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Messages - Beautiful_Anastasia

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19]
Anastasia Nicholaievna / Re: Accurately Portraying Anastasia
« on: October 29, 2009, 12:22:35 PM »
Anastasia's nicknames
Anastasia had the most nicknames out of all of the Grand Duchesses, and, as far as I know, her entire family (NAOTMAA)! Here they are:
A (sometimes 'An', she signed this a lot when writing letters),
Shvybzik (Russian for imp),
Malenkaya (She hated this one, as it means 'little one'),
she also sometimes signed letters to her Papa as 'A.N.R.P.K.Z.S.G.'
She also earned the nickname Dumpling which she greatly hated, as she was called it because "Some people even have the nerve to call me dumpy!" (A quote by Anastasia)

Anastasia Nicholaievna / Re: Favorite Perfume?
« on: October 29, 2009, 12:10:39 PM »
OTMA all had perfumes by Coty, that were also used to scent their bath water:
Olga: Rose; the
Tatiana: Jasmine de Corse
Maria: Like Holly said, lots, but always back to Lilas
Anastasia: Violette

I don't know whether OMA's perfumes are still available, but Tatiana's still is, you can buy it from a website called: The Perfumed Court

Tatiana Nicholaievna / Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« on: October 29, 2009, 11:57:00 AM »
........The girls were also very fond of the people who took care of them, one of them being naturally their nurse Margaret Eagar. One day Tatiana was being made ready to go out and Miss Eagar went to get her coat. But when she returned, she saw the other nurse shaking the girl. „How dare you shake Tatiana?“ Eagar exclaimed. „You are paid to take care of her, not to correct her!“ The child turned her eyes to Eagar and asked, obviously surprised: "She is paid?“ „Yes,“ replied the governess. „She is paid and I, also, am paid.“

Hearing that, little Tatiana put her head on her nurses shoulder and wept bitterly. Miss Eagar was flummoxed. „You have seen me get my money every month,“ she tried to figure out what was actually wrong. But the Grand Duchess stated: "I always thought it was a gift to you!“ A long explanation followed, that it was necessary the governess was paid, as she had no money of her own and her way of earning money was to look after the children.

The next morning Miss Eagar awoke and Tatiana was standing by her bed. "May I get into your bed?“ the child pleaded. And as she cuddled down in the arms of the governess she exclaimed: "Anyway, you don't get paid for this.“

Awwwwww! I think this is really sweet! Does anyone know how old Tatiana was here?

Anastasia Nicholaievna / Re: Anastasia Anecdotes
« on: October 29, 2009, 06:11:30 AM »
Anastasia had to have medication for her weak back (something that she highly disliked) and was prescribed twice weekly massage, Anastasia often hid in cupboards or under the bed to put off the massage.
I know this, I must confess that I love ALL of OTMA and know a lot about as I have taken quite an interest in them!

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