Just like any public figure today, its about marketing yourself correctly, in order to create the right public image. Judgement, listening to the right advisors and sensiblity. Doing damage control quickly, and at the right time, when things go wrong.
Alexandra's image was wrong, wrong, wrong.
She had 21 years, and all the advice anyone could have, to make something of herself. She had more than enough time.
She also had a very large family in Russia, her sister, and all the other Grand Ducal families. Why did they not carry out public duties in the same way as the British Royal family does today, and did in Queen Victoria's day ?
I know Grand Duchess Vladimir did, and so did Marie Feodorovna. But one does not know how much they did inside Russia, and how visible they made themselves to the cross section of Russian people.
Had they all participated as a Family unit in these Royal responsibilites, perhaps the peoples attitude would have been different. Nicholas should perhaps have listened to his uncles more, and had the ability either to apply their advice judiciously, or dispense with what he thought was self serving and wrong for Russia.. They must surely have been more knowledgible, and must have had SOMETHING positive to contibute to the family ?
Yet most of what they did was percieved in a negative light.
Perhaps if Alexandra had not been so arrogant and prejudiced towards most of the Russian Family, and also negatively influencing her husbands attitude towards them, a better image of the Russian Royal Family could have been created. Like you say CountessKate,the girls were certainly old enough, and capable, to go out and open the odd hospital, Im sure. Yet the mother virtually locked them up like nuns.
Yes Queen Victoria had a large family who in many cases shouldered her burden. Once again, so did Alexandra, but she was too arrogant, haughty and autocratic. Instead she went out of her way to alienate her Russian family.
Singularly, Marie Feodorovna was probably the most dutiful person in the family, I think. Even dancing at a ball and having a good time, and being seen by a thousand people in the Winter Palace, is better than lying on your sofa at home.
Alexandra was too frightened to move out of her comfort zone.Too frightened to do her duties. Using any excuse, illnesses, her perception of an "evil" St Petersburg Society, her badly behaving Russian Family, her sons illness, her nerves, the revolutionaries, anything not to have to perform as an Empress of Russia.
Queen Victoria did have a few problems with the British people from time to time, but seen as a whole, she remains the most popular and beloved monarch in the history of Britain. I think Elizabeth II, will be accorded the same status by history.