Author Topic: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II  (Read 40006 times)

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2007, 05:05:35 AM »
What an interesting and wittily told story, Tdora, thank you for posting.  The behaviour of 'Madge' (as I like to call her) on this particular occasion was not a rarity either so it seems...

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2007, 05:39:17 AM »
Crivvens, now that is depressing to hear. I'd always sort of hoped I just got her on a really bad day and that SUCH a display was down towards the farthest end of the MagsMadge public grumpometer displays. A friend of mine's ma says she encounter Princess Anne at some dining function in the early 80's and that Her NaffOrfness was terribly abrupt and condescending but that she still observed the proprieties of such an occasion. I mean, all one has to do is turn up, 15 mins reception, eat, drink, toast, murmers of appreciation and that's it - 2 hours tops and its offski and away in the Rolls to more exciting stuff. Duty could be much worse, like getting shot at for the sake of one's country or working one's self to a standstill for the direct benefit of its less-able citizens, for eg. When someone provides evidence that Mags produced a fraction even of the dedication and workrate of HM, or Kate Kent or Princess Anne herself, then I'll quit having a go at her. Til then.... But in some mitigation, then yes,  I do feel dreadfully sorry for her with those substance abuse problems (she must have been so unhappy, whatever the causation and I'd never wish the hell of addiction upon anyone, not ever) and she is still not even in the same league as the appalling Duke of Windsor.
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Offline Martyn

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2007, 07:44:55 AM »
That is a fascinating story, Tdora, and it does confirm some of the widely held notions about Margaret.  It is always interesting to hear the first-hand experiences of members who have met royalty; your tale shows Margaret at her worst.

Tsaria has recounted some other experiences of Margaret that show her in a different light.  If truth be told, I suspect that in later years she might have found life difficult.

Nonetheless, it does not excuse rudeness (or cruelty, in this instance) and I must confess that i have to side with you and Grace in not buyng in to the 'poor Margaret' line of thinking.  As Grace suggests, there are many, many in line more deserving of sympathy........
'For a galant spirit there can never be defeat'....Wallis Windsor

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2007, 10:04:27 PM »
Well...Margo always wanted to be natural and herself. That is why she was always called a rebel. I read that she was pretty charming as a young woman, but after years of abuse by the media, failed marriage and losing her looks can turn a saint into the devil (although saint she would never be). I just read Gore Vidal 's bio "Point to Point Nevigation" it painted Margo as a tell-it-like-it-is type of person who had great sympathy on her "Aunt Wallis", when she came for her husband's furneral. Nice book ! great tidbits on Princess Grece too... ;)


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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2008, 10:09:30 AM »
My top contenders are

1.  Princess Margaret - self-centred, self-serving, rude, arrogant
2.  Princess Anne - self-centred, self-serving, rude, arrogant
3.  Prince Andrew, Duke of York - self-centered, self-serving, rude, arrogant
(Anyone else see a pattern forming here??)
4.  Edward VIII - mean, vicious, and nasty.  Glad he abdicated.
5.  Princess Michael of Kent - (see 1, 2 and 3)
6.  Charles, Prince of Wales.  An unfaithful, aged self-absorbed, whiny brat who needs his ears boxed regularly. 
7.  Prince Harry of Wales - a lager lout with more money than sense.
8.  Kaiser Bill - for all that's been said before and for bailing out of Germany and living in the Netherlands (a rat deserting the sinking ship)
9.  Dona the Dumb - wife of Kaiser Bill.  Again, for all that's been said before.
10. Princess Charlotte - for being so awful to her mother Victoria.

I actually have a list that goes on - but it's really long and I've just cut and pasted a few from it.  And, I haven't even started on the "foreign" Royals yet!!

Offline Tdora1

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2008, 11:05:33 AM »
KateiAnn, that's a descisive list alright and good for you for especially letting those entitlement-prone Windsors have it. I'd mitigate the Princess Royal though, if only on behalf of all those forgotten and distant children whose lives she has fought relentlessly to save. I saw her face when a BBC crew first trailed her around an African refugee camp back in the ealry 80's when she became the President of STC. If you can find any Andrew golf /Gulf sinecures, that'd be cool - he gets on my nerves no end and ought to be spending a bit more useful time with his girls methinks. For Charlotte - have you read "Purple Secret"? Anyway, for your extended research pleasures, I'd love to know what you make of Marie of Roumania and especially her dimwit Nazi-prone sister Sandra of Hohenlohe-Langeburg, Tsarina Alexandra (compare to Dona for their tendency to their private religious and moral pronouncements affecting antional policy), George and Marina of Kent and Charles Edward, the last Duke of Albany/Saxe-Coburg. Personalities in al ltheir glorious (and not-unfamiliar) fail await. Opinionations are the blood of AP. Go for it : )
Acts of injustice done
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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2008, 05:00:28 AM »
Hi Tdora1!  Nice to hear from you!

The list you give is an extensive one and I can honestly say I don't think much of any of the Royals you mention - personally, I can't stand the lot of them.  Alexandra, although undeniably a loving wife and a good mother (well, for that social class and era anyway) always seemed to me to be bordering on hysteria (either imagined, feigned or genuine).  I like Nicholas but have come to the conclusion that he was weak and essentially ineffectual and Alix was plainly not aware of her own limitations and should have stayed in charge of her hospitals and charities.  Much has been made of Alix's shyness as a young bride but by the start of WWI she was no longer in the first blush of marriage and she still appeared and acted cold and haughty.  No wonder people gravitated towards her mother-in-law; Marie seemed more fun-loving, genuine and interested in her duties than Alix.  Sorry, I hope this doesn't offend but Alix comes across as a mega-wealthy, well-dressed Hausfrau.  Someone more of Marie's ilk would have made a better Tsarina - but probably NOT a better wife for Nicholas.  I guess we want our Princesses strictly in the fairytale mode and our Princes straight out of a Disney cartoon.  Too bad they're just like us - flawed, arrogant, greedy, loving, passionate, depressed, fun, irritating, loyal, annoying and human ...


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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2008, 08:35:07 AM »
I can't think of ten of the top of me head.

I really don't like Queen Mary. I think she was generally a haughty and arrogant woman, and I just find her very unappealing.
Empress Sisi- Beautiful but again, arrogant and selfish.

Henry 8th- Total bastard

Maria Pavlovna the elder- Manipulative and power hungry.

That's all I can think of right now. I would put Kaiser Willaim up there for being rude, power hungry, arrogant and over the top but I find him hugley entertaining, so I can't.  :D

Offline Martyn

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2008, 04:21:20 AM »
My top contenders are

1.  Princess Margaret - self-centred, self-serving, rude, arrogant
2.  Princess Anne - self-centred, self-serving, rude, arrogant
3.  Prince Andrew, Duke of York - self-centered, self-serving, rude, arrogant
(Anyone else see a pattern forming here??)
4.  Edward VIII - mean, vicious, and nasty.  Glad he abdicated.
5.  Princess Michael of Kent - (see 1, 2 and 3)
6.  Charles, Prince of Wales.  An unfaithful, aged self-absorbed, whiny brat who needs his ears boxed regularly. 
7.  Prince Harry of Wales - a lager lout with more money than sense.
8.  Kaiser Bill - for all that's been said before and for bailing out of Germany and living in the Netherlands (a rat deserting the sinking ship)
9.  Dona the Dumb - wife of Kaiser Bill.  Again, for all that's been said before.
10. Princess Charlotte - for being so awful to her mother Victoria.

I actually have a list that goes on - but it's really long and I've just cut and pasted a few from it.  And, I haven't even started on the "foreign" Royals yet!!

What a great list........can't really fall out with any of that KatieAnn.......
'For a galant spirit there can never be defeat'....Wallis Windsor

'The important things is not what they think of me, but what I think of them.'......QV

Offline Eddie_uk

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2008, 05:15:43 AM »

2.  Princess Anne - self-centred, self-serving, rude, arrogant

Dear KatieAnn, please would you explain why you feel Princess Anne is self-centred and self-serving? I'm sure everyone is to a degree but I wouldn't say she exactly strikes me so.
Thanks in advance!
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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2008, 09:42:05 AM »
I've had personal experience of Anne the Arrogant (one of my more polite names for her).  She was downright rude, clearly thought the people gathered to meet her were way below her, and didn't bother to conceal her irritation when someone inadvertantly brought her a drink with/without ice when she had requested the opposite.  I mean, honestly, imagine snapping someone's head off because of that!!  She makes me shudder - when I see how the foreign Princesses behave and look I truly despair.  Ok, so she undertakes 000s of engagements a year - but, believe me, quantity is no substitute for quality.  I could go on endlessly about Anne but I won't - I've written at length in other sections on her behaviour, manners (or lack of them), style (or absence of) and indifference so I won't repeat it.

So, self-centred and self-serving.  I believe so. 
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 09:47:30 AM by KatieAnn »

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2008, 10:52:08 AM »
Ok, just wondered. Sorry I asked.
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Offline Martyn

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2008, 07:38:15 AM »
I think that's a pretty concise reply, KatieAnn.

Anne is a strong character and therefore invites strong opinions from others about her.  Without doubt she is a hard-working royal (relatively speaking) but this isn't the place to discuss her merits or lack of, depending on how one views her.  KatieAnn's perception of her is not that uncommon however.......
'For a galant spirit there can never be defeat'....Wallis Windsor

'The important things is not what they think of me, but what I think of them.'......QV

Offline Greenowl

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2008, 06:05:50 PM »
With regard to Princess Anne, my aunt met her many years ago and found her charming (I jest not). My aunt's main interest in life was gardening and she was a member of some horticultural society (or rose grower's association...I really cannot remember which) in Nottingham. They held a flower show every year and Princess Anne always attended. One year my aunt was president of the association and had the honour of escorting the Princess around the various exhibits. She was very impressed with Princess Anne and described her in glowing terms and was surprised to find her "such a down to earth, practical sort of person" (my aunt's own words). She could not understand why the princess had such a negative image in the media.

I am unfortunately very vague about the details, as my aunt passed away 20 years ago this year (in Nov. 1988). Perhaps Princess Anne was having "a good day" on her visits to Nottingham, but she did make my aunt very happy and I feel that my aunt would have wanted me to relate her experience to show that even Princess Anne has a "good side" or good days.

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Re: Your Ten Most Disliked Royals and why Pt II
« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2008, 03:59:53 AM »
1. King Leopold II of Belgium: because he had a lot of relationships with several women and was a sex maniac.
2. Paul I of Russia: he was mad
3. Catherine the Great: she had an immense art collection, but she was a brute of a woman.
4. Alicky of Russia: she was a beautiful woman and a devoted mother, but not made to rule
5. Grand duchess Vladimir: in my opinion she was very haughty >:(
6. Grand duchess Anastasia of Mecklenburg: she was such an eccentric
7. Kaiserin Sisi: a beauty of a woman, but so selfish
8. Prince Eddy of Great Britain: he was a slow and imbecile man
9. King Carol II of Roumania: although he was Missy's man, he married in secret
10. Duchess Marie of Edinburgh: she always thought of herself she was the no.1 Grand duchess