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Messages - BobG

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The Alexander Palace / Re: Right Wing of Alexander Palace
« on: June 05, 2005, 04:06:00 AM »
Any chance you can post the photocopy?
I would love to see the right wing corridor.  Many of us are fascinated by that side of the palace of which we know so little.

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Anichkov Palace
« on: June 02, 2005, 06:10:11 AM »
Amedeo & Reco,
It looks like the pictures above have been removed, and I hope you'll repost them as your pictures have been wonderful on this board.
I think what the Forum Administrator doesn't understand is that many of us see pictures on our home computers with no problem and when they are posted they are much larger.  I have found that by previewing any post first, I can get a sense if a picture is going to fit on the board screen without having to scroll across the bottom of my screen.  You want the image to fit in the window without scrolling.  As an example, your Fieldmarshal Hall image is 16"x13" and while one would think this would fit on a 17" monitor, I have to scroll across and down to see parts of it.  What I usually do is download such large posting to look at it in my photo software.
You need to have some kind of photo software, and it makes sense to make a smaller version of the picture you're posting (within the guidelines the Forum Admin listed) and then post it.
I'm assume there is more detail on how to resize pictures in the Admin area.
Most of us barely understand how the pictures work on our computers, and in my case, it is only luck that I can get posting pictures to work at all.
I hope you'll repost the missing pictures and continue your wonderful contributions to the forum.
Bob G

The Yussupovs / Re: The Yusupov Palace on Moika, St.Petersbourg
« on: May 31, 2005, 06:45:33 AM »
Tsaria and Richard Cullen:
Any updates on getting floorplans or pictures of the crime scene?
I think there are a lot of us waiting with great hopes.
Bob G

The Yussupovs / Re: The Yusupov Palace on Moika, St.Petersbourg
« on: May 31, 2005, 06:37:40 AM »
Your labeling on the aerial shot of the Moika palace grounds is just incredible.  It really helps me to understand all the pictures I have seen (ie yours, those on Wandering Camera, and others) to put together a complete understanding of the palace and its grounds as well as what happened there the night Rasputin died.
Keep up the great postings.

I continue to be amazed at your ability to find wonderful pictures that seem so rare, like the Kiril & Ducky's mansion (You're right--not much of a palace.)
any chance you know of a picture of Anglisky(English) Prospekt 18?  It's the house Nicholas supposedly bought for Mathilde Kshesinskaya and where he visited her.
Bob G
PS in another thread, I just learned Nicholas first leased, then bought the house from Rimsky-Korsakov.

The picture you posted is the Stieglits Museum, not the residence of Baron Stieglits.  It is part of an Art School and is located at Solyanoy pereulok, 13 and is part of the Mukhinskaya Academy of Art. Stieglitz commissioned Maximillian Mesmakher to design the building as the School of Decorative Arts in 1879.  
Bob G

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Palace of GDss Xenia Aleksandrovna
« on: May 29, 2005, 06:44:06 AM »
Exactly my experience.  I've always assumed the photos people were posting of Xenia's palace (the real one) were on the courtyard side of the building I had photographed.  Also, since many address in Russia seem to have double numbers, I assumed the 106/108 wasn't a big deal.
I did get further down the Moika and saw Grand Duke Alexei's palace,  though.  I even went around the back to see the garden facade.  So it wasn't a total loss.
Let me know if you find some pictures of the gate.

Kiril and Ducky lived at Glinka Street, 13.
I don't have any pictures or know how it is being used, but if anyone can post them, I would love to see them and know its current use.
Bob G

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Palace of GDss Xenia Aleksandrovna
« on: May 28, 2005, 12:40:16 PM »
I didn't even see this gate, or the palace behind it, and as I was looking purposefully for a palace, I can't imagine that I would miss it.
I do remember the 108 building seemed in the middle of renovation.  I did walk into the courtyard next to 108 and I can't remember if the small Xenia palace (106) was part of it.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos in the courtyard.
Do you remember seeing this gate?

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Palace of GDss Olga Aleksandrovna
« on: May 28, 2005, 10:30:12 AM »
I believe they began by living at the Oldenburg palace which faced the Field of Mars just past the Troitsky Bridge.  
They later moved to their own palace at Sergeievskaya (Chernyshevsky) ulitsa 46-48.  
The Wondering Camera web site has a picture of its gate:
Bob G

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Palace of GDss Xenia Aleksandrovna
« on: May 27, 2005, 12:23:00 PM »
Thanks so much for the great picture of Xenia's gate.
I cannot imagine how I walked down the Moika embankment looking for her palace and did not see this beautiful gate.  I wonder if it was covered or being restored when I was there in 2002?
I'm really disappointed that the picture I took wasn't Xenia's palace, but at least now I'll know for the future.
Appreciate all your help.

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Palace of GDss Xenia Aleksandrovna
« on: May 27, 2005, 09:48:13 AM »
Is your picture taken from the Moika or from Dekabristov street?  Can it be seen from the embankment?
Is my picture above not the Sports Institute?
Thanks for your help.

The Yussupovs / Re: The Yusupov Palace on Moika, St.Petersbourg
« on: May 27, 2005, 09:38:52 AM »
Quoting Richard Cullen:

I have copies of the scene of crimes photographs - Felix's entrance was at the side of the Palace - where the children's playgound is now.  It is hard to visualise as there were 6' foot high railings along the front of the yard, which is now the playground.  The railings come up to the height of the windows.

the windows in the basement room are tiny, above head height.

Closest to the Palace in the yard were a set of gates, then a length of railings and then the main gate with the gate keepers hut.

When you read the files from GARF and compare with the photographs you can fit the pieces together.

Although I know the passages these do not feature in ingress, egress from the palace at the time of R's murder.  But the pictures are great.

When the appropriate permissions arrive I will post the pics, you can see where the investigators have marked the blood patterns

Hope this helps



You can see in your first floorplan of Felix and Irina's apartment the door on the very left of their suite which would coincide with Richard's description.  I would not be a bit surprised if this entrance was used mostly by Felix for entrance to his basement rooms below his and Irina's apartment and he could use it to bring "guests" privately into his rooms
In old pictures of the palace, the "vanishing doorway" clearly is there, and I think must have been the main entrance to Felix and Irina's suite.
I think you have done a great job with the floorplans and wish we could get an accurate set of Felix's rooms.
Bob G

Tsarskoe Selo Palaces / Re: The Pavillions at Peterhof
« on: May 27, 2005, 09:12:52 AM »
It´s the Rose Pavillion, located in the Ozerky Park( I think it could be translated as the park of the lakes...).

On some maps of Peterhof, this is referred to as the Tsaritsyn Pavillion, or the Pavillion on Tsarina Island on Olgin Pond.
Bob G

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Palace of GDss Xenia Aleksandrovna
« on: May 27, 2005, 06:13:45 AM »
I am soooo Confused about Xenia's Palace.  The Lonely Planet Guide to St Petersburg lists it at 108 Moika.
In The Hidden Interiors, the authors say it is now the Legaft Sports Institute, which the St Petersburg Yellow pages lists at 108 Moika embankment.  
The AP pictures show the Palace with the granite stairs which I am sure I did not see from the embankment when I was looking for Xenia's palace.  Never having Noticed the difference in numbers (106-108 ) I have always assumed that the pictures on the AP site Reco mentioned was taken in the courtyard and mine was taken on the embankment.  Can anyone help me out an d does anyone have a picture of Xenia's palace from the embankment?
Thanks to all

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