsors / Re: Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
« on: February 13, 2011, 07:04:32 AM »
There will be an exhibition on the occasion of Prince Philip celebrating his 90th birthday:

BeNeLux Royalty / Re: Queen Beatrix Part II
« on: February 13, 2011, 06:46:57 AM »
Thanks for posting the pictures. Queen Beatrix looks fantastic for a woman of her age.

Edwina in the 1920ies:

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