Принц переквалифицировался в садовники. Временно.
А не в управдомы, как у классика. Велкобританские киношники заставили исхудавшего в африканских джунглях принца Гарри Уэльского сыграть эпизодическую роль садовника в короткометражном фильме на церемонии открытия Чемпионата мира по рэгби 2015.
Денег за актерское мастерство принцу не предложили. Во имя искусства, так сказать.
Prince turned into gardener. Temporarily.
But not into a janitor, like in the classic. (? ? ?) British filmmakers made Prince Harry of Wales, emaciated in the African jungles, play a cameo role as a gardener in a short film at the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup of 2015. The prince was not offered money for his acting. It was in the name of art, so to speak.
http://ru-royalty.livejournal.com/3371105.htmlVideo here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3Mbd9W9u50&feature=youtu.beA funny skit, but doesn't the Prince exhibit a too posh accent for an early 19th-century gardener? And was there really a black pupil (and black parents or members of staff) at Rugby in 1823? For example the first black school boy at Etonian didn't enroll untill 1964. Revisionist is what it is - the powers that be trying to paint a bleak past more colourful (pun intended) and inclusive than it was. Even though the idea seems to have been to include former rugby stars among the spectactors.