Lets all please stop being personal and stay OT. Thanks.
To be honest, Bear you DO have an agenda and have said so since day one. Your family story is that someone survived, so clearly you DON'T believe that they all died. You question EVERYTHING that supports all the family being murdered at every turn. Heck, I remember somewhere on the other forum your saying something to the effect that "this old Bear would NEVER believe a word the Russians said" about the recent findings.
You always play slippery, fast and loose with any position, then cry foul when you don't like what people say. How about this Bear? For the RECORD state your position clearly and precisely here and now, of what you actually believe, think and have to say on the subject, then everyone will be on the same page.
1, Do you believe that anyone escaped alive in Ekaterinburg? yes or no. If yes, WHO.
1.5 If believe Anastasia survived, since you already admit she was NOT Anna Manahan, then who do you believe she was?
2. Do you believe that the remains discovered previously in Ekaterinburg were the Imperial Family.
3. Do you believe the recent discoveries are the missing children? If not, why not?
anyone else care to add questions for Bear to answer so we can all understand her position better?