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Messages - Madame-Sisi

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The Habsburgs / Re: Empress Elisabeth, Part III
« on: May 28, 2009, 10:37:57 AM »
Here some pictures of members of Elisabeths family:

These Are Monkeys and parrots of the background is Count Hohenstein who traveled with Sisi.

Little Rudolf and Gisela

Sisis brothers and sisters and her mother

Sisi's Sister Marie With Her Sister-in-laws Annunziata(also Sisi's sister-in-law) and Immaculata

Sisi's Aunts Archduchess Sophie(mother-in-law) and Empress Karoline Augusta

Empress Karoline Augusta  Sisis aunt

Sisis Aunt and mother in law archduchess Sophie

Sisis youngest brother and sister Sophie and Max Emanuel

archduke Franz Karl and archduchess Sophie.. Franz Josephs Parents

Sisis little sister Sophie

Again sisis little sister Sophie

Sisis mother Ludovika with her dog

sisis mother Ludovika again

Sisis Sister Marie

Sisis Sister Mathilde

Sisis Sister Mathilde Again

Sisis Sister In Law Henriette Mendel

The Habsburgs / Re: Empress Elisabeth, Part III
« on: March 24, 2009, 10:53:05 AM »
yes me 2..well in the book the quality is good but it is small.. and when i scann it it always comes out so unclear..

so if someone has a better quality of it..i will be so happy :p

The Habsburgs / Re: Empress Elisabeth, Part III
« on: March 24, 2009, 10:33:05 AM »
a week ago I ordered the book sisis familienalbum of brigitte it came in and i saw one picture i have never seen before.. with her ladies in waiting.. i made a copie of it!
( sorry for the poor quality..i hate scanners.. they always make the picture blurry and stuff like that)

The Habsburgs / Re: Empress Elisabeth, Part III
« on: March 21, 2009, 08:54:14 AM »

A Angerer Photo Session (sorry some look a bit blurry or stuff because of my scanner):


If you click on this link you´ll see several pictures of Sisi´s ladies in waiting:

Cool thanks for the link!

Having Fun! / Re: Famous Habsburgs in movies/plays/cartoons
« on: March 07, 2009, 07:18:13 AM »
Is the film going to be in German or English ?

In german..

And i also read somewhere that the makers wanted to make it more like what really happend instead of the "Sissi" from ernst marischka movies...
so thats one good thing.. i love the romy schneider version but..i like it as a nice fairytale thing.. so i hope this one really will be more like the truth!!

Having Fun! / Re: Famous Habsburgs in movies/plays/cartoons
« on: March 06, 2009, 02:02:00 PM »
We just have to wait and see won't we ? as I do not read German, I wonder when does the shooting takes place ?
in april this year

Having Fun! / Re: Famous Habsburgs in movies/plays/cartoons
« on: March 06, 2009, 07:09:31 AM »
I found the information of the new Sisi movie  but it is only in german..

The Habsburgs / Re: Empress Elisabeth, Part III
« on: February 26, 2009, 05:38:41 PM »
I would also like to wear those dresses..or the hats..
but i think it would be heavy for me..i dont way much my weight is always around 50/53...but i would love it..

Im gonna make a dress but it wont be like those heavy dresses it will be like something you see on the paintings of Elisabeth around 1890 the black dresses..i like those to

The Habsburgs / Re: Empress Elisabeth, Part III
« on: February 25, 2009, 02:28:16 PM »
this is from her wedding dress
Here a peace of her tail

Vesper mantle

The Habsburgs / Re: Empress Elisabeth, Part II
« on: February 07, 2009, 04:08:45 PM »
Your very welcome ;-)

The Habsburgs / Palaces,residencies, estates of the Habsburgs
« on: February 07, 2009, 11:08:20 AM »
The event spoken of above is mentoined in a dutch roman on Sisi's life. Ludwig came to her, he told her someone they both held dear would die by fire and then she would soon join them. The book is called "Sisi's Winterlied"(Sisi's Wintersong), by Lucas Zandberg. Also I remember Eric Lowe mentioning that the death of Sisi, Sophie, and - if I recall  correctly - Ludwig. He said it was pronounced by a gypsy or something that Ludwig II would die by water, Sophie by fire and Sisi by steel.

And remember Sisi mentoining, only short before her death, that she hoped her spirit to leave her body by a hole in her heart. So that is what happens,

I know im dutch to so i have read that book :)
but i read it in Brigitte hamann's the reluctant empress and the diary of marie valeries daughter..
Marie larisch also said in her book that ludwig came to her to tell her the "future" but not very clear..

and that of a gypsy pronouncing it..i've read that also somewhere..dont know exactly where :S

The Habsburgs / Re: Empress Elisabeth's epistolary - poems/letters...
« on: February 07, 2009, 11:05:14 AM »
Your very welcome ;)

The Habsburgs / Palaces,residencies, estates of the Habsburgs
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:25:40 AM »
Well i will see it in the book "Die habsburger und das übersinnliche"...when there are some interesting stories i will place it here..

Oyeah Empress Elisabeth also believed in the spiritual world..She have seen the ghost of Ludwig..
this story is also in the diary of her daughter Marie Valerie.. and in the book of her cousin gräfin Marie Larisch.


In Elisabeths diary ( not found to this day but quoted by Marie Larisch), Elisabeth explained her tendencies.
I do not belong to those whose spiritual senses are closed off.
And that is why I hear, or, rather,feel the thoughts and the will concerning me of my spirit,
That is why I see blonde Else of the Rhine and Bubi( her nephew Taxis, who died young), once I also saw Max(brother-in-law), but he did not have the strenght to tell me what he clearly wished to tell me.... These images come to me in a waking state, just as a memory arouses "phantoms" while we sleep.
But what I see in the waking state are not phantoms, not hallucinations, as some people, who lack understanding, claim, and so give a meaningless word instead of a logical explanation....It gives me grat satisfaction and deep reassurance in many an hour that I can make a connection with spirits from beyond. But with very few exceptions, people do not understand, they declare to be nonsense.
Elisabeth told her daughter Marie-Valerie(and she wrote it in her diary) and to Marie Larisch(that also wrote it down) about the "apparitions" of Ludwig II. Once she said, she heard a noise like the gurgling of water while she lay in bed.

Gradually this soft trickle filled the whole room, and I experienced the entire plight of drowning. I wheezed and choked and struggled for air, then the horror disappeared, with my last strenght I sat up in bed and could breathe freely again. The moon had risen, and its glow turned the room bright as day.
Then I saw the door slowly opening, and Ludwig entered.
His clothing was soaked with water, which ran down and formed small puddles on the parquet floor.
His damp hair was sticking to his white face, but it was Ludwig, looking just as he did in life.

Then Elisabeth continued, a conversation with Ludwig's spirit. And  he spoke of a woman who was burning: "I know that it is a woman who loved me, and until her destiny is fulfilled, I shall never be free. But afterward you will meet us, and the three of us will be happy together in paradise."

Elisabeth told Marie Larisch:
"But while I spoke, the apparition vanished; once again I heard the dripping of unseen water and the gurgle of the lake against the shore. I was seized with horror, for I felt the nearness of the shades from that other world who were holding out their ghostly arms, seeking the comfort of the living."

The Habsburgs / Re: Empress Elisabeth's epistolary - poems/letters...
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:22:28 AM »
In Elisabeths diary ( not found to this day but quoted by Marie Larisch), Elisabeth explained her tendencies.

I do not belong to those whose spiritual senses are closed off.
And that is why I hear, or, rather,feel the thoughts and the will concerning me of my spirit,
That is why I see blonde Else of the Rhine and Bubi( her nephew Taxis, who died young), once I also saw Max(brother-in-law), but he did not have the strenght to tell me what he clearly wished to tell me.... These images come to me in a waking state, just as a memory arouses "phantoms" while we sleep.
But what I see in the waking state are not phantoms, not hallucinations, as some people, who lack understanding, claim, and so give a meaningless word instead of a logical explanation....It gives me grat satisfaction and deep reassurance in many an hour that I can make a connection with spirits from beyond. But with very few exceptions, people do not understand, they declare to be nonsense.
Elisabeth told her daughter Marie-Valerie(and she wrote it in her diary) and to Marie Larisch(that also wrote it down) about the "apparitions" of Ludwig II. Once she said, she heard a noise like the gurgling of water while she lay in bed.

Gradually this soft trickle filled the whole room, and I experienced the entire plight of drowning. I wheezed and choked and struggled for air, then the horror disappeared, with my last strenght I sat up in bed and could breathe freely again. The moon had risen, and its glow turned the room bright as day.
Then I saw the door slowly opening, and Ludwig entered.
His clothing was soaked with water, which ran down and formed small puddles on the parquet floor.
His damp hair was sticking to his white face, but it was Ludwig, looking just as he did in life.

Then Elisabeth continued, a conversation with Ludwig's spirit. And  he spoke of a woman who was burning: "I know that it is a woman who loved me, and until her destiny is fulfilled, I shall never be free. But afterward you will meet us, and the three of us will be happy together in paradise."

Elisabeth told Marie Larisch:
"But while I spoke, the apparition vanished; once again I heard the dripping of unseen water and the gurgle of the lake against the shore. I was seized with horror, for I felt the nearness of the shades from that other world who were holding out their ghostly arms, seeking the comfort of the living."
Written in the midsummer of the year 1890 Elisabeth wrote this (its also in her poetic diary):

Dear Future Soul!
To you I pass on these writings.
The Master(Heinrich Heine) dictated them to me, and he has determined their purpose, that is, 60 years from 1890, they are to be published to benefit political prisoners and their needy families.
For in 60 years no more than today will happiness and peace - I mean liberty - be established on our little star.
Prehaps another one? Today I am unable to tell you this, prehaps by the time you read these lines, Cordially, for I sense that you wish me well,

midsummer 1890.
In late 1890 Elisabeth wrote to Marie-Valerie.. it is about Katharina Schratt:

One must not look forward to anything not expect anything good.
Life has enough bitter pain. But Poka(its a hungarian word and a code name for Franz joseph) is happy tonight, I have invited his friend(K. Schratt) for 6:30 to Ida's to tell her a few travel memories. And today we went for a walk in Schönbrunn. It is so good finally to see a happy face in this dark, sad, and abandoned castle, and tonight Poka is truly merry as a lark.

I have this from the book the Reluctant Empress by Brigitte Hamann..
Most of the important letters were burned by Elisabeth even Rudolfs last letter ordered to be burned. Her agent in this was her closest confidante of many years, Ida Ferenczy. Only a few  Letters from the 1860 and all the letters from about 1891 remained of those Franz Joseph had written to her through the tens of years of separation.
In Marie-Valeries Diary are some letters that she had from her mother..
I have some other letters and poems of her..when i find them i will place them here again.

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