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Messages - BobG

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26 ... 28
Other Palaces / Re: Gatchina Palace
« on: May 26, 2005, 02:16:18 PM »
Click on this link to get a wonderful map of Gatchina, which I think has most of the buildings in the Gatchina Park.
Bob G

Tsarskoe Selo Palaces / Re: The Farm Palace, in Peterhof
« on: May 26, 2005, 01:53:20 PM »
I know Katia had a dacha near Peterhof, but I doubt if she was allowed to stay at the Farm.  
I know at a later date Nicholas and Alexandra lived here while the Lower Palace was being renovated.

I don't suppose you have a picture of Petr Nikolaevich's palace on the Petrovskaia Embankment?  
I was wondering if it was possible he first lived on the English embankment and then built a palace on the Petrovskaia Embankment? His brother built his palace around 1910, so Petr may have done the same.
Can you provide any further info?

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Palace of GDss Xenia Aleksandrovna
« on: May 26, 2005, 07:51:35 AM »
The Guidebook I had for St Petersburg lists Xenia's Palace as 108 Moyka.
This was another Vorontsov Palace in St Petersburg.  The Corps des Pages was an earlier Voronstov Palace locatred on Sadovaya Ulitsa, 26 and was occupied by the Corps des Pages from 1810.
Bob G

Thanks so much for the information and the pictures.
I knew about Andrei and Paul, but I'm still wondering where Petr Nicolaevich and Militsa lived on the English Embankment. Any information on them?
Bob G

Tsarskoe Selo Palaces / Re: Catherine Palace, Tsarskoe Selo, today
« on: May 22, 2005, 10:22:45 AM »
Reco & Amedeo,
Thank you for posting the beautiful aerial shots of the palaces.  You can really get a sense of their size and beauty in these shots.
Please continue to post such great photos.
Bob G

I knew that his brother Nicholas and his wife Anastasia lived in the palace he had built on the Petrovskaia Embankment.  Are you sure you're not thinking of him?
There are very few palaces on this embankment.

I just read in A Lifelong Passion that Anna Virubova first met Rasputin at Grand Duke Petr Nicolaevich and Militsa's palace on the English Embankment.
Does anyone know what Number the palace was?

I bought this wonderful book when I went to Newark to the Alexander Palace Exhibit and absolutely love it.
Its bibliography lists a book titled:
The Yusupov Palace, Mansions of the Aristocracy, History of a Noble Line, an Estate and a Collection.
published in St Petersburg, 1999.
Has anyone ever seen this book?  I am assuming it is in Russian, but would love to know where I might find a copy of it.

Actually, the Hermitage and the Winter Palace were damaged during the war, but it was far less damage than Peterhof, The Catherine Palace or Pavlovsk suffered.  On the Hermitage web site, there is a section on the Hermitage during the war with pictures of the damage done by the direct hits of bomb.  It was fairly localized damage, and did not require major reconstruction.

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Private rooms of the Winter Palace
« on: May 14, 2005, 06:55:58 AM »
The Malachite Coupe highlighted on the Hermitage site originally came from the Stroganoff palace and only came into the Malachite Room after the revolution.  

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Private rooms of the Winter Palace
« on: May 13, 2005, 09:08:13 AM »
The Malachite room is in the Winter Palace (now the Hermitage) in St. Petersburg.  It is one of the first rooms of the private Imperial Suite on the Neva following the enfilade of The Antechamber, The Nicholas Hall, and the Concert Hall. It is named for the malachite Columns and decorations that were created by Alexander Briullov after the 1837 fire.  It still exists today.

The Building behind the stairs is definitely Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Jr.'s palace.  It was later used as a "Palace of Weddings" and there was a protest by brides when it was taken over by the state.  I would love to know what this building is used for today.  When I was in St Petersburg there were some burly guards at the door.  I have a suspicion (with no facts to back it up) that Putin appropriated the Palace for his own use.

Just another note on TSAR: The picture on p. 53 is mislabeled as the Anichkov Palace.  The building in the picture was originally the Catherine Institute, and is now part of the Russian Library.


This may sound awful, but I would much rather see the Alexander Palace restored and returned to its full museum state, BEFORE the New Palace gets rebuilt.  In an ideal world, both could be accomplished at the same time, but in the real world, the AP is just not getting the attention and money it deserves.  I really hope that a concerted effort that started long ago with Bob beginning this site and alerting the world of the condition of the AP can continue to bring the AP back to its former glory.
Bob G

Palaces in St. Petersburg / Re: Private rooms of the Winter Palace
« on: March 01, 2005, 11:34:35 AM »
Thanks for clarifying that.  I have pieced together the location of Nicholas I's daughters room from the watercolors in The Winter Palace book, but it unfortunately doesn't have a plan of the ground floor, so I was excited to see Brian's posting.

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