The Final Chapter / Re: People Being 'Horrified' by OTMAA's Murders?
« on: April 08, 2018, 11:49:10 PM »
I have reproduced clippings from the New York Times from August, 1918 that devotes a large multi-page article w/family photographs to the death of the IF. I believe the front page headline read; “Apparent Death Of Tsar & His Family” or “Apparent Death of the Russian Imperial Family”, or something to that effect. I’ll have to dig it up for another look.
The generally tone of the article was one of restrained shock & outrage. Perhaps because the details were sketchy and because the Tsarist rule in Russia was viewed skeptically by many Americans (especially in New York).
The generally tone of the article was one of restrained shock & outrage. Perhaps because the details were sketchy and because the Tsarist rule in Russia was viewed skeptically by many Americans (especially in New York).