Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs

The Yusupov Palace on Liteyniy pr., St.Petersbourg

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The Palace on Liteyniy prospekt (Saint-Petersburg) of Princess Zenaida Ivanovna Yusupova (grandmother of Princess Zenaida Nikolayevna).

Bedroom of the Princess. It's almost a copy of her bedroom in the Moika palace :)

Gothic Dining room

Red Sitting room

Main Staircase

Malachite Sitting room

This was the Palace built by the Princess after her 1st husband's (Prince Yusupov) death.

Thanks Sveta,
The watercolours are really wonderful.
Where did you get them?



--- Quote from: GDNastya on July 01, 2007, 01:05:57 PM ---Thanks Sveta,
The watercolours are really wonderful.
Where did you get them?


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 :) One of the brochures in Russian on the Yusupovs.


--- Quote from: Svetabel on July 01, 2007, 06:49:32 AM ---The Palace on Liteyniy prospekt (Saint-Petersburg) of Princess Zenaida Ivanovna Yusupova (grandmother of Princess Zenaida Nikolayevna).

Red Sitting room

--- End quote ---
The picture over the mantlepeice looks very much like the portrait of Zenaida Ivanova  reproduced in Lost Splendour.


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