The Russian Revolution / Re: Bigotry as cause of revolution
« on: September 24, 2018, 10:58:01 AM »
Interesting and thought-provoking post. In answer to your last question, I don't believe the violence of the Revolution can be attributed to any one cause. Anti-Semitism and pogroms against the Jews during the Romanovs' 300-year reign certainly couldn't have worked in their favor during the Revolution, and can't have but exacerbated the violence. But that was only part of it, and a small part at that. For reasons that are well-known, revolution in Russia was inevitable. But there was no peacefully "sitting down at the table" to achieve that. 1905 and resulting creation of the Duma proved that. But the regime was still so entrenched and enough Russians continued to support it and resist change that violence, unfortunately, was the only way.