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Messages - BobG

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Other Palaces / Re: Rundale Palace
« on: August 01, 2005, 05:42:18 AM »
Where is Rundale?  I have never read about it in reference to the Impeial Family.
Bob G

Palaces in the Crimea / Re: Miskhor
« on: July 31, 2005, 06:02:39 AM »
I have just been reading First to Go Back by Princess Irina Skariantina and she has a reference to Mishkor:

    "Leaving Alupka, we passed through Mishor. "Over there," said our driver, pointing to the park, "is the palace built for Alexander III. One day when he was driving along this road he said to one of his ministers who was with him, ‘What a lovely spot. I should like to have a house out there.’ The minister took it as a command and unknown to the Tsar had the palace built. Three years later when it was completed the minister was driving by the same place with Alexander, and called his attention to it, hoping it would come as a pleasant surprise. But the Tsar had forgotten his desire, or that he had ever expressed the wish, and scarcely noticing it, remarked: ‘What is that ugly place?' "
     I had never heard that story in all my life, but Vic chuckled over it and was very much amused."

She refers to passing by Ai-Toldor, Haraks, and Dulber before Alupka and it seems they are different estates.

Can anyone help clarify and does anyone have more information and/ or pictures of Mishkor?

Bob G

The Alexander Palace / Re: Eggs in Maple Room Cabinet
« on: July 09, 2005, 05:50:47 AM »
In the At Home with the Last Tsar and his Family exhibition catalogue, they show a picture of the Corner cabinet of the maple Room and identify the eggs as follows:
Top shelf:    
Colonade Egg

Middle Shelf:
Fifteenth Anniversary Egg
Uspensky Cathedral Egg
Tercentennary Egg

Bottom Shelf:
Alexander Palace Egg
Standart Egg
Tsarevich Egg

The picture is identified as having been taken in 1914, so I hope its the same one you're referrring to.
Bob G

Palaces in the Crimea / Re: Livadia's floorpalns
« on: July 04, 2005, 02:30:26 PM »
I second that!  It would be wonderful to know what the inside of Livadia was like.
We'll keep our fingers crossed that you will share them with us.

Hope this posting from the Palaces in Petersburg thread helps give you an idea of Nicholas and Mathilde's love nest:
The the modest two-story house at 18, Angliyskiy Prospect that was bought by the heir Nicholas for Matilda Kshesinskaya. However, she wasn't the first Romanov's ballet mistress to live there. Prior to her moving in, it belonged to prima-ballerina Anna Kuznetsova, a passion of GD Konstantin Nikolayevich who actually built the house for her.

As I've aready told BobG, I happened to be inside the house many times: it belongs to the Samoilova candy/chocolate factory (Georges Bormann prior to the revolution) where my wife used to work at a factory health clinic. The family members were allowed to come from time to time and eat as much sweets as they could. At that time nobody of the personnel seemed to know about the house's romantic past. Neither did I.


Tsarskoe Selo Palaces / Re: Catherine Palace, Tsarskoe Selo, today
« on: June 26, 2005, 03:24:30 PM »
I think you could call them service or administration buildings.

Palaces in the Crimea / Miskhor
« on: June 25, 2005, 12:54:06 PM »
Dolgorukies had other estate before the revolution -
Miskhor .
It was the famous Naval Hospital during and after the WWII. My grand grand father lived in the palace and worked in the Hospital at the end of 40ths.

It is interesting that you mention MISKHOR.
I was reading IN THE MARBLE PALACE and Prince Gavril Konstantinovich mentions staying there on several occasions.
I had never heard of this estate before and assumed it belonged to the family.  I wonder if they bought it from the Dolgorukaya's or if it was own by the Crown and just loaned to the Konstantiovichs.  
Does you or anyone have more of the history of Miskhor?

The Alexander Palace / Re: Alexandra's Formal Reception Room
« on: June 25, 2005, 08:29:36 AM »
The ambassadors who met with Nicholas entered from the third entrance ( in the MAP of AP site refferes as the Entrance C ).
On the prerevolutionary maps they called in Entrance A but at the same time they called in Third Entrance.
THere was a big room where the guests could wait for the palace's servant . After this they entered to the Oak corridor , to the red passing room etc.

Could you explain the location of the Oak corridor, and the red passing room?  I cannot find them on the plan of the AP.
Any help would be apprecciated.

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Palace of GDss Xenia Aleksandrovna
« on: June 24, 2005, 05:36:05 AM »
Thanks so much for the pictures from the street showing the fence.  Now I know this area must have been completely covered by fencing or construction screens as I never saw anything like this when I was in St. Petersburg.  I was following a guidebook and would not have missed such a beautiful palace if it was viewable.
Well, this is the great adavantage of this board: we get to see places that we have missed or will never get to see.
Thanks so much.

Thanks so much for posting the picture.  It is such an important part of Nicholas II's history.  When you think of the nights he spent there--visiting Matilda "platonically."
Also, it gives us an idea of how Matilda moved her lovers to bigger and better houses as she became more well known.
Thanks again.

Tsarskoe Selo Palaces / Re: The Lower Dacha (New Palace), at Peterhof
« on: June 20, 2005, 06:26:14 AM »
Now I can see them larger.
They are wonderful!
Thanks for fixing the links.
Bob G

Tsarskoe Selo Palaces / Re: The Lower Dacha (New Palace), at Peterhof
« on: June 19, 2005, 08:02:49 PM »
Nothing happens when I click on the small images.
Am I doing something wrong?

Tsarskoe Selo Palaces / Re: The Pavillions at Peterhof
« on: June 17, 2005, 10:01:05 AM »
The Palace and its plan is shown in this very thread.  It is important that you go through the entire thread or do a search before posting a request like this.
Bob G

Znamenka was eventually owned by Grand Duke Peter Nicholaevitch and Militsa.  Nicholas and Alexander often met Rasputin there.
There is also a Novo-Zamenka on the Peterfof road wh

The Yussupovs / Re: The Yusupov Palace on Moika, St.Petersbourg
« on: June 09, 2005, 09:06:03 AM »
That is exactly the way I felt about the Alexander Palace several years ago when I first discovered this site.  But oddly enough, I did get to Russia and visited the palace as well as the Moika Palace.  I never expected to go either, and then the stars aligned and I got to make the trip.  I wish so much I have learned since then, (like the floorplans of the palaces) had been more available to me so that I could have paid more attention to the layouts and be more helpful in updating and clarifying your plans.
However, what I really wanted to say is keep posting and believe that you can see these wonderfuly place in person, and it will happen.

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