Quoting Richard Cullen:
I have copies of the scene of crimes photographs - Felix's entrance was at the side of the Palace - where the children's playgound is now. It is hard to visualise as there were 6' foot high railings along the front of the yard, which is now the playground. The railings come up to the height of the windows.
the windows in the basement room are tiny, above head height.
Closest to the Palace in the yard were a set of gates, then a length of railings and then the main gate with the gate keepers hut.
When you read the files from GARF and compare with the photographs you can fit the pieces together.
Although I know the passages these do not feature in ingress, egress from the palace at the time of R's murder. But the pictures are great.
When the appropriate permissions arrive I will post the pics, you can see where the investigators have marked the blood patterns
Hope this helps
You can see in your first floorplan of Felix and Irina's apartment the door on the very left of their suite which would coincide with Richard's description. I would not be a bit surprised if this entrance was used mostly by Felix for entrance to his basement rooms below his and Irina's apartment and he could use it to bring "guests" privately into his rooms
In old pictures of the palace, the "vanishing doorway" clearly is there, and I think must have been the main entrance to Felix and Irina's suite.
I think you have done a great job with the floorplans and wish we could get an accurate set of Felix's rooms.
Bob G