This is an incorrect statement please see my previously mentioned posts - as well as the scholarship of Fuhrmann, Figes and Crankshaw.
Rich C, you do not have to admit that Alix was anti semetic - she may have had other pleasant qualities ... please do espress them here!
Where is the evidence of her legislation for jewish right? A source please!
The facts remain the same
Well, a number of the snippets you posted on the other thread aren't even about Jews at all. They are about freemansons, not Jews.
As to the rest of the quotes you listed, these statements could just as easily have come out of the mouths of Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon or even Jesse Jackson. But none of these people are thought of as anti-semites.
You are applying a 21st century standard of political correctness to comments that were written 90 years ago. And there is nothing in any of Alexandra's surviving diaries (so far) that indicates she was an anti-semite. You also need to consider to whom she was writing and the context in which the lines were written.
One of the quotes you site is actually about Alexandra advocating with Nicholas about the plight of a Jew who fought in the war, was wounded, and wanted to be treated just like any other Russian (same rights to live wherever he wanted, etc.) That's hardly anti-semetic!
It is true that Nicholas read aloud "The Great in the Small" both in Tobolsk and Ekaterinburg but Alexandra doesn't appear to have been listening too intently as she refers to it in her diary as "The Small in the Great". Also, this book apparently is about the anti-Christ appearing on Earth and the coming apocalypse. The Jews, freemasons and socialists are all lumped together and blamed. It's hard to believe that even Nicholas would have taken this stuff seriously, but Russia was in the midst of being taken over by an avowedly atheistic government, everyone they knew was being either arrested or shot, their entire world was turned upside down... Given the situation, it's hardly surprising that Nicholas was taken in by this book which pandered to the typical anti-semetic outlook of most Russians.
But I just don't see it with Alexandra. The legislation is discussed by GD Alexander Mikhailovich in the letter to his brother, GD Nicholas Mikhailovich. See my post, above. It is also mentioned in Kerensky's memoirs, although I have not read his memoirs.
BTW, Nicholas Mikhailovich, the so-called "liberal historian" was in reality an
extremely virulent anti-semite, on par with Alexander III. He
hated Alexandra with a venom that makes Pobedenotsev's hatred of the Jews seem tame! To him, she was the "Hessian Hussy".