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Messages - Helen

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 52
In November 1898, an equestrian statue of Grand Duke  Ludwig IV was unveiled next to the Residential Palace in Darmstadt. Military historian Gebhard Zernin wrote a biographical sketch of Ludwig IV on the occasion of this unveiling. It was published as a Festschrift and focuses on his education and military career, portraying him as a soldier in heart and soul who participated bravely in two wars, but also as a humble, kind-hearted, and fair-minded man who cared for his people.

Zernin's old text was recently translated into English for the first time. The translation, supplemented with concise historical background information and an account of the ceremony of the unveiling of the statue, was published in March 2023:

Author, translator and annotator: Petra H. Kleinpenning
Title:                Ludwig IV, Grand Duke Ludwig IV of Hesse and by Rhine. Gebhard Zernin?s Festschrift to celebrate the unveiling of the equestrian statue in Darmstadt - 1898
Publisher:        Books on Demand (BoD); Norderstedt, Germany
Paperback:      15.5x22 cm, 105 pages, ISBN 978-3-7431-5372-1
E-book:            ISBN 978-3-7578-9651-5 (ePUB)

The Hohenzollern / Re: Film of Wilhelm II & Ella
« on: May 15, 2020, 11:10:58 AM »
In the "Host of White Duchesses" documentary on FrozenTears -

Part 1 - 23:30-23:50

Is that Wilhelm on Ella? At first I thought it was Alix but how he is doting on her makes me think it must be Ella. Grin

If anyone watches it who speaks Russian could you tell what it says right in that part please?

The narrator is simply reading the entries from Tsar Nicholas' diary and letters concerning Wilhelm's visit.

My command of the Russian language is not good enough to understand the text, so I hope the following makes sense.

To the footage at 23:00-23:25:
On 26 September, 1903 (O.S.), during his stay in Darmstadt, Tsar Nicholas wrote in his diary that “a very beautiful carousel took place in the manege” of the Hessian Dragoon Regiment of which he was the regimental proprietor.

To the footage at 23:30-23:45:
Nicholas visited his Dragoon Regiment again on October 14, 1903 (O.S.). Manfred Knodt’s biography of Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse includes a picture of a Reiterfest of the Tsar's Hessian Dragoons in their barracks area. The photo shows a setting very similar to the one seen in the footage at 23:30-23:50. According to its caption, Empress Alexandra , Princess Irene of Prussia and Princess Alice of Greece attended the event. Ella was not mentioned, as she and Sergei had already left Darmstadt. Kaiser Wilhelm wasn't present either. The gentleman ‘doting’ on Alexandra probably was not Kaiser Wilhelm but may have been the regimental commander, Lt. Col. Werner Freiherr von Waldenfels; neither the footage nor the picture is clear enough to establish the identity of the gentleman.

Alexandra Feodorovna / Re: "Partir c'est mourir un peu" Edmond Haraucourt
« on: September 09, 2018, 03:08:31 AM »
I may be mistaken, but the pictures in this YouTube clip all seem to show the great Belgian singer-songwriter Jacques Brel (1929–1978).
The music sounds too modern for Tosti's era. For the lyrics and Tosti's composition, see for example: , ,

Anyway, at one point Steinberg quotes Nicholas' following words:
"I never prepare what I'm going to say in audience, but praying to Lord God I then speak what comes into my mind."
He doesn't give the source of it, instead he just says that it's from an interview. Has anyone come across this statement by Nicholas? Do we know the source?
One source is "Tsar Nicholas II"  by Major-General A. Elchaninov, page 12,
published by Gilbert's Royal Books in 2005, originally published in 1913:
" 'I never prepare what I say. But I pray to God and then speak what comes into my  mind,' the Tsar has often said. "

According to the link to "Garden of the Heart" that you posted – with Look Inside! option – the book “contains extracts from writings that inspired her”. So I suspect that "Garden of the Heart" does not contain any original writings of Alexandra.

My translation of "Darite Lyubov" mentions several sources in the Introduction and on the back cover. Unfortunately, no references for individual thoughts, poems or extracts.

Her ordinary diary for 1918, instead of this 'spiritual' diary, was published in 1997:
"The Last Diary of Tsaritsa Alexandra", edited by  Vladimir Khrustalev and Vladimir Kozlov, with an Introduction by Robert K. Massie:

Her 1917 and 1918 diaries were also edited, annotated and published together by Stephen R. de Angelis:

I have a copy of a book in the Dutch language, the contents of which seem to be a translation of "Darite Lyubov" ( Its third chapter is entitled "Garden of the Heart" (Сад сердца). This chapter is basically a collection of thoughts, quotes, poems, short excerpts from temporary sources that the Empress copied into a notebook in 1917, whereas the other chapters on marriage and family life contain material from earlier years.  As the publisher wrote: "If it is to reveal to the reader the truth about her pure soul, it is sure to become not as much a historical discovery as a religious one."

Based on your posts on this forum, I think you may find "Garden of the Heart" an interesting and valuable book. However, I'd recommend "Darite Lyubov", including the other chapters.

Alexandra Feodorovna / Re: Alexandra's Religious Character
« on: July 30, 2017, 06:49:53 PM »
“So when I see a metropolitan coming in to see me, his silk robe rustling, I ask myself: what's the difference between him and elegant high-society ladies?”
I’m expressing this thought in the context of Orthodox spirituality, according to which criticizing the hierarchs of the Church is considered to be a very serious spiritual offence.
Was it criticism? I have always understood this line as evidence that she was aware that expensive elegant gowns and silk robes were just outward appearences; that one should not be overawed by such gowns or robes or other luxury goods; what matters is the thoughts, words, and acts of people, be they high-society ladies or metropolitans.

Alexandra Feodorovna / Re: Alexandra's Religious Character
« on: July 30, 2017, 05:50:35 PM »
This is one of my favorite stories about Empress Alexandra Feodorovna:


A True Fairy Godmother
N.V. Khvostova, Addis-Ababa 1958

Natalia Vladimirovna Khvostova was the wife of Ivan Sergeyevich Khvostov (1889-1955), an officer in the Semeonovsky Regiment. I. S. Khvostov is known in Ethiopia for having translated the Napoleonic Law Code into Ethiopian. He was also on the government commission to draw up the modern laws of the kingdom. In his free time, he wrote poetry.

I still have not been able to determine the name of N. V. Khvostova's sister-in-law, the lady-in-waiting.
According to, Ivan Sergeyevich Khvostov (1889-1955) was a son of Sergey Alekseevich Khvostov (1855-1906) and had a sister Ekaterina, who was a freylina and ‘chef’ of a hospital in the capital.

Alexandra Feodorovna / Re: Empress Alexandra Photos #5
« on: May 06, 2017, 09:32:31 AM »
In 1889, Otto von Köckritz was a Second Lieutenant in the 1st Grand-Ducal Hessian Infantry (Life Guards) Regiment No. 115.

Alexandra Feodorovna / Re: Young Alix - Before her Marriage
« on: January 27, 2017, 02:33:40 AM »
Here is  a timeline
1893 - Alix travels to Italy with Queen Victoria

"Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine in Italy - 1893"
Author: Petra H. Kleinpenning
ISBN number of print edition: 9789402157499 (60 pages)
ISBN number of e-book edition: 9789402159035 (EPUB format)
Publisher: Brave New Books

"In the spring of 1893, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and by Rhine and his younger sister Princess Alix, the future wife of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, went on a holiday to the Italian cities of Florence and Venice. They admired works of art in museums and churches, rode through the parks of Florence and the surrounding hills, and enjoyed gondola rides on the canals and in the lagoon of Venice. They also spent time with relatives, including Queen Victoria, Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg, and Count and Countess Gustav of Erbach-Schönberg. The many beautiful things they saw and the relaxed family gatherings they held made memories which they cherished for many years. This publication provides a simple day-to-day summary of their trip based on information from archival documents, contemporary newspapers, letters, memoirs and diaries."

E-book available at

Books about the Romanovs and Imperial Russia / Re: Upcoming Books 2017
« on: January 27, 2017, 02:27:28 AM »

"Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine in Italy - 1893"
Author: Petra H. Kleinpenning
ISBN number of print edition: 9789402157499 (60 pages)
ISBN number of e-book edition: 9789402159035 (EPUB format)
Publisher: Brave New Books

"In the spring of 1893, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and by Rhine and his younger sister Princess Alix, the future wife of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, went on a holiday to the Italian cities of Florence and Venice. They admired works of art in museums and churches, rode through the parks of Florence and the surrounding hills, and enjoyed gondola rides on the canals and in the lagoon of Venice. They also spent time with relatives, including Queen Victoria, Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg, and Count and Countess Gustav of Erbach-Schönberg. The many beautiful things they saw and the relaxed family gatherings they held made memories which they cherished for many years. This publication provides a simple day-to-day summary of their trip based on information from archival documents, contemporary newspapers, letters, memoirs and diaries."

E-book available at

The Hesse-Darmstadts (Hesse and by Rhine) / Re: Books on the Hesse Royals
« on: January 27, 2017, 02:26:24 AM »

"Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine in Italy - 1893"
Author: Petra H. Kleinpenning
ISBN number of print edition: 9789402157499 (60 pages, paperback)
ISBN number of e-book edition: 9789402159035 (EPUB format)
Publisher: Brave New Books

"In the spring of 1893, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and by Rhine and his younger sister Princess Alix, the future wife of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, went on a holiday to the Italian cities of Florence and Venice. They admired works of art in museums and churches, rode through the parks of Florence and the surrounding hills, and enjoyed gondola rides on the canals and in the lagoon of Venice. They also spent time with relatives, including Queen Victoria, Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg, and Count and Countess Gustav of Erbach-Schönberg. The many beautiful things they saw and the relaxed family gatherings they held made memories which they cherished for many years. This publication provides a simple day-to-day summary of their trip based on information from archival documents, contemporary newspapers, letters, memoirs and diaries."

Books about the Romanovs and Imperial Russia / Re: Upcoming Books 2017
« on: January 24, 2017, 05:01:03 PM »
To be published in January / February 2017:
"Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine in Italy - 1893" by Petra H. Kleinpenning.
Print edition: 60 pages, including illustrations.
E-book: EPUB format.

In the spring of 1893, Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine and her brother Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and went on a holiday to the Italian cities of Florence and Venice. This publication provides a simple day-to-day summary of their trip based on information from archival documents, contemporary newspapers, letters, memoirs and diaries.

The Hesse-Darmstadts (Hesse and by Rhine) / Re: Books on the Hesse Royals
« on: January 24, 2017, 04:58:44 PM »
To be published in January / February 2017:
"Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine in Italy - 1893" by Petra H. Kleinpenning.
Print edition: 60 pages, including illustrations.
E-book: EPUB format.

In the spring of 1893, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and Princess Alix of Hesse went on a holiday to the Italian cities of Florence and Venice. This publication provides a simple day-to-day summary of their trip based on information from archival documents, contemporary newspapers, letters, memoirs and diaries.

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