Author Topic: Re: Princess Diana - Part 2  (Read 192413 times)

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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #315 on: April 13, 2010, 02:31:20 AM »
So True, Margot. When alive, Diana did not  set much store for her jewelry, and  she had some  fabulous stuff. She wore it beautifully, but  she seemed  not to take it too seriusly, prefering simple pearls over the over-the-top  stuff the  Arabs gave her.
 Personally, I do not care  for Camilla, but    I do not think her wearing a  pice of jewekry does Diana  any dishonour.


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #316 on: April 13, 2010, 02:56:26 AM »
Who really cares for that matter? The point is, that the brooch appears to have been worn by both Diana and Camilla! If it is the same what? It appears to be family piece! If William and Harry weren't up in arms about it, than why should we minions be?

Does it really matter? For goodness sake it is only a piece of poxy jewelry after all! Surely we are all 'mature' and emotionally responsible enough to accept that if William and Harry have no issue than neither should nor really by right, do any of us for that matter! IMHo there are far more pressing things that all immediate members of the family including Diana, had she lived, would have worried about than who was wearing Queen Alexandra's brooch!!!!

I defy any Diana worshippers to turn round and post back a 'But the boys were probably forced by duty to accept the situation....' type 'nonsense' rubbish! We all know that such a situation is not the case!

See, this is why I like this forum. We can agree to disagree without the nonsense .
Margot, you have just put another outlook on that story, you may well be right. I didn't even consider that the boys MAY have given it to her BUT it wasn't PA brooch, it was Diana's. :)


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #317 on: April 13, 2010, 03:36:13 AM »
If we are talking about the same piece that Diana wore as a a pendant and which later on, Camilla appears to have worn as a brooch than it seems that originally this piece belonged to Queen Alexandra and passed via Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth to Diana.  We are talking about the circular diamond pendant with the emerald drop which Diana wore as part of a necklace aren't we? Or have we our wires crossed? 

 Please do not bring up the leek brooch, as I am not referring to that piece! (Just in case anyone wants to jump in and bring it up, nor the 'Wales feathers' for that matter!!!!) The piece in question very distinctive, and should any care to watch the youtube link provided above, will see that it is quite evidently one and the same or a copy of a particular piece with provenance as per photographic evidence! If, Lindelle you are referring to another piece, I would be fascinated to know to which piece you are referring?
« Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 03:53:47 AM by Margot »

Offline Grace

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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #318 on: April 13, 2010, 05:24:20 AM »
I think Lindelle was referring to the large sapphire brooch Diana was given (I think also with matching earrings) that she had made into a choker as she never wore brooches.  Perhaps we should wait until she clarifies this before we continue the argum, er, I mean discussion.


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #319 on: April 13, 2010, 08:13:36 AM »
Well any one of us could be right.
If I am wrong then please forgive me.
I'll check the site tomorrow, re-watch the programme.


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #320 on: April 13, 2010, 11:12:42 AM »
Well any one of us could be right.
If I am wrong then please forgive me.
I'll check the site tomorrow, re-watch the programme.
Camilla wears many similar necklaces to those once worn by Diana...indeed at least 2 chokers she wore long before Diana had such gems.


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #321 on: April 13, 2010, 11:15:21 AM »
So True, Margot. When alive, Diana did not  set much store for her jewelry, and  she had some  fabulous stuff. She wore it beautifully, but  she seemed  not to take it too seriusly, prefering simple pearls over the over-the-top  stuff the  Arabs gave her.
 Personally, I do not care  for Camilla, but    I do not think her wearing a  pice of jewekry does Diana  any dishonour.
I think you are slightly wrong there..Diana knew how to impress with gems when the occasion demanded.


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #322 on: April 13, 2010, 11:36:19 AM »
I understand what you say, Ashdean,  The point I was getting at is she used them as just that- props for her  looks  as you say, as the occaiasion called for. She did not deck herself for   everyday events or  a meal with friends. She was a very beautiful woman and did not need a lot of adornment. That is why simple pearls complementd her.


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #323 on: April 13, 2010, 11:48:49 AM »
Its  about  a  50 min documentary,  I ll get it uploaded to rapidshare or somewhere eventually
you ll be a ble  to watch it in much better quality than U tube.
the cambridge emeralds... which Diana often wore, were obtained  I think from Germany
by  Mary of  Tecks mother....   they were given   by Mary of  Tecks brother to his wife...
But  Mary of  Teck  eventually  recovered them
 Ive got caps of Mary of Tecks  mother....  which Ill post....(not very flattering pics !)
I suppose Charles got possession of  Diana's  fabulous jewellry...... thats why Camilla is seen wearing
  Diana's  choker  .....   !
 shes really rubbing it in is nt she  !

Offline Eddie_uk

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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #324 on: April 13, 2010, 11:51:36 AM »
Camilla doesn't seem the type to "rub it in" IMO.....
Grief is the price we pay for love.



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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #325 on: April 13, 2010, 12:54:11 PM »
Its  about  a  50 min documentary,  I ll get it uploaded to rapidshare or somewhere eventually
you ll be a ble  to watch it in much better quality than U tube.
the cambridge emeralds... which Diana often wore, were obtained  I think from Germany
by  Mary of  Tecks mother....   they were given   by Mary of  Tecks brother to his wife...
But  Mary of  Teck  eventually  recovered them
 Ive got caps of Mary of Tecks  mother....  which Ill post....(not very flattering pics !)
I suppose Charles got possession of  Diana's  fabulous jewellry...... thats why Camilla is seen wearing
  Diana's  choker  .....   !
 shes really rubbing it in is nt she  !
Sorry to contradict you on 2 points,
Prince Francis of Teck gave his mothers emeralds to his married mistress...he was never married.
Camilla has never worn any of Dianas jewels though she has many SIMILAR pieces and at least one identical one...The Queens personal order.


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #326 on: April 13, 2010, 01:16:28 PM »
And, Diana's jewels went to her sons, for the most part.  I think there were some small bequests to others as well.


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #327 on: April 13, 2010, 02:28:00 PM »
And, Diana's jewels went to her sons, for the most part.  I think there were some small bequests to others as well.
I was under the same impression..


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #328 on: April 13, 2010, 07:05:37 PM »
ive got about 1/3 of it uploaded to pando, Ill post a link when its done

meanwhile... I was wondering where Diana got her fabulous looks from,
her mother of course... but no doubt also from  her Grandmother.....Lady Fermoy

could this be  a  young  Lady Fermoy ?

 Here is Lady Fermoy... at the wedding I believe.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 07:07:11 PM by heavensent »


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Re: Princess Diana - Part 2
« Reply #329 on: April 13, 2010, 08:06:13 PM »
If we are talking about the same piece that Diana wore as a a pendant and which later on, Camilla appears to have worn as a brooch than it seems that originally this piece belonged to Queen Alexandra and passed via Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth to Diana.  We are talking about the circular diamond pendant with the emerald drop which Diana wore as part of a necklace aren't we? Or have we our wires crossed? 

 Please do not bring up the leek brooch, as I am not referring to that piece! (Just in case anyone wants to jump in and bring it up, nor the 'Wales feathers' for that matter!!!!) The piece in question very distinctive, and should any care to watch the youtube link provided above, will see that it is quite evidently one and the same or a copy of a particular piece with provenance as per photographic evidence! If, Lindelle you are referring to another piece, I would be fascinated to know to which piece you are referring?

Yes, you are correct Margot. PC gave a necklace to Diana which in turn Camilla had made into a brooch.

Still, I'd feel strange if my husband gave me something that he'd previously given to his first wife. Royalty or not.

I did apologise for if I was mistaken and that still stands.